Consolidated statutes change notices
Notices given by the Chief Legislative Counsel about the exercise of change powers under section 42 of the Legislation Act, 2006 respecting consolidated statutes.
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Under subsection 42 (2) of the Legislation Act, 2006, the Chief Legislative Counsel may make limited, specified types of changes to consolidated laws (change powers). For most types of changes, the Chief Legislative Counsel must give notice of the change. For other types of changes, the Chief Legislative Counsel can decide whether or not to give notice of the change. See sections 42 and 43 of the Legislation Act, 2006 regarding the exercise of change powers and the giving of change notices.
This table sets out the change notices given by the Chief Legislative Counsel respecting consolidated statutes. Each notice sets out the following:
- title and citation of the statute
- provision(s) that were changed
- change that was made
- paragraph of subsection 42 (2) of the Legislation Act, 2006 that authorized the change
- English citation of the change notice, which is "CTS [date on which the change was made (dd MM yy)] - [item number of the change]". For example, CTS 6 JN 14 - 1. "CTS" stands for "Change Table for Statutes".