Career college transcripts
Find vendors approved to issue and maintain career college student transcripts.
This page gives directions to career colleges on what’s required to issue and maintain transcripts to meet the requirements under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005.
Only vendors approved by the Superintendent of Career Colleges can be retained to provide these services.
List of prequalified (approved) vendors.
Career college operators must:
- make transcripts accessible to students for at least 25 years after they leave the college
- transfer students’ transcript to the off-site approved vendor’s facility within 60-days of the student leaving the college
- issue transcripts to students via the off-site approved vendor
- retain a person, approved by the Superintendent, who will be responsible for issuing transcripts to students if the school closes
Certified transcripts
To be considered official, the student’s transcript must be certified by the approved vendor as a true and accurate copy of the transcript and must include the date the transcript is issued.
Operators’ business processes
- career college operators should follow their own procurement procedures to meet the above rules
- an operator may acquire two different approved vendors for maintaining and issuing transcripts from the list below.
Note: If an operator has two vendors, a process must be established to allow the vendor responsible for issuing student transcripts to access the transcripts maintained at the off-site facility.
Pre-qualified vendors
Companies providing transcript services approved by the Superintendent of Career Colleges:
Career Colleges Ontario (CCO)
55 Lynden Road, Unit 2
Brantford ON
N3R 8A7
Contact: Transcript Storage (STEPS)
Approved Service:Transcript maintenance and issuance
Approved Storage Medium: Electronic
311-2464 West 2nd Ave.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6X 1J6
Contact: Customer Service
Approved Service: Transcript maintenance and issuance
Approved Storage Medium: Electronic
P.O. Box 2071
Sudbury ON
P3A 4R8
Contact: Maneesh Walia
Approved Service: Transcript maintenance and issuance
Approved Storage Medium: Paper
Nimble Information Strategies Inc.
2820 – 14th Avenue
Markham ON
L3R 0S9
Contact: Customer Service
Approved Service: Transcript maintenance and issuance
Approved Storage Medium: Electronic
Synaptic Vision Inc.
201-925 Bay Street, Toronto, ON
M5S 3L4
Contact: Transcript Administrator
Approved Service: Transcript maintenance and issuance
Approved Storage Medium: Electronic
Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario Inc.
100 – 1 Hunter Street, East
Hamilton ON
L8N 3W1
Contact: Sara Fitchett
Approved Service: Transcript maintenance and issuance
Approved Storage Medium: Electronic