Participate in forest management in Ontario
Learn about the forest management planning process for Crown lands in Ontario and how to get involved.
To have healthy forests tomorrow, we need to look after them today. The forest management planning process provides people of Ontario the opportunity to give meaningful input to the management of Ontario’s Crown forests.
The province of Ontario is a world leader in sustainable forest management. Ontario’s Crown forests are managed for many uses and to meet the social, economic and environmental needs of present and future generations. To achieve sustainability, forests must be maintained in a healthy state, and the value of the forest to all users must be considered in determining management actions.
Ontario’s Crown forests are the principle source of renewable wood fibre for Ontario’s forest industry. Crown forests are managed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF). This responsibility is also shared with the forest industry, Indigenous peoples, and other people in Ontario.
Get involved in Ontario’s forest management planning process and have a say in the future of Ontario’s Crown forests. With your involvement, a balance of the social, economic and environmental objectives for the management of Crown forests can be achieved.
Help shape the future of our forests: an introduction to the forest management planning process
The content of this handbook is intended to assist the public, forest workers, Indigenous peoples and others to gain a clear understanding of how you can help manage forests on Crown lands in Ontario and how you can get information to support your involvement. It includes information on forest management planning and operations, policy and administration. It also contains information specifically related to opportunities for First Nation and Métis community involvement in forest management.
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. It should be noted that this document is not intended to interpret rules relating to forest management planning and operations, nor does it create any new or additional policy or administrative requirements.
Handbook for getting involved in forest management on Crown lands in Ontario
Related links
Forest management policies
Forest management planning
Forest management guides
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