
Supply Ontario

Supply Chain Ontario operations have transferred to Supply Ontario effective July 31, 2023. This move marks a milestone in the efforts to create a smarter, stronger and more connected public sector supply chain that better serves the needs of Ontarians.

You will not see any changes to the services you use at this time.

Supply Ontario is now the home for:

  • the enterprise vendor of record program
  • advertising and communications procurement
  • management of the provincial stockpile of personal protective equipment and critical supplies
  • supply chain advisory services

Every year, Ontario spends about $29 billion on goods and services ranging from pacemakers and bandages, to computer and IT hardware. 

We are currently in the process of centralizing procurement across Ontario ministries, agencies and the broader public sector, in order to: 

  • create a single-window approach
  • reduce costs
  • make it easier for companies of all sizes to work with the government

As we transition to a new way of doing business, there are interim measures currently in place that:

  • support opportunities for collaborative purchasing where possible, while protecting continuity of business and services
  • support the collection of data necessary for building the centralized system
  • do not impact current contracts already in place

Measures apply to new procurements of good and services (consulting and non-consulting) valued at $30,300 or higher, or $121,200 or above if a member of the broader public service, that are not utilizing a collaborative contract.

The interim measures and corresponding business procedures for procurement reporting and procurement rationale reviews took effect March 18, 2019. Any procurements released to the vendor community before this date may continue as planned.

Existing Vendors of Record and Registered Broader Public Sector Buyers

If you are a vendor of record for the Ontario government, login here to submit your monthly usage report.

If you are a broader public sector buyer, login here to see vendor of record arrangements that are available to you.

Sell to the government

Become a new vendor

As a vendor, you can sell goods and services to the Ontario Public Service. Most of these goods and services are sold to the government through contracts. Many of our contracts are also available to municipalities and the broader public sector.

How to find government procurements

The Ontario government issues requests for bids and invitations to quote to procure goods and services. Open competitive opportunities are posted on the Ontario Tenders Portal. Agreements are then established with a particular vendor or vendors.

Contracts must be advertised openly for:

  • goods valued at $30,300 or more for Ontario Public Service and $121,200 or more for the broader public sector
  • services and construction valued at $100,000 or more

These thresholds are set by trade agreements that Ontario is a party to. 

There may also be a vendor of record arrangement that authorizes multiple vendors to provide ministries with goods or services for a defined period under specific terms, conditions and pricing. 

The Ministry of Transportation uses Registry, Appraisal and Qualification System (RAQS) to advertise large capital construction projects.

Become a vendor for the government

There are steps involved in becoming a vendor of record for the government. The steps below will walk you through the process. These include where to find vendor of record arrangements, the bidding requirements and potential next steps.

Step 1 - Understanding vendor options

Open competitive

Ministries must use an open competitive procurement process for goods valued at $30,300 or more and a competitive process for all consulting services, regardless of the value.

A large or complex project may be divided into several smaller parts. Specifications for each part are provided in the individual tendering documents.

A ministry may decide to hold a competition for a large project with individual stages, which can be awarded to the same vendor provided that the vendor is successful at each stage and is compliant with the requirements of the directive.

Invitational competitive

Ministries may use an invitational competitive procurement process for goods valued under $30,300 and services valued under $121,200. Under this process, at least three qualified vendors are invited to submit a written proposal in response to the ministry’s written requirements.

Vendor of record arrangements

Vendor of record arrangements are established through requests for bids posted on the Ontario Tenders Portal, and are followed by a transparent and competitive procurement process.

Bidders who successfully meet all request for bid requirements, then sign a master agreement with the government, are awarded vendor of record status.

Vendor of record arrangements allow ministries to obtain commonly procured goods and services in a shorter timeframe than if they initiate the procurement process from scratch.

Types of vendor of record arrangements

There are a variety of VOR arrangements that include:

  • Enterprise-wide vendor of record arrangements that reduce procurement costs by providing ministries with access to one or more contracted vendors of goods and services common to more than one ministry. Non-OPS entities have access to certain enterprise-wide VORs to facilitate select procurements and benefit from the negotiated price.
  • Multi-ministry vendor of record arrangements that are established when more than one ministry requires a particular good/service but there is insufficient demand for an enterprise-wide arrangement.
  • Ministry specific vendor of record arrangements that are established by individual ministries for their exclusive use.

Upcoming vendor of record arrangements

The Vendor of Record Program – Three-Year Outlook provides vendors with advance notice of upcoming enterprise-wide VOR arrangements by:

  • category
  • planned posting date
  • estimated start date
  • client users
  • VOR number


Fees are established before the work begins and are based on the contract's terms and conditions. Ministries do not calculate fees based on the results of a consultant’s work (for example, a percentage of savings achieved through the introduction of a recommended system).

In some cases, the government will set a ceiling price for work required and will publish that ceiling price in procurement documents. The ceiling price stated in the documents cannot be exceeded.

Consultants will not be reimbursed for any hospitality, food or incidental expenses unless otherwise stated.

We aim to achieve the best value for the money we spend by acquiring goods and services in an effective, efficient, economical and ethical manner.

Step 2 – Tendering your bid

Understand the bidding process

The bidding process for becoming a vendor is fair, open and transparent and all vendors are treated equally.

Ministries and suppliers must comply with all relevant accessibility standards and regulations.

All procurements over $30,300 require bidders to:

The bidding process is handled via the Ontario Tenders Portal. Registered vendors can get free access and bid online for government procurement opportunities and receive alerts as new procurement opportunities become available.

Tax Compliance Verification Program (TCV)

Tax Compliance Verification (TCV) ensures that businesses bidding on provincial contracts valued at $30,300 or more are compliant with their tax obligations. Before bidding on a contract, bidders must request a tax compliance verification number through the automated TCV program to ensure their tax obligations are in good standing.

The Tax Compliance Verification portal allows businesses to verify tax compliance status online at any time. If required, users can also upload their Filing and Balance Confirmation letter confirming compliance of federally-administered tax statutes directly to the Tax Compliance Verification portal.

There are no costs to the vendor associated with the program.

For general procurement inquiries, please contact doingbusiness@ontario.ca.

For inquiries about a specific procurement, contact the designated procurement contact in the purchasing ministry.

Use our online tool to check your tax compliance status.

Preparing your bid

The procurement documents will explain:

  • how to lay out your bid
  • how it will be evaluated
  • mandatory and desirable requirements (these vary by bid)
  • weighting of the areas to be scored (for example, experience or product performance)

Do not assume that because you have dealt with the government or a client ministry previously that it knows your organization and skills. Each bid is unique and will be evaluated solely on its content.

If you have any concerns about the procurement documents, contact the request for bids officer identified in the document prior to the closing date. Most issues can be addressed.

Examples of what your bid could include are:

  • detailed responses to each evaluation requirement showing you understand the requirement and can meet it
  • description of how you would do the work if you win the contract
  • how you would meet all mandatory eligibility requirements
  • the identification of any problems you anticipate during the project along with contingency plans in case problems arise
  • for consulting work, an introduction to your team including a description of how many people will be assigned to the various tasks, their level and title and how many hours or days they will work

It’s important your quote contains the following:

  • a detailed breakdown of your quoted price
  • a full description of how you will meet the ministry’s goals and objectives, checked against the priorities and requirements spelled out in the procurement document

If you have an alternative solution that is allowed for, please feel free to provide it as part of your bid.

Once you place a bid for a project, you will be kept informed of any changes affecting your bid. This includes questions we may have for you to help clarify your bid.

Step 3 - What happens with your bid

Bids are usually evaluated by a team of ministry staff, which could include procurement officers and potential users of the goods and services required. Contract awards are reviewed and approved by one or more senior officers depending on the ministry.

Successful bidders will be notified to execute the contract award. Award notifications are published in the same manner they were advertised and using the same medium as original request, such as the Ontario Tenders Portal. Bidders need to be compliant with the tax statutes of Ontario and may be required to pass security screening and reference checks.

The name of the successful bidder, term of the contract and total bid price can be provided upon request.

The contract

A successful vendor requires a contract for all procurements. The contract includes:

  • responsibilities of the vendor and the buyer
  • description of how the vendor’s performance will be evaluated
  • a termination clause

Unsuccessful bids

We are committed to fairness and transparency throughout the procurement process.

At the end of a procurement, we will let you know if your bid was successful, or not. You may then reach out to the procurement contact to request a debrief within 60 days. This debrief may give you the following feedback:

  • who won
  • the total bid price
  • how your response ranked relative to other responses
  • strengths and weaknesses of your bid
  • how to improve future bids

Note: we will not share any information (e.g. bidders’ per-unit pricing).

If you are not satisfied with the results of the debriefing, you may contact the manager or director responsible for the particular procurement opportunity.

File a complaint

If you still have a concern about the fairness of the procurement process, you may file a complaint.  Your complaint will be sent to a central review process. You have up to 30 days, from the time you have identified an issue, to file a bid dispute complaint.

To file a complaint:
  • complete the complaint form
  • attach a detailed description of the complaint
  • provide relevant background information

All documentation must be addressed to the Director, Supply Chain Policy Branch, Supply Chain Policy and Oversight Division, Treasury Board Secretariat and sent to either:

All complaints will receive a formal review and vendors will be provided with a formal response. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the review, there may be other avenues open to you.

Step 4 - Manage your business transactions

Vendors to the Ontario government are paid according to the contract's terms, and after you submit the invoice and the receipt for goods or services to your ministry client.

Current suppliers

Existing vendors doing business with the government who are setup in our financial system must keep their profiles up to date to ensure timely payments and receipt of payment notifications.

Speak with your ministry client to review your vendor profile,  and determine if any changes are required to your address or direct deposit information.

New vendor registrations

The Ontario Vendor Portal allows you to easily manage your transactions online.

By self-registering for the Ontario Vendor Portal, you can:

  • keep your business profile up to date
  • look up invoices, payments and purchase orders
  • receive notifications for key transaction activities

To self-register, you must:

  • provide your business number as registered with the Canada Revenue Agency  if your invoice charges GST/HST
  • provide your legal name  and operating name as registered with the Canada Revenue Agency, to be printed on all invoices that charge GST/HST
  • attach a void cheque with your registration that displays your legal name or attach a letter from your financial institution verifying your account details. Bank counter cheques are not acceptable.

Speak with your ministry client to find out if you qualify for self-registration using the Ontario Vendor Portal.

For assistance, Contact the OPS Service Centre:

Monthly vendor reporting

As a vendor of record of the Ontario government, you must submit a monthly usage report, as outlined on the contract.

Submit your report

Buy for government

New buyers

If you’re a member of the Ontario Public Service or the broader public sector, including provincial agencies, Ontario Power Generation and the Independent Electricity System Operator, you can use current Ontario government vendors.

Register as a buyer to see the list and details of enterprise-wide vendor of record arrangements. You can also learn more about our vendor of record agreement in our procurement bulletins.

Procurement Operational Guidelines for Buyers

Are you a buyer for a municipality, government agency or broader public sector entity? If so, your organization may be eligible to access the Province’s Vendor of Record and Volume Licencing arrangements saving your organization valuable time and money.

Benefits of using these arrangements include:

  • Ability to tap into the Province of Ontario’s volume-based buying power;
  • Streamlines your process to procure commonly used goods and services through a traditional Request for Bids (RFB) process;
  • Easy access to pre-qualified vendors offering a variety of goods and/or services; and
  • Quick access to contract manager support and helpful user guides.

To learn how to become a registered non-OPS buyer, please access the Operational Guidelines for Use of Enterprise-wide Vendor of Record Arrangements and Volume Licensing Agreements by OPS Clients and Non-OPS Clients guide.

To find out if your organization is already a registered non-OPS buyer, please contact doingbusiness@ontario.ca or you may go to the List of successfully-registered OPS Clients and Non-OPS Clients.

Procurement rationale form

For broader public sector organizations, your funding ministry may tell you to complete a Procurement Rationale Report Form if a new in-scope procurement is:

  • $121,200 and greater
  • not leveraging a bulk buying agreement or
  • two years or more in length including extensions
The table below shows scenarios where a procurement rationale form is required.
ScenarioForm RequiredReason
$350,000 good/service, not available on VOR-type arrangement, contract less than two years with extensionsNoContract two years or under
$121,200 good/service using enterprise-wide Volume Licensing Agreement, three-year contract including extensionsNoUsing enterprise-wide agreement
$90,000 good, invitational, not available on VOR, four-year contractNoValue under $100,000, measures do not apply
$121,200 good/service, sole source, three-year contractYesContract over two years
$5M construction related, five-year contractNoNot required for construction
$600,000 goods, not on VOR, three-year contract, already have organizational approval but not postedYesContract over two years and not posted before March 18. 2019
$200,000 service, not available on VOR, five-year contract, posted March 10, 2019 but contract not signedNoPosted prior to March 18, 2019 announcement
Good/service over $121,200, one-year contract + one-year extensionNoTotal contract two years or under

More information about the interim measures.

Events and seminars

Training for Buyers

Building Ontario Businesses Initiative (BOBI) training for ministry and agency buyers will now be available on request for groups of ten or more. Should you require BOBI training for your team, please email DoingBusiness@supplyontario.ca to schedule.

Buyers will learn how to apply BOBI strategies to procurements and embed local economic benefit considerations into the procurement process.

Training for Vendors

We recommend vendors attend the Vendor Procurement Training – How to do Business with Ontario webinar prior to attending Vendor Procurement Training – How to Submit a Bid.

Vendor Procurement Training – How to do Business with Ontario

You will learn about procurement policies and directives in Ontario, how to access procurement opportunities, helpful tips about preparing a bid response, and how to market yourself to the right people.

Vendor Procurement Training – How to Submit a Bid

You will learn about the rules around government procurement in Ontario, understand your role as a vendor and learn about the step-by-step procurement process.

More information

Events, seminars and webinars help explain procurement policies and practices of the Ontario government and provide information and tips on:

  • procurement policy
  • writing effective proposals
  • becoming a vendor of record, and
  • marketing your goods and services to the Ontario government

If your group or association would like to have a seminar delivered as part of your program or event, please contact us at DoingBusiness@ontario.ca.

Contact us

For more information, contact us at DoingBusiness@ontario.ca


To find all our bulletins, visit our doing business bulletin page.

Mobile Devices and Services

August 26, 2024 


Supply Ontario (SO) has established a new enterprise-wide Vendor of Record (VOR) arrangement for Mobile Devices and Services, which includes Cellular Internet of Things (IoT). The VOR arrangement has multiple qualified vendors attached, spread across two (2) streams.

This arrangement became effective on August 1, 2024 and is for a term of six (6) years, to July 31, 2030. There are two (2) additional optional extension terms of up to two (2) years each. This VOR arrangement is mandatory for all Ontario Public Service (OPS) ministries and agencies and optional for the broader public sector and registered non-OPS buying entities.

This VOR arrangement consists of two (2) service streams with qualified vendors ranked within their applicable stream:


Stream 1 pertains to the acquisition of mobile devices and its related services, including In-Building Wireless (IBW) solutions.

Mobile devices and services include voice and data transmission and In-Building Wireless (IBW) Solutions, which includes signal boosters, small cells as well as Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS).

Features of Stream 1 include:

  • Nationwide voice and data plans
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) plans
  • Nationwide United States / Canada plans
  • Add-on features such as directory assistance and enhanced voicemail
  • Long distance calling
  • Roaming packages
  • Smart phones and mobile phones
  • Smartwatch plans
  • Buy-back program and device disposal services

The list of qualified Stream 1 vendors, by rank, are:


Stream 2 pertains to Cellular Internet of Things (IoT). Cellular IoT devices are defined as hardware, including sensors, actuators, gadgets, appliances, or machines that are programmed for certain applications and can transmit data over the cellular network using a SIM card or an eSIM.

Features of Stream 2 include:

  • Cellular data plans for all IoT devices
  • Tiered monthly data plans up to one terabyte (1TB)

The list of qualified Stream 2 vendors, by rank, are:


The highest ranked vendor (in each stream) should be offered the opportunity to fulfill all net new and upgrade orders in line with the buyer’s requirements. However, should the highest ranked vendor not be able to meet the requirements of the buyer and they refuse the order, the next highest ranked vendor will be given the opportunity. This process will continue until such time the order is fulfilled or all available vendors are unable to meet the buyer’s requirements and have refused the order.


Stream 1
  • This will achieve significant cost savings by leveraging Ontario’s purchasing power across its various ministries, agencies, and the broader public sector.
  • This VOR allows entities to enter into a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) plan, allowing further savings by not requiring additional hardware be purchased.
  • This VOR will also allow public sector entities to enter into plans with no roaming charges across the United States and Canada.
Stream 2
  • Tiered IoT data pricing that is equal to or better than mobile plan pricing.

How to access the VOR arrangement

For Ontario Public Service (OPS) ministries

This VOR arrangement and the user guide are available on InsideOPS.

For Non-OPS entities

Access is available through the Doing business with Ontario website.


Questions about this VOR arrangement can be directed to:

OPS Service Centre

416-915-7772 or 1-888-996-7772