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Sometimes, provisions of a statute can't come into force unless a proclamation is issued by the Lieutenant Governor. This table specifies the date each such provision came into force, or will come into force, under the Lieutenant Governor's proclamation. It also indicates if a proclamation hasn't been issued yet.

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This table lists public statutes and provisions of public statutes that were included in the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1990, or were enacted on or after January 1, 1991, and that:

  • came into force on proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor
  • have been proclaimed to come into force on a future date; or
  • are yet to be proclaimed into force

If a proclamation has been issued to bring a statute or a provision of a statute into force, this table notes the date the statute or provision came, or will come, into force. Otherwise, the "date in force" column is left blank.

An unproclaimed provision is not listed in this table if:

  • it was repealed before it could be proclaimed; or
  • it is a commencement or short title provision that was considered to be in force on Royal Assent


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Updated: May 6, 2023