Section 10: sources
- Health Canada. 2020. Canada`s food guide.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1996. Guidelines for School Health Programs to Promote Lifelong Healthy Eating, MMWR;45 (No. RR-9).
- Reville, P. 2018. Healthy children, better learning.
- Ellyn Satter Institute. n.d. Raise a child who is a joy to feed.
- Health Canada. 2019. Percent daily value.
- Ontario Dental Association. 2016. Nutrition and Children.
- Health Canada. 2008. Consumption advice: making informed decisions about fish.
- Health Canada. 2019. Make healthy meals with the Eat Well Plate.
- Heart and Stroke Foundation. 2014. Sugar, heart disease and stroke; position statement.
- Health Canada. 2017. Sodium in Canada.
- Health Canada. 2019. Whole grains – get the facts.
- 2018. Choosing whole grains FAQs.
- Canadian Cancer Society. 2018. Eating Well When you Have Cancer.
- Eat Right. 2019. Sustainable eating.
- Ontario regulation 493/17: Food premises. 2020.
- Ministry of Health and Long-term Care. 2018. Food safety: a guide for Ontario’s food handlers.
- 2015. Food safety- canned foods.
- Child Nutrition Council of Manitoba. 2015. Building programs that deliver on vegetables and fruits.
Updated: February 02, 2024
Published: July 15, 2021