Ontario’s Crown forests cover almost two-thirds of the province. The ministry manages the health of these forests so they can continue to provide ecological, economic and social benefits.
Forest sector strategy
We’ve developed a forest sector strategy to reduce barriers, create jobs and promote economic growth in the industry, while ensuring that Ontario’s forests are managed sustainably now and for future generations.
Sustainable forest management
How Ontario manages its forests to ensure they are healthy, now and in the future.
How forests are renewed, tended and protected after they are harvested.
Industry development
How Ontario keeps the forest industry competitive.
Wood exports
How Ontario promotes forest industry exports.
Use trees from Crown forests
What you need to know to use trees from Crown forests for commercial purposes.
Crown timber charges and stumpage fees
The charges paid when timber is harvested from Crown land.
Reports on forest health conditions, forest management activity and forest resources.
Guides for Crown forest managers
Information for Crown forest managers developing plans for sustainable forests — includes silvicultural practices and methods on conserving biodiversity and protecting wildlife habitat, watersheds, cultural heritage and recreation.
Ontario wood
Become an Ontario Wood partner
How producers, distributors and supporters of Ontario wood products can become a partner and use the official leaf logo.
Find available wood
How to find and get available wood in Ontario.
Apply for a mill licence
How get a licence if you plan to construct and/or operate a mill that uses forest resources from Ontario.
Jobs and careers in forestry
Licenced scaler
Learn how to measure wood products to determine volumes and grades of wood.
Tree marker
Ensure the sustainability of Ontario’s forests by making 'cut and leave' decisions for individual trees.
Compliance inspector
Ensure forest operations follow government standards and respond to negative impacts to Ontario’s forests.
Forestry careers
Learn about emerging careers in the forestry industry.