
As part of Ontario’s ongoing climate change conversation, we have been talking to the people of Ontario and key stakeholders to help us design Ontario’s cap and trade program. A well-designed cap and trade program will enable us to meet our greenhouse gas reduction targets while keeping the economy strong.

We received 575 submissions from industry, environmental organizations and citizens through mail, e-mail and the Environmental Registry. We also heard comments on the Cap and Trade Program Design Options document through:

  • four in-person group sessions with more than 150 stakeholder participants
  • two webinars with more than 200 participants from stakeholder groups and the public
  • four meetings with First Nations/Métis representatives
  • 15 sessions with specific sectors covered by the program

What we heard

During our consultations we heard about:

  • ideas and best-practices for how a cap and trade program could work, including widespread recognition that economy-wide carbon pricing is necessary
  • suggestions on how to set an overall cap that meets Ontario’s greenhouse gas reduction targets
  • the need to design a program that ensures Ontario businesses stay competitive and strong
  • the importance of building a cap and trade program that is transparent and accountable to the people of Ontario
  • the need to maximize greenhouse gas reductions while minimizing burdens on participants

The feedback we received helped to inform the cap and trade regulatory proposal currently posted on the Environmental and Regulatory registries for an additional 45-day public and stakeholder comment period. This regulatory proposal outlines a number of program elements, including the proposed caps and compliance requirements for covered sectors.

Who we heard from

Table - Who we heard from (category and number of submissions)
Category Number of submissions
Covered industry (large emitters) 24
Industry associations (large emitters) 14
Institutions (large emitters) 5
Fuels & fuel users 21
Electricity & electricity consumers 19
Offsets 5
Waste 8
Forestry, agriculture, livestock 15
Clean technology 7
Non-government organizations 14
Non-government organizations (environmental) 37
First Nations 4
Municipalities 5
Other 9
Total Submissions by Organizations 187
Total Submissions by Individuals 388
Total 575