Careers in corrections
Learn about the roles and responsibilities of different careers in correctional services.
Current job openings
For a full listing of all jobs, go to the Ontario Public Service careers website and search using the following filters in the Job Category section. You can also sign up for job alerts using the same filter(s).
- correctional and probation and parole officer jobs use "Corrections and Enforcement"
- nursing and other health care and social services jobs use "Health and Social Services”
Health care manager
Monteith, closes February 25
Nurse practitioner (regular part-time, 18 hours/week)
Brockville, closes February 18
Rehabilitation officer
Sault Ste. Marie, closes February 13
Registered nurse (casual, irregular on-call hours)
Etobicoke, closes February 7
Social worker (2 English, 1 bilingual)
Monteith, closes February 12
Correctional officers
Correctional officers work with inmates in Ontario correctional centres, detention centres and jails. They ensure the security and custody of inmates and make sure inmates have what they need for a successful rehabilitation. Learn more about what correctional officers do.
Correctional officers in northern Ontario
If you’re interested in learning about career options in northern Ontario and do not see a specific job posting listed, please submit your resume or inquiries to: A recruiter will respond to your inquiries and discuss opportunities that match your experience and interests. The starting salary for a correctional officer is $32.15 per hour.
New correctional officer recruits for northern Ontario who agree to a three-year service term, are eligible to receive up to $15,000 for financial support during training.
Probation and parole officers
Probation and parole officers play an important role helping to ensure public safety. They manage offenders that are serving their sentence in the community. Learn more about what probation and parole officers do. The starting salary for a probation and parole officer is $1,182.40 per week.
To apply for probation and parole officer opportunities, you can either:
- submit an expression of general interest by accessing the application form
- apply to a job posting on the Ontario Public Services careers site
Jobs in health care
Nurses who work in corrections practice a wide range of nursing skills in an unconventional setting.
They play an important part of the rehabilitation process by helping inmates achieve independence and self-care. This helps increase an inmate’s chance of successfully re-entering into the community. Nurses also:
- provide front-line health care to offenders
- perform health status assessments
- plan, implement and evaluate nursing care strategies
- handle medical and psychiatric emergencies
Psychologists and psychometrists
Psychologists and psychometrists are specialists in forensic or correctional psychology and are part of a multi-disciplinary team that provides treatment to inmates and offenders in the community.
They are responsible for:
- providing mental health assessments
- providing therapy and treatment programs for:
- substance abuse and addiction
- anger management
- social skills training
- running traditional group psychotherapy
Jobs in social work and rehabilitation
Social workers
Social workers are involved in many facets of correctional programming and help inmates and clients learn to cope with their responsibilities as a member of society.
They are responsible for:
- taking social histories and conducting psycho-social assessments of inmates in order to advise correctional staff on appropriate levels of security and the programs best suited to their needs
- providing information and offering guidance and support to clients on probation or parole
- providing short and long-term counselling to inmates on an individual and group basis, as well as their families
- help inmates adjust to incarceration and develop the life skills they will need to successfully reintegrate into the community
Rehabilitation officers
Rehabilitation officers work with inmates on rehabilitation and discharge planning and assess their readiness for transitioning out of custody.
They are responsible for:
- interviewing inmates, liaising with other sources (such as police, family, employer or correctional staff), and reviewing inmate files and records to assess their readiness to return to the community
- delivering rehabilitation programs for inmates to help them better transition out of custody
Chaplains at our facilities play an important role in the rehabilitation of offenders and are responsible for:
- providing religious services and spiritual care programs to inmates, their families and staff
- coordinating and maintaining a multi-faith program
- partnering with local faith communities in the rehabilitation and reintegration of inmates
- collaborating within a multidisciplinary team
- supporting a wide range of activities, including:
- assisting visiting clergy in providing religious services
- enabling an elder to bring the comfort and healing of Indigenous spirituality
- ensuring that an appropriate meal is available for an inmate's religious observation
Recreation officers
Recreation officers are responsible for the development, implementation, instruction and supervision of a various recreation programs. This includes:
- providing social and cultural activities that encourages sportsmanship, teamwork and fair play
- teaching leisure skills that are socially acceptable and that can be pursued in the community when an inmate transitions from custody
Food services, administration, and maintenance/skilled trades
We rely upon the skills and talents of employees in many other disciplines and professions.
Our administrative team includes secretarial, clerical and office support staff. They play an important role in the day-to-day activities of:
- institutions, probation and parole offices
- regional and corporate offices
Administrators perform planning, research, accounting, human resources and program management functions.
Our institutions require maintenance workers to maintain physical plants and equipment and food services personnel to prepare thousands of meals every day.
Volunteer opportunities
Correctional volunteers help with the rehabilitation of offenders in institutions or under community supervision. Learn about the work of our correctional volunteers.