Find your school
Search for a school near you and get information about that school and student achievement.
Find your school
Use the school information finder to search for publicly funded schools in Ontario and learn more about them. Search by town, city, school board, postal code or school name.
After your search, you can click on a school's name to review information about the school itself, its students and their achievement.
Elementary schools
Find schools that teach junior kindergarten, senior kindergarten and any grades from Grade 1 to Grade 8.
Search for an elementary school
Secondary schools
Find schools that teach Grades 9 to 12.
Search for a secondary school
Schools that offer both elementary and secondary grades (for example, Grades 7 to 12) will appear in both elementary and secondary searches. However, the information about that school is only about the corresponding grade range (for example, Grades 7 to 8 or 9 to 12).
School board information
Contact a school board
Find contact information for every school board.
Read progress reports
Find data about each school board’s progress in helping students succeed.
About the school information finder
This tool helps parents find information about Ontario's publicly funded schools. You can use this tool to find information about:
- student achievement
- the student population
- the school address and contact information
To find more information about a school, visit the school’s website and contact the school or school board directly.
Read the glossary to learn more about the words we use in the school information finder.
Missing towns or cities
If you are having difficulty finding schools in a particular city, try using the postal code search function instead.
The town or city search menu includes only official municipalities. Many smaller towns and cities have been amalgamated into larger municipalities. Some schools may have submitted their address information using their former town or city name.
How students are assigned to schools
School boards can have their own policy about how students are assigned to schools or whether families can choose which school to attend. Visit your school board website or contact your school for the rules about school boundaries in your area.
Report incorrect information
Talk to your school staff to make sure they reported the information to their board or to the Ministry of Education. If you think the information is out-of-date or not available, please email the details to:
Please note that school enrolment totals have been rounded to the nearest 5 in order to better protect and maintain student privacy. Percentages depicted as 0 may not always be 0 values as in certain situations the values have been randomly rounded down and percentages depicted as 100 are not always 100 as certain values have been randomly rounded up.
The information in the school information finder is the most current information available to the Ministry of Education at this time, based on information we collected from schools, school boards, EQAO and Statistics Canada.
Most of the information is from the 2021-2022 school year.
Due to Covid-19 pandemic, EQAO assessments were suspended for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 academic years. Given that there were no EQAO assessment results for these academic years and due to changes to the assessments implemented in 2021-22, the Progress indicators are not available.
EQAO considers 2021-2022 as the new baseline year, with factors such as new online assessment delivery, new adaptive question format, and curriculum changes impacting the suitability of comparisons to prior year assessment results. The next opportunity to calculate a comparison over 3 years will be when the 2023-2024 EQAO results are released.
Understanding the data
When you search for schools you can read information about student achievement and demographic data about the student population.
The student population data are based on information from the schools/school boards and other sources like Statistics Canada and EQAO.
Some information like students receiving special education or gifted services, students whose first language was not English or French and students who are new to Canada, are as reported by schools/boards to the Ministry. The information is presented as a percentage of the total school population.
Student population information
The demographic data can help you make comparisons between schools that have similar student populations. Providing both the achievement results and the demographic data:
- allows all members of the school community, including parents, to engage in informed discussions about how we can improve our schools
- gives you information that goes beyond provincial assessment scores so you have more context about the school
- can help school communities learn from one another, and from schools with similar demographic data
We hope that this transparency will help you have a more informed dialogue with your school and school community about the school, its achievement levels, and the programs and services it provides to students.
Information from Statistics Canada
We use data from Statistics Canada for information about lower-income households and parental education. This information uses geographic areas (postal codes).
We use student postal codes to cross-reference income and parental education data.
For lower-income households and parental education, we calculate each school's percentage using the number of students in the school from each postal code within a geographic area.