Advertising Review Board business plan for 2016-2017 to 2018-2019
This business plan includes an overview of the Advertising Review Board’s strategic directions for a 3-year or longer period.
Executive summary
Established in September 1985, the Advertising Review Board (ARB) is a regulatory agency of the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services created in order to:
- demonstrate the government’s commitment to protect the public’s trust in the assignment of communication contracts
- ensure that fair and responsible practices are followed in the acquisition of communication services
- ensure that the government receives value for money in all of the communication services it contracts
Given this historical backdrop, the ARB will continue to focus on its primary role in the procurement of Communications Services while exploring every opportunity to provide proactive consultation services and industry expertise that guarantee value for money in awarded contracts.
Under the authority of the Management Board of Cabinet (MBC) Procurement Directive on Advertising, Public and Media Relations, and Creative Communications Services, the ARB is designated as a Mandatory Central Common Service for the procurement of Ontario government advertising and communications services, to ensure ministries and government agencies acquire these services in a manner that is transparent, fair and accessible to qualified suppliers.
The ARB creates all corporate Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangements through open competitive first stage processes; develops and undertakes second stage processes for the competitive selection of contracted suppliers to perform work for government clients (agencies and ministries). In addition, the ARB conducts non-competitive procurements, as required and properly documented.
The ARB monitors and reports on client compliance with communications procurement policies and guidelines as well. The Board ensures procedures and mandatory processes are in place to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and creative communications services contracts.
In fulfilling the communications procurement needs of government client organizations, the ARB endeavours to deliver the highest standards of efficient quality service, while adhering to established processes that support the government’s priorities of fairness, transparency and accountability.
Key achievements and commitments
In 2015-16 the ARB:
- completed two open competitions to establish new corporate Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangements for media planning and buying
- managed 65 second stage supplier selections involving the assignment of projects to companies in the contracted advertising, public relations and graphic design services pools
- provided consultation and fairness monitoring for two OLG open competitions, representing 7 lines of business
In addition, the ARB:
- negotiated fee arrangements and managed transition to the two new media agencies of record. Continued to implement improvements to ROI tracking protocols
- funded two unique corporate and multicultural advertising initiatives through the Corporate Communications Fund
- supported the office of the Auditor General of Ontario with the reporting of 2015-16 media expenditures for reviewable ministry advertising items under the Government Advertising Act, 2004
Value for money initiatives
In the past, the ARB was perceived largely as a procurement function and therein respected in terms of role, performance and value. Both the transparency and the consistency of the competitive RFP process the Board quickly came to be recognized as playing an important role within the government’s ongoing need for communications services.
However, the Mandate Report 2010 also identified that there has been a significant shift in the perception of the ARB among the communications branches of the ministries and agencies. The improvement was attributed to the strength of the Board, the Chair and a Managing Director with proven expertise gained from years spent as a senior practitioner in the communications industry. Under this leadership, the ARB today is rooted in customer service and well developed relationship management. It is recognized by industry and government alike as being highly credible, possessing demonstrated in-field experience and a reputation for collaboration, inclusiveness and accessibility that together guarantee a “best practice” process.
Given this shift in perception and an increased receptiveness to the notion of expanding the service offerings of the ARB, the report provided suggestions as to how the Board could further contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of Government communications within its mandated area of communications services.
In 2016-17, the ARB will continue to focus on the three key initiatives recommended by stakeholders, adding a fourth to improve oversight of individual contract management:
- management of the media AOR
- communications counsel/advice
- training and education
- contract management and oversight
In 2012 the ARB restructured its operation to provide enhanced services designed to provide greater value for money. The restructuring centralized the management of the two Media AORs adding the capacity to track key performance indicators (KPIs), as well as measuring media costs (through benchmarking audits) and ongoing efficiencies (tracking results against annual targets).
With a staff of 4 FTE’s, the Chair and a working board that will be restored in 2016 5 part-time Private Sector Members, the 2015-16 expenditures for ARB were $1.153 million that includes Salaries, Benefits and Operating Expenses, as well as the Corporate Communications Fund (CCF) for diverse community and Aboriginal advertising initiatives.
Advertising Review Board
Fiscal Year 2015-16
MBC Authorized Allocation; and Actual expenditures. Expenditures are lower than appropriations.
Standard account |
2015-16 |
Actual |
Salaries & Wages |
$424,100 |
$425,694 |
Employee Benefits |
$45,900 |
$44,180 |
Transportation & Communication |
$9,200 |
$9,627 |
Services, including CCF |
$669,500 |
$668,839 |
Supplies & Equipment |
$4,600 |
$4,607 |
$1,153,300 |
$1,152,947 |
* Represents 2015-16 Printed Estimates Allocation and in-year TBO approvals
Established in September 1985, the Advertising Review Board (ARB) is a regulatory agency of the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services created in order to demonstrate the government’s commitment to protect the public’s trust in the assignment of communication contracts; ensure that fair and responsible practices are followed in the acquisition of communication services and that the government receives value for money in all of its communication services.
The mandated activities of the ARB are to:
- function as the Ontario government’s primary contact with the advertising and communications sectors
- provide ministries and government agencies with assistance and advice on the acquisition of advertising and communications services
- establish all mandatory, corporate Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangements for advertising, public and media relations, and creative communications services through open competitive processes, including the agency of record (AOR) contract currently in place for media planning and buying services
- conduct all competitive and non-competitive procurements, including second stage selections from established corporate arrangements, with an estimated contract value* of $100,000 or more
- audit as necessary the performance of all parties to any contract awarded by the ARB ensuring value for money and effectiveness of contract management
- conduct, when requested by government clients, competitive and non-competitive procurements, including second stage selections from corporate arrangements, with an estimated value of less than $100,000
- monitor and report on compliance with the MBC Procurement Directive on Advertising, Public and Media Relations, and Creative Communications Services
*Contract value refers to supplier fees, production and third-party costs.
The ARB carries out its mandate by forming corporately contracted “pools” of advertising and communications suppliers that are authorized to bid competitively for government assignments. In 2016 The Board will begin a process designed to reintroduce in 2017 an additional advertising and marketing pool dealing exclusively with firms providing multicultural services. The open competitions to establish these pool contracts are extensive and rigorous, and are conducted by the ARB in strict compliance with Ontario government procurement guidelines and policies.
Today ARB maintains the following corporate pools and VORs:
- two advertising and marketing communications services pools comprised of a total of 32 companies
- public relations and communications services pool of 18 firms
- graphic design and creative services VOR of 60 companies
- media planning and buying agency of record (AOR)
- AOR for regulatory, statutory and tender notices, and recruitment advertising
Contracts valued at $25,000 and more are competitively awarded based on capability and merit. Second stage selections from existing corporate VOR arrangements typically involve three or more candidates. Ministries and government agencies may use their own procedures for the acquisition of services valued at less than $25,000 provided the principles of access, equity and value for money are considered.
Strategic direction
ARB mission
The ARB is committed to minimizing cost and maximizing value in support of the government’s efforts to protect the public’s trust in the acquisition of communication services.
ARB value proposition
The strategic role of the ARB is anchored in its value proposition of a “best practice” procurement model, which delivers value for money together with both guidance and oversight and senior level industry expertise.
The result of this value proposition is cost savings, improved supplier performance, process efficiency and risk mitigation for the government.
The ARB has transformed its procurement role from a functional selection process to a procurement model that is endorsed by both client and industry stakeholders alike.
Procurement practices, in both public and private sectors around the world are no longer restricted to cost savings and instead are being recognized for their ability to add greater value within organizations by performing the role of business advisor and quality assurance monitor. Procurement practices and processes are adopting strategies that deliver programs more efficiently with improved outcomes for both clients and vendors.
There are three components to the ARB’s strategy. The first and primary component will continue to focus on the fulfillment of its role in the procurement of communications services. The second component will focus on providing added-value counsel and advice to its clients consistent with its historical mandate and with the government’s priorities to provide cost-effective, quality service delivery. And the third will focus on select contract management and closer monitoring of individual assignments where complexities and timelines have the potential to strain outcomes or the resources required by either party to the agreement to complete the assignment as originally conceived.
Overview of programs and activities
The longer-term direction of the ARB remains focused on high-performing service delivery capable of supporting the increasingly diverse communications needs of client ministries and government agencies within a competitive process that ensures value for money.
Procurement of advertising and communications services
The primary activity of the ARB is the fair and transparent procurement of advertising, communications consulting (public and media relations), and creative communications services for government clients. The organization has well-established procedures in place to fulfill this mandate.
On average, three or more open competitive first stage processes are conducted each year to fulfill corporate and/or specific government client organization requirements. Each process takes a minimum of two to three months to complete and there is often considerable overlap. Depending on the type of open competition undertaken to acquire the services, these processes entail the independent evaluation of written proponent submissions and usually include the review of short-listed candidate capability presentations by a selection panel made up of ARB Board members and staff drawn from both the ARB and the client Ministry or Agency.
The open competitions to create corporate supplier pools are particularly large-scale and demanding. On average they can take 4-5 months and require detailed consideration of more than 100 firms.
Contracted suppliers in the corporate advertising and communications services pools and VORs are required to be available to bid for future projects on a non-exclusive basis. There is no guarantee of any business or any dollar volume of business, a condition that is made clear in writing to all interested and ultimately successful proponents.
The ARB recommends three or more candidate suppliers from the appropriate corporate contract arrangements. These firms are invited, with a minimum of five working days’ notice, to make capability presentations in response to the brief. The briefs are evaluated by a selection panel comprised of ARB and/or client representatives, in accordance with the estimated contract value.
Monitoring compliance with the Procurement Directive on Advertising, Public and Media Relations, and Creative Communications Servicesis undertaken by ongoing reviews, a post assignment questionnaire and reporting on the use of advertising and communications services by ministries and government agencies.
- with the update of the Procurement Directive in 2014, and ongoing changes to government agency Memoranda of Understanding, there is greater client awareness of the need to comply with the Procurement Directive on Advertising, Public and Media Relations, and Creative Communications Services, and continuing growth in demand for ARB resources and support
- there is a continuing need for a post-assignment performance review process as part of the ARB’s contract management role. The ARB will continue to explore time sensitive and cost-effective methodologies to establish metrics that can be implemented and tracked over time
- the annual ARB service delivery study measures a range of performance dimensions among ministry and government agency clients. The survey provides performance metrics on effectiveness, efficiency as well as customer satisfaction and adds another dimension of ARB value and accountability
- as a natural extension of its procurement role, the ARB monitors any changes in personnel and the quality of the creative relevant to our clients among agencies within the Advertising and Public Relations pools as well as the Graphic Design VOR to ensure the appropriate resources continue to be in place to support second stage competitive assignments
Media effectiveness and AOR management
Management of the government media planning and buying agency of record (AOR) contract is another major function of the ARB. This includes the development of an annual media operating manual for distribution to government clients and advertising services pool companies, and the annual review of media expenditures to ensure effectiveness and value for money by measuring media costs and tracking campaign efficiencies. The ARB also manages the AOR contract for recruitment advertising, and all regulatory, statutory and tender notices.
The Government Advertising Act, 2004 includes a requirement for the Office of the Auditor General to report on annual ministry expenditures for “reviewable advertising items”. The AORs are the primary source for this information, with the ARB responsible for the timely collection and delivery to the Auditor General.
The Ontario Government invests public money on advertising and communications in order to support public education with respect to services, regulations and public policy initiatives. The return on investment requires monitoring to measure the performance of the Government versus the private sector and track efficiencies leveraged by the overall media spend. These activities assist in a general explanation of government media spending. The ARB will continue to implement activities designed to achieve three core objectives:
- manage and improve the performance of Government advertising spending in terms of cost efficiency and campaign effectiveness
- prove value for public monies spent on advertising communications
- protect the Government from any challenges to spending strategies by providing rationale for all expenditures and activities
Key activities:
- management of the two new Media AOR contracts: Planning and Buying AOR; and AOR for regulatory, statutory and tender notices
- competitively procure multi-year contract for annual Media Cost Audit
- identify and establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate performance of the media campaign and provide diagnostics to implement strategies to maximize media efficiencies and effectiveness
Communications counsel and advice
The ARB also recognizes the continued need to provide enhanced communications counsel. The senior staff at the ARB as well as the Chair and private sector Board members will continue to provide centralized communication and marketing expertise and advice to client Communication Branches across all government ministries and agencies.
The ARB will continue to provide access to senior level industry expertise requested by ministries and agency clients.
Contract management, monitoring and oversight
The ARB will reintroduce in 2016 a brief but robust quality assurance questionnaire, seeking advice and analysis from both parties to any agreement upon the assignment’s completion. The completed Assignment Quality Questionnaire will become part of the file that informs the ARB in future deliberations about the effectiveness and the quality of service delivered by any agency under contract. Both the Ministry that is signatory to the contract and the agency will complete questionnaires for the pool files of the ARB.
Training and education
As part of its value-added commitment, the ARB also delivers education programs to clients in order to increase the effectiveness of program messaging and improve cost-efficiencies that can save money and consequently result in greater value for public dollars. The need for communications training was considered by stakeholders a pivotal requirement.
Training programs are related to the business of marketing communications, such as digital and social media, managing client/agency relationships, preparation/presentation of agency briefs, development of effective communication teams, communication project planning, and budget development and management.
Corporate Communications Fund
The ARB administers the Corporate Communications Fund to support advertising campaigns in diverse community and Aboriginal media. The fund is also available for approved corporate and ministry initiatives. Client ministries must formally submit a funding request to the ARB and provide full program details. On average the ARB receives and approves 4-5 requests annually.
Industry relations
Ensuring a productive and positive relationship with the advertising and communications industries is the ongoing responsibility of the ARB.
Proponents are entitled to a detailed debriefing if they are unsuccessful in competition, a service offered to help them better prepare for the possibility of another opportunity. Candidates who are eliminated prior to the development of a short list may also request a debriefing. The Managing Director and Sr. Communications Advisor routinely conduct these discussions.
Debriefing sessions consist of a quantitative and qualitative review of the proponent’s submission and/or presentation. Industry response to ARB debriefings has always been highly positive. Many suppliers have reported that they have been able to successfully leverage this feedback to improve their subsequent submissions and/or presentations.
Resources needed to meet goals and objectives
Over the past 8 years, the ARB has expanded its services without any increases in FTE, the Chair was reduced to part-time status June 2013. The expansion of services to include Graphic Design and Multicultural Communications necessitates an additional administrative support FTE funded within existing allocation.
Although the ARB has been able to deliver the requirements of their ministry clients with the help of members of the part-time board, the administrative load has become larger and must be accommodated to ensure that the competitive process does not get compromised.
Environmental scan – external
Industry relations
The advertising and communications community have applauded the ARB’s efforts, recognizing the competitive process as being a standard setting “best practice” procurement methodology. The recorded collective view is that the ARB’s procurement process is superior to the agency selection experience that is common in the private sector. Specifically, they view the ARB as:
- respectful of their time and resources
- providing a fair and transparent process
- ensuring a level playing field to win government assignments
- encouraging original and outstanding creative work
The fair, open and transparent mandate of the ARB has been successful in sustaining favourable relations with the advertising and communications industries. Providing unsuccessful proponents in open and second stage competitions with a detailed debriefing relating to their performance in competition, reflects the Agency’s goal to improve the strength of the industry in Ontario as a whole.
An opportunity exists to further develop the government’s relationship with the industry. The ARB can add value to this relationship by working with the advertising community and educating the industry in how to work within government. From deepening their understanding of government’s commitment to serve the public trust and how that translates to the disciplines and processes required by the industry to support the communications efforts of ministry clients.
Public trust
As in 1985 when the Advertising Review Board was created, the need for the government to protect the public’s trust and ensure that taxpayers receive value for money is increasingly more relevant and under closer scrutiny.
Value for money is realized in the effective stewardship of both resources and costs. The underpinning of the ARB’s procurement model is the senior industry expertise of its management and staff and their ability to both identify and evaluate the appropriate resources for each communications program.
As an extension to the procurement process, the ARB is equipped to provide performance counsel and oversight that maximizes communications effectiveness while sharing best-practices learning across ministry communication branches. A consistent mechanism to provide oversight and evaluate effectiveness and efficiencies of the post-procurement process as described above in a post assignment questionnaire, is a prudent, proactive and pre-emptive measure to ensure value for money and program effectiveness.
Digital and social media
The growth of digital technology and the social media alternatives it has enabled has expanded the communications channels available for public messaging. This recognition has forced leading advertising, PR and media agencies to invest in the acquisition of digital and social media expertise as part of their roster of services. In the absence of acquisition, smaller agencies are increasingly formalizing working relationships or partnerships with digital resources to ensure that they too are equipped to meet the demands of most proposal requests. However they come at the problem, companies in the ARB Pools today are well equipped to provide these capabilities and therein recommends against the creation of separate digital vendor pools.
Online social media has become a powerful phenomenon popularized by online activism and the global democratization of the Internet. The political empowerment of social media and its impact on public policy will increasingly challenge governments around the world to be more transparent and inclusive. The challenge in a social media universe is to improve communication between social media users and government; develop clear messaging that will improve the efficiency of message delivery and enable online communication to evolve into off-line behavior.
Digital and social media expertise should not be limited to external resources. Adding greater expertise in this discipline within the ARB will enable the Agency to analyze digital/social media trends, creative excellence, and both media and corresponding metrics through the lens of government. This will define best practices and maximize performance metrics within this growing discipline.
Environmental scan – internal
Over the past few years there has been a positive shift in the perception of the ARB among ministry communications branches. This is attributed to the strength and industry expertise available among the staff and private sector board members.
Given this shift in perception and in the interest of continuous improvement, an opportunity exists for the ARB to further contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the procurement of communications services for the Government.
Performance evaluation
The existing performance evaluation process between communication agencies and ministry clients needs improvement. Both parties report that it is conducted inconsistently across communication branches and dependent on the skill and mind-set of the reviewer. There is reluctance for both the ministry client and the communication agency to be candid if there are any negative issues. In the case of Communication Agencies, they do not want to jeopardize the relationship with ministry clients and in return, many ministry clients avoid confrontation and simply request a new communication agency when the contract expires.
The need continues for a more formal and disciplined evaluation process. As an independent third party, the ARB can facilitate the evaluation process, identify lessons-learned and improve relationships going forward. The addition of the performance evaluation responsibility to the ARB is considered a natural conclusion of their existing procurement role and consistent with fairness and transparency of the ARB process. A new post assignment questionnaire that will be a mandatory requirement of all contracts will begin the data collection process that will inform more effective project evaluation.
Both ministry and government agency clients recognize the wide diversity of appropriate skill-sets within communication branches and consider this issue to be a major driver to increase effectiveness of program messaging and improve cost-efficiencies that can save money and consequently result in greater value for public dollars.
The need for communications training is considered a pivotal requirement to elevate the communications skill-sets for OPS communicators.
Continuity and institutional knowledge
There is expressed concern that given the rotation of government personnel and the limitations of agency contracts impact on the ability for the government to retain institutional knowledge. The opportunity exists to create a central library to archive institutional knowledge from the communications branches across all ministries. Information relating to market research studies, campaign strategies, historical creative archive, case studies, agency performance reviews, best practices etc. should be available and easy to access. The sharing of information within government ministries and communication branches while well-meaning in terms of intention is difficult and inconsistent. While the ARB is an appropriate candidate to retain institutional knowledge, additional resources would be required to support this initiative.
Legislative, regulatory and policy changes
There have been no legislative, regulatory or policy changes in the past year that has affected the ARB.
Human resources
The ARB is in the unique position to have the benefit of a working board to augment their human resources of 4 FTE’s and a part time Chair. A fifth FTE will be added in 2016 within existing allocations to augment the Board’s administrative capabilities.
The part-time working board is made up of five industry experts that not only provide high level expertise in stage one pool evaluations and participate in second stage selection panels but are also utilized on an ‘as needed’ basis for specific ARB projects, initiatives and communication requirements that include fairness adjudication and submission evaluation.
Financial budget and staffing
Financial resources
The ARB has an annual allocation of $1.1693 million for Salaries, Benefits and Operating Expenses, and the Corporate Communications Fund.
Advertising Review Board - Three Year Plan
(In millions of dollars)
FY |
S&W |
Benefits |
T&C |
Services |
S&E |
Total |
2016-17 |
0.5062 |
0.0451 |
0.015 |
0.5839 |
0.0191 |
1.1693 |
2017-18 |
0.5062 |
0.0451 |
0.015 |
0.5839 |
0.0191 |
1.1693 |
2018-19 |
0.5062 |
0.0451 |
0.015 |
0.5839 |
0.0191 |
1.1693 |
There are four full-time ARB staff:
- Managing Director
- Senior Communications Advisor/Board Secretary
- Manager, Media AOR
- Information Coordinator
ARB board
The current ARB Board includes a part-time Chair and 5 private sector members. Currently there are two appointments in progress. All are Ministerial appointments pursuant to the MBC Government Appointees Directive.
When acting on ARB business, private sector members are compensated at a per-diem rate of $398. The Chair is compensated at a per-diem rate of $627.
Part-time Chair:
- Robert Pattillo
Part-Time Private Sector Members:
- Charlie Angelakos, VP Corporate Affairs – Labatt Breweries
- Heather MacLean, Director – Prospeakers
- Freda Colbourne, President – Colbourne Consulting
- 2 appointments vacant
Initiatives involving third parties
The ARB supports the interests and initiatives of several key communications industry organizations, including the Association of Canadian Advertisers, Advertising Standards Canada and Institute of Communication Agencies.
Advertising Standards Canada (ASC)
Advertising Standards Canada is the national not-for-profit advertising self-regulatory body committed to fostering community confidence in advertising and to ensuring the integrity and viability of advertising in Canada through responsible industry self-regulation.
As Canada’s advertising self-regulatory body, they administer the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards (Code) that sets the criteria for acceptable advertising and forms the basis for the review and adjudication of consumer and trade complaints. The ARB is a member and attends the ASC Annual General Meeting.
Association of Canadian Advertisers (ACA)
As an ACA member, the ARB regularly attends association seminars and presentations throughout the year, in addition to the Annual General Meeting and Executive Forum.
The ACA is a members-only organization that assists members in maximizing the value of their investments in all forms of marketing communications with superior MarCom performance and ROI.
The ACA leads the negotiations, on behalf of the advertising industry, with the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) to create a collective agreement to provide ~22,000 professional performers in TV, film, radio and digital media with equitable compensation and working conditions. This is a critical role of the ACA, the results of which have a financial impact on the cost of advertising and consequently the budgets of all communication branches of the government of Ontario.
Institute of Communication Agencies (ICA)
The Institute of Communication Agencies represents Canada’s communications and advertising agencies. The ICA promotes higher standards and best practices, and serves as the largest source of information, advice and training for Canada’s communication and advertising industry. It develops initiatives, programs and best practice guidelines to help build better ICA agencies, which we draw from for our pools.
There are no accountability requirements from these third parties. All are governed by industry-recognized codes of conduct and operating ethics.
Communication activities
The ARB has a multiplicity of audiences, including:
- general public
- advertising and communications industries
- ministry and government agency communications staff at all levels
- ministers’ staff
- central agencies
Key messages communicated to these constituents focus on corporate procurement directives, as well as ARB guidelines, processes and services.
The ARB will continue an extensive communications outreach program for government clients, including educational seminars/meetings with communications branches, and presentations to government stakeholders.
Communications have been enhanced with the distribution of comprehensive electronic User Guides for the corporate pools and VORs. These contain detailed guidelines and instructions on the use and acquisition of advertising and communications services, as well as supportive tools and templates.
In addition, ARB Intranet site further enhances capabilities and utility.
Risk identification, assessment and mitigation strategies
ARB identifies risks and has mitigation strategies in place.
Risk |
Likelihood |
Management strategy |
Impact on program delivery |
Impact |
Mandate: |
High |
Additional value-added services will require review of current operational activities and staffing levels. |
Chair and Private Sector Members possess industry expertise that enables them to provide communications counsel and advice to client organizations. |
Low |
Financial |
High |
Continue to work with MGCS to identify options to allow the ARB to meet ministries’ requirements. |
Reduced funding to advertising campaigns in diverse community and Aboriginal media. |
Low |
Digital technology: |
Medium |
ARB staff will continue to participate in industry association training and conferences. |
Enhanced knowledge of technology that supports modernization of government communications. |
Low |
Green procurement: |
Medium |
Adopt digital procurement technologies being developed by Supply Chain Ontario (SCO) |
Fostering a progressive culture of innovation and conservation. |
Low |
Stakeholder relations: |
High |
Continue to build/enhance the profile of the ARB within the government client community and communications industry. |
Maintain the strong levels of confidence and trust the ARB has established among government clients and communications industry. |
Low |
Performance measures
Corporate measures
Performance outcome
Enforcement of the updated Directive for Advertising, Public/Media Relations and Creative Communications Services.
Annual Advertising and Creative Communications Services (ACCS) reporting by ministries and government agencies
Ensure compliance with government guidelines and policies in the fair, open and transparent acquisition of advertising, PR communications consulting and creative services.
Operational measures
Stage two
Performance outcome
Fulfillment of over 60 government advertising and communications services requirements by conducting competitive second stage selections involving corporately contracted suppliers.
Ensuring fair and transparent competitive selection processes for the acquisition of government advertising and communications services, and bringing efficiencies to these processes in servicing ministry and government agency needs.
Performance outcome
Increase utility of ARB intranet by addition/updates of information and tools.
Facilitating enterprise-wide access to timely and accurate information regarding the acquisition and use of government advertising and communications contracts, and the services provided by the ARB.
Performance outcome
Advisory services and training to ministry and government agency clients to ensure improved communications and procurement knowledge and skills.
Cabinet office and communications director meetings.
Ensuring knowledge and application of Communications Procurement Directive and ARB Best Practices
Program measures
Media management
Performance outcome
Cost benchmarking audit and efficiency reporting.
Ensuring the delivery of value for money by the Media Planning & Buying AOR.
Second stage
Performance outcome
Supplier selections from corporate contract arrangements will be completed within 20 business days of receiving an approved client project brief.
Annual reporting
Speed of service delivery can be a critical consideration for ministries. Client organizations will typically require an advertising or communications supplier within one month of contacting the ARB.
Corporate Communications Fund
Performance outcome
Funding requests will be processed in less than 5 business days, upon review of required support documentation.
Ministry clients typically require a timely decision to enable the accurate forecasting of financial requirements. Review will normally entail a detailed examination of the media plan proposal.
Quality service standards
Client service delivery
Performance outcome
Conduct survey among past 18 month clients of the ARB.
Q3 2016-17
Obtain ongoing timely feedback from clients to maintain high satisfaction and service delivery levels.
Customer service – communications
Performance outcome
Correspondence responses will be prepared within 10 working days from date of receipt.
ARB will comply with OPS common service standards, as required by the OPS Service Directive.