Fall 2020 Budget consultations
We are preparing a Fall 2020 Budget to help start Ontario down the road to recovery from COVID-19. From September 18 to October 16, 2020, we asked for your ideas to help us develop the next phase of Ontario’s Action Plan.
This consultation is now closed.
About the consultations
The COVID-19 pandemic has significant impact on individuals, families and businesses across the province. To help start Ontario down the road to recovery, the government is preparing a Fall 2020 Budget.
While investing in frontline health care and protecting families and workers remains the top priority, we value your ideas and invite you to tell us what you want to see in the next phase of Ontario’s Action Plan.
How to participate
You can share your ideas with us in the following ways:
Share your ideas online
Participate in the online survey.
Send us a written submission
Submit your ideas, in 500 words or less, and send them to us by email or mail.
Send your submission to submissions@ontario.ca and:
- include your name or the name of your organization
- use “Fall 2020 Budget Consultations” in the subject line
- attach your submission as a PDF or Word document
Mail your submission to:
The Honourable Rod Phillips
Minister of Finance
c/o Budget Secretariat
Frost Building North, 3rd Floor
95 Grosvenor Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1Z1
Attend a teleconference or an in-person session
We are hosting:
- teleconference sessions
- limited attendance in-person sessions with appropriate public health measures
For more information, send an email.
Your privacy matters
This is a public consultation. All submissions received are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be considered public.
Your responses will be reviewed and may be used by the Ministry of Finance for consideration as part of the Fall 2020 Ontario Budget. This may involve disclosing some or all comments or materials, or summaries of them, to other interested parts of the Ontario government during and after the consultation. Your feedback may also be used in a summary report about this survey. Feedback will not be attributed to specific individuals.
Please do not include personal information in your responses or any information that identifies you, a friend, family member or other person.
Some of the non-identifying information shared may be used by Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Finance and their service providers to measure website analytics, performance and to improve our services.
Your information will not be placed on mailing lists or released to any third party, except as may be authorized by law. For questions on how personal information collected on this page will be used, please see our Privacy Statement or contact:
Melissa Ouzas - Manager
Budget Secretariat
Frost Building North, 3rd floor
95 Grosvenor Street
Toronto ON M7A 1Z1