The location, boundary of and details regarding the permitted uses in the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area

The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006, (“Growth Plan”) was prepared and approved under the Places to Grow Act, 2005 which took effect on June 16, 2006. Amendment 1 (2012) to the Growth Plan for the Simcoe Sub-area was prepared and approved under the Places to Grow Act, 2005 and came into effect on January 19, 2012.

This report contains the location, boundary of, permitted uses and details regarding employment-supportive uses, and lot sizes in the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area, issued by the Minister of Infrastructure on February 4, 2013 pursuant to policy 6.4.2 of the Growth Plan. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing revised the boundary on April 30, 2020, pursuant to policy 6.4.2 of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2019.

The Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area is identified and defined in the Growth Plan.

Map Delineating the Location, Boundary of and Specific Areas within the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area:

Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area

Image description: Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area

Further to Schedule 8 of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2019, which sets out the general location of the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area, this map sets out the specific location and boundary as determined by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Existing major highways, local roads, and the Teranet ownership parcels shown are conceptual and are for reference purposes only. The Province of Ontario assumes no responsibility or liability for any consequences of any use of this map.

Permitted uses, details regarding employment-supportive uses and lot sizes within the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area:

  1. Permitted uses in the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area will be limited to manufacturing, warehousing, assembly, processing, research facilities and outdoor storage uses that depend on access to, and the efficient movement of goods on, Highway 400; and employment-supportive uses. Major retail and residential uses are not permitted in the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area as set out in the definition of Strategic Settlement Employment Area in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006.
  2. Employment-supportive uses in the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area will be limited to commercial and highway commercial uses, office, tourist and recreational uses that are accessory to a permitted use, which are compatible with permitted uses, or serve the permitted uses.
  3. The Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area will be planned to ensure the availability of large lots that support the permitted uses that depend upon the efficient movement of goods and access to Highway 400.
  4. Employment-supportive uses will occupy no more than 25 per cent of the total area of the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area.
  5. Where employment-supportive uses are permitted in the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area, they will be planned to be compact in design and limited in scale to maintain the primary function and character of the Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area, and will be developed concurrently with the development of the permitted uses they support.
  6. The following are select definitions from the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006:

Strategic Settlement Employment Areas: to be planned and protected for employment uses that require large lots of land and depend upon efficient movement of goods and access to Highway 400. These are not settlement areas*. Major retail and residential uses are not permitted. 

* Settlement Areas are defined in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006.

Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area: location set out in Schedule 8. The Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area boundary is determined by the Minister of Infrastructure and planned for in accordance with policy 6.4.