Oil, Gas and Salt Resources of Ontario, Provincial Operating Standards
Version 3.0
Effective July 1, 2023
Changes to these provincial standards came into effect on July 1, 2023
This page is updated with the latest standards. You can also download a PDF copy of the standards:
The technical standards presented in the following cover wells and works regulated under the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.12 as amended and regulations thereunder. These standards are the minimum requirements for the design, installation, operation, abandonment and safety of wells and works. These standards are not intended for use as a design handbook. The exercise of competent engineering judgement and application of practical experience are necessary requirements for use concurrently with these standards.
The requirements of these standards are adequate under conditions normally encountered in oil, gas and salt resource industry activities involving wells and works. Requirements for abnormal or unusual conditions are not specifically provided for, nor are details of engineering or construction prescribed. It is intended that all work performed within the scope of these standards shall meet or exceed the safety standards expressed or implied herein. As with all new standards, it is expected that changes may have to be made from time to time based on new experience or technology, or both.
The following publications are referenced within this standard. Where such a reference is made, it shall be read as a reference to the most current edition of the publication in effect, including all published amendments.
API Recommended Practice 651, Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks (API RP 651)
API Specification 6A, Specification for Wellhead and Tree Equipment (API Spec 6A)
ASME B31.1, Power Piping (ASME B31.1)
API Bulletin 5C4, Bulletin on Round Thread Casing Joint Strength with Combined Internal Pressure and Bending (API 5C4)
API Recommended Practice 500, Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Division 1 and Division 2 (API RP 500)
API Recommended Practice 5A5, Field Inspection of New Casing, Tubing, and Plain-end Drill Pipe (API RP 5A5)
API Recommended Practice 5C1, Recommended Practice for Care and Use of Casing and Tubing (API RP 5C1)
API Specification 10A, Specification for Cements and Materials for Well Cementing (API Spec 10A)
API Specification 12B, Specification for Bolted Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids (API Spec 12B)
API Specification 12D, Specification for Field Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids (API Spec 12D)
API Specification 12F, Specification for Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids (API Spec 12F)
API Specification 12P, Specification for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks (API Spec 12P)
API Specification 5CT, Specification for Casing and Tubing (API Spec 5CT)
API Standard 12R1 Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair of Tanks in Production Service (API Std 12R1)
API Standard 521, Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems (API Std 521)
API Standard 650, Welded Tanks for Oil Storage (API Std 650)
API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction (API Std 653)
API Technical Report 5C3, Calculating Performance Properties of Pipe Used as Casing or Tubing (API TR 5C3)
CSA B51, Boiler, Pressure Vessel, and Pressure Piping Code (CSA B51)
CSA Z341 SERIES, Storage of Hydrocarbons in Underground Formations (CSA Z341)
CSA Z662, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems (CSA Z662)
Transport Canada TP 127 E, Ships Electrical Standards (TP 127 E)
Ontario Electrical Safety Code, as adopted by Ontario Regulation 164/99 under the Electricity Act, 1998 (Ontario Electrical Code)
Building Code, under Ontario Regulation 332/12 under the Building Code Act, 1992 (Building Code)