
This document constitutes direction issued by the Ministry of Education for the purposes of regulations made under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID‑19) Act, 2020. This direction was approved by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

End of school year celebrations are important milestones for students, families and staff, as well as the school community. It is also important to continue to focus on health and safety at this critical point in the pandemic.

The guidance provided in this document is intended to support students, in all grades, attending public and private schools to return to school in June for short, outdoor celebrations, where physical distancing is possible.

School boards may have planned virtual graduation ceremonies which should proceed, and can be augmented or complemented by outdoor end of school year celebrations where possible.


End of school year celebrations must meet the following requirements:

  • Celebrations should be organized by class for elementary school and by homeroom or quadmestered class for secondary schools. A maximum of two guests per student can attend.
  • All celebrations should take place outdoors – no indoor celebrations are permitted.
  • Celebrations should only take place where physical distancing can be maintained.
  • Gathering before and after the celebrations will not be permitted.

Health and safety requirements


All staff, students and attendees must self-screen before attending the outdoor celebrations using the COVID‑19 school and child care screening tool.

On-site screening

Schools are required to validate self-screening for students, staff and attendees as outlined in the guide to reopening Ontario’s schools.


Schools are required to register and keep a record of all attendees at the end of year celebrations.

Physical distancing

All attendees must maintain physical distancing of at least 2 metres from anyone that does not live in their household throughout the celebration.


Students in Grades 1 to 12, staff and attendees are required to wear non-medical masks.

Hand Hygiene

Consider making alcohol-based hand sanitizer available.

Access to school buildings

Access to school buildings should be avoided except where required.

Use of gowns

The use of gowns is not permitted.

Possible approaches

Examples of approaches that schools could take to support the end of year celebrations include:

  • outdoor recognition ceremonies by class, homeroom, quadmester
  • outdoor assemblies by class, homeroom, quadmester
  • outdoor class meetings in conjunction with retrieval of personal belongings
  • driving or walking parades