Collection of personal information (organ donor)
Your decision to register now could one day save up to 8 lives and enhance as many as 75 more.
By filling out and submitting this online Consent form, you are consenting to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s collection of your information about your decision to donate your organs and tissue. Your donation decision will be recorded in a Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care database.
In the event of your death or imminent death, when all life-saving efforts have failed, the Ministry will use the information about your decision and disclose it to the Trillium Gift of Life Network for the purpose of sharing this information with your family so that they can honour your wishes.
How to register, check or change your consent online
Withdraw your consent
You may withdraw your consent to donate your organs and tissue at any time, either online or by writing to ServiceOntario at:
Organ Donor Consent
PO Box 48
Kingston ON K7L 5J3
If you have questions about the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s collection of your personal information, please call ServiceOntario, INFOline at:
TTY Toll-free:
TTY Toronto:
or write to Team Manager:
ServiceOntario Contact Centre
PO Box 105
777 Bay Street
Toronto ON M5G 2C8