Part 13. Reporting
Part 13. Reporting
The operator shall make the following reports and use SI units when entering numerical information. The most recent version of the Ministry Forms shall be used when making reports. Note: Forms may be amended from time to time. Please contact the Petroleum Operations Section or visit the Ontario Oil, Gas & Salt Resources Library website for the latest version.
13.1 Forms
Form 1: Application for a Well Licence
Form 2: Well Licence
Form 3: Annual Well Status Report
Form 4: Annual Report of Geophysical/Geochemical Surveys
Form 5: Annual Report of Solution Mined Salt Production
Form 6: Annual Report of Monthly Injection
Form 7: Drilling and Completion Report
Form 8: Annual Report of Monthly Oil and Gas Production
Form 9: Annual Report of Subsurface Oil Field Fluid Disposal
Form 10: Plugging of a Well Report
Form 11: Application for Minister’s Consent to Well Security Adjustments
13.2 Drilling activity notices
The operator shall notify the Ministry by email at, or by fax at
- the commencement of well drilling, including deepening, 48 hours prior to the start of drilling operations;
- where the drilling program for a well was not completed and is not expected to resume for a period greater than 7 days, the:
- date drilling was suspended,
- well’s depth, and
- the condition of the well as left-in, including casing and cement and wellhead equipment, within 48 hours after the date drilling was suspended;
- TD date, total depth of the well and the well’s status within 48 hours after the TD date;
- the completion date and the well’s status, within 48 hours after the completion date; and
- the plugging of a well, within 48 hours prior to commencing plugging operations.
Notes: Section 13.2 (b) does not apply to routine rig changes included in the drilling program that result in suspension of the drilling program for periods less than 7 days.
Changes to the well application form, drilling program and well location plan must be reported to and approved by the Ministry in accordance with Ontario Regulation 245/97.
13.3 Emergency notification
The operator of a work shall report to the Ministry immediately and shall report further in writing any:
- well flowing uncontrolled;
- spill from a work;
- well blowout; and
- fire or explosion involving works.
13.4 Drilling and completion report
Where a well is drilled or deepened the operator shall make a report to the Ministry within sixty days after the end of drilling (TD Date), working-over, re-entry operations in Form 7 (Drilling and Completion Report).
Note: Form 7 must be accompanied by payment for all applicable sample-processing fees, see Part 12.
13.5 Drill samples
Every operator shall, within thirty days after the end of well drilling or deepening operations (TD date), deliver to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Library at the operator’s expense samples of drill cuttings or fluid samples collected in accordance with section 3.18.
13.5.1 Drill Sample Bags and Vials
Operators shall only use drill sample bags or vials provided by the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Library.
13.6 Drill core
Where drill cores are taken, the operator shall:
- pack them in accurately labeled, numbered boxes showing the name of the well and licence number and the corresponding depth interval;
- protect the boxes from damage; and
- report the depth intervals of the core on Form 7 to the Ministry.
13.6.1 Core analysis
Where a core analysis or any other analysis has been conducted by or for an operator, the operator shall submit two copies of the analysis to the Ministry within thirty days of completion of the analysis.
13.7 Core maintenance
The operator shall ensure that:
- no core is destroyed, except for the purposes of analysis; and
- cores are delivered to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Library at the operator’s expense within one year after the TD date of the well.
13.8 Well logs and surveys
Where any log or survey is taken in a well, two final copies of the log or survey shall be supplied to the Ministry by the operator within thirty days after the log or survey has been made.
13.9 Well activities
Where a well is worked over, stimulated, tested, re-entered, plugged-back or re-cased, the operator shall make a report to the Ministry within thirty days of completion of the work in Form 7.
13.10 Tests and measurements
An operator shall, within thirty days of conducting a test or measurement, submit to the Ministry the observed data of all tests and measurements made, including but not limited to the following:
- connate water or other liquid saturation determinations;
- two copies of each drill stem and production test including the chronological sequence and depth interval of each test; and
- static top hole or bottom hole pressure measurements;
- flowing or other special bottom hole pressure measurements and back pressure tests; and
- oil, gas, water and pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) determinations, including:
- solution and evolved gas ratios,
- liquid phase volumes,
- formation volume factors,
- tank oil gravities,
- separator and stock tank gas-oil ratios,
- bubble point pressure of reservoir fluid,
- compressibility of saturated reservoir oil,
- viscosity of reservoir oil, and
- fractional analysis of casing head gas and saturated reservoir fluid.
13.11 Annual production report
An operator shall, on or before the 15th day of February in each year, make a complete and accurate report to the Ministry in Form 8 (Annual Report of Monthly Well or Field/Pool Production) in respect of production occurring in the preceding calendar year.
13.12 Injection report
The operator holding a Permit to Inject issued under section 11 of the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act shall, on or before the 15th day of February in each year, make a report for all injection wells to the Ministry in Form 6 (Annual Report of Monthly Injection) in respect of the preceding calendar year.
Note: Annual shut-in pressure measurements that are required by section 6.12 are required to be reported on Form 8.
13.13 Disposal well reports
The operator of a well for the disposal of oil field fluid shall:
- submit a report on the following within 30 days of completion of such work;
- records of subsurface pressure measurements, pressure fall-off tests and other reservoir performance tests,
- copies of chemical analyses from fresh water wells located adjacent to the disposal well, and
- mechanical integrity tests of the well; and
- on or before the 15th day of February in each year, make a report to the Ministry in Form 9 (Annual Subsurface Fluid Disposal Report) in respect of the preceding calendar year.
13.14 Well plugging report
Where a well is plugged, the operator who plugs the well shall make a report to the Ministry within 30 days in Form 10 (Plugging of a Well Report).
13.15 Exploration report
A person conducting geophysical or geochemical exploration for oil or gas shall, on or before the 15th day of February in each year, make a report to the Ministry in Form 4 (Annual Report of Geophysical/Geochemical Activity) in respect of the preceding calendar year.
13.16 Annual well status report
The operator of a well shall, on or before the 15th day of February in each year, for the previous calendar year, submit Form 3 showing:
- all the operator’s wells;
- the status of each well; and
- the calculation of its licence fees; and
- be accompanied by its licence fees payable to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Trust.
13.17 Third party gas reports
Any natural gas Local Distribution Company (LDC) which measures, purchases or transports natural gas from a well shall on or before the 15th day of February in each year, make a report to the Ministry in respect of the preceding calendar year and the report shall include:
- operator name;
- well location or meter point;
- well name;
- pool name; and
- the cumulative year to date volume and value of natural gas measured, purchased or transported for each well location or meter point.
13.18 Third party oil reports
Any person that purchases crude oil from a well shall on or before the 15th day of February in each year, make a report to the Ministry in respect of the preceding calendar year and the report shall include:
- operator name;
- well location or meter point;
- well name;
- pool name; and
- the cumulative year to date volume and value of oil purchased for each well location or meter point.
13.19 Initial Production Test Period (IPTP) report
The operator of a well completed for oil or gas production shall submit the IPTP report required by section 6.10 to the Ministry within 10 days after the end of the IPTP period.
13.20 Reporting voluntary units
The operator of a unit area which has been voluntarily unitized, shall report the unit area and the following information to the Petroleum Operations Section:
- the effective date of the unit agreement;
- the name of the unit operator;
- a geographical and geological description of the unit area;
- a plat showing the:
- boundaries of the unit area,
- individual tracts,
- participating area,
- location of wells, including the legal name and licence number of each well, and
- a copy of the unitization agreement between the royalty interest owners and the working interest owners.
13.21 Amendments to units
The operator of a unit area, whether established voluntarily or by an Order of the Commissioner, which has been voluntarily amended, shall report the following information to the Petroleum Operations Section:
- the reason for such amendment;
- the effective date of the amendment;
- a list of the names of the royalty interest owners and working interest owners who agreed to such amendment;
- the name of the unit operator;
- a geographical and geological description of the unit area, if amended;
- a plat showing the amendments to the:
- boundaries of the unit area,
- individual tracts,
- participating area, and
- location of all wells, including the legal name and licence number of each well;
- a copy of the document or agreement establishing the amendment between the royalty interest owners and/or the working interest owners; and
- a revised list of all oil and gas interest owners and their respective interests in the unit area.
13.22 Solution mining report
The operator of a solution mining well shall, on or before the 15th day of February in each year, make a report to the Ministry in Form 5 (Annual Report of Solution-Mined Salt Production) in respect of the preceding calendar year.
13.23 Tests, logs, surveys
A salt solution mining operator shall submit the results of all tests, logs and subsidence surveys within 30 days of their completion.
13.24 Spill or subsidence occurrence
A salt solution mining operator shall contact the Ministry immediately in case of a:
- subsidence event;
- change in the rate of subsidence; and
- brine spill.