Contact us On this page Skip this page navigation Contact us: Prejudgment and postjudgment interest rates There are many ways to contact us. WarningIt could be a scam if you receive a phone call or text message from a courthouse or the Ministry of the Attorney General, if they ask for:moneya social insurance numberbanking detailspersonal informationGet more information on reporting a scam or fraud.Submit feedback about accessibilityUse this form to submit feedback about the accessibility of ministry services and facilities. Provide specific details of your experience, including the location and type of service received.You can also submit feedback in person, by phone, email or mail at the location you received services. Include “accessibility feedback” in the subject line of your message.We will acknowledge or answer all written feedback and complaints within 15 business days, including an outline of what we plan to do.Phone numbersTel: 416-326-2220 (Toronto)Toll-free: 1-800-518-7901For questions about a court matter, contact the courthouse.If you have trouble communicating with the courthouse, contact us. Include the following information:court location (city or region)court file or police occurrence numbertype of matter (for example, family, criminal, civil law)full names of those involvedFor people with hearing disabilities:TTY: 416-326-4012 (Toronto)Toll-free TTY: 1-877-425-0575Emailattorneygeneral@ontario.caFaxFax: 416-326-4007 (General Inquiries)Fax: 416-326-4015 (Notice of Constitutional Question only) AddressMinistry of the Attorney GeneralMcMurtry-Scott Building720 Bay Street, 11th floorToronto, OntarioM7A 2S9 Accessibility If you need information or communication supports in a different format, please let us know by using the phone numbers or contact form on this page. Learn more about our policy on providing accessible customer service to persons with disabilities. Send us an email Message Please do not include any personal or financial information. Would you like a reply? Read the service standards for how long it will take to get a reply. Would you like a reply? Yes No Email You will receive a confirmation email. Optional information Name Phone number Address We will contact you by letter if we need personal or financial information. Your privacy mattersYour personal information is being collected in order to respond to your inquiry. Your inquiry/personal information will be forwarded to the appropriate ministry(s) for response and will be used to respond to your inquiry. Some of the non-identifying information shared will be used by Cabinet Office and/or ServiceOntario to measure performance and improve our services. Your information will not be placed on mailing lists or released to any third party, except as may be authorized by law.For questions on how personal information collected on this page will be used, please read our privacy statement. Leave this field blank Updated: November 20, 2024 Published: November 25, 2021