Forestry reports
Read forestry reports related to forest health, management, resources, wood supply and other topics.
State of Ontario’s Natural Resources—Forests
A summary of the state of Ontario’s forests and forest indicators. Produced every 5 years as required by Ontario’s Crown Forest Sustainability Act.
Forest Resources of Ontario
A collection of charts and maps summarizing Ontario’s forests, land, water and tree species. This report is produced every 5 years.
- Forest Resources of Ontario 2021 report
- Forest Resources of Ontario 2021 interactive charts and tables
Report on forest management
Annual statistics on forest management for the province including:
- a summary of forest management facts and figures
- Ontario’s Forest Facts—detailed data in interactive charts and tables
- open datasets on the Ontario Data Catalogue
Management unit annual reports
Find the forestry activity conducted on each management unit on the Natural Resources Information Portal.
Independent forest audit reports
Auditors assess forest management on each management unit and document their findings in audit reports.
Forest health conditions
Learn how forest pests, diseases and weather events affect Ontario's forests each year.
Updated: May 14, 2024
Published: February 10, 2016