Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Find out how you can submit a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.
Types of Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) Freedom of Information requests (FOI)
There are no restrictions based on age or where you live to make a request for information. Requests for information to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services can be for:
- personal records
- general records
Personal records
Personal information means recorded information about you as an individual. It may include your name, address, gender, age, education, and medical or employment history. It can also include identifying numbers such as a Social Insurance Number, and your personal views or opinions. Here are the types of personal information:
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) personal records
- Family Responsibility personal records
- other personal information requests
General records
General records requests may include emails and or correspondence related to a specific topic such as records that the ministry has in any form available. Review the Access and Privacy Manual for more details about accessing records. Some examples of general records are:
- policy documents
- contracts
- briefing notes
How to submit a request for Ontario Disability Support Program records (ODSP)
You can submit your request by mail, in person or online.
For mail requests please include:
- your name and contact information: address, telephone number and email address, if applicable
- the type of personal records you want, for example your entire ODSP file or just part of it
- the time period of the records that are required
- any other information that would help us to search for your records
- a cheque for $5.00 made payable to the “Minister of Finance”
- photocopies of two pieces of government issued identification, along with your member identification number or two unique identifiers such as date of birth and Social Insurance Number (SIN)
Send your request to:
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Support Services Unit
FOI and Issues Management
621 Main Street West, 1st Floor
North Bay, Ontario
P1B 2V6
Fax: 519-931-9974 Toll-free: 1-833-933-2372 -
In-person requests
FOI clients can submit their request in person at their ODSP office.
Online requests
Online records requests are filed using the Ontario government’s eRequest form. Follow the directions on the form. An FOI representative might contact you if we need more documentation.
Learn more about how to submit a freedom of information request online.
To better serve our requesters, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services is now disclosing files through our Online Secure Email Portal. Please include your email address if you would like to receive your file by secure email.
Law firm or representative requesting a client’s personal record specific to ODSP
A law firm or representative submitting a request for a client’s personal record can do so in writing or online following the directions above. In addition, we require:
- written consent from your client (dated within the last six months of the request filing) allowing the ministry to disclose any and all records to your representative, dated within the last six months of the request filing, and signed by the client with their name clearly printed under their signature, or a completed Ministry consent form to disclose personal information
- first and last name of your client, their birth date and identification number (referred to as the ‘member ID’ on ODSP statements)
- contact information for the law firm or representative requesting the records
In an effort to better serve our requesters, the MCCSS is now disclosing files through our Online Secure Email Portal. Please include your email address if you would like to receive your file by Secure Email.
If your client is unable to give consent to the request, provide supporting documentation, such as a Power of Attorney (POA), Court Order Appointment as Litigation Guardian, Court Order Appointment as Estate Trustee With / Without a Will, etc., that clearly demonstrates the requester has the power to act on behalf of the ODSP recipient.
Request filed on behalf of another person
If you are a family member or a person asking on behalf of another individual, you can submit the request in writing or online. In addition to the $5.00 application fee, we require:
- written consent from the individual (dated within the last six months of the request filing)
- where consent is not possible, provide supporting documentation, such as a POA, Court Order Appointment as Litigation Guardian, Court Order Appointment as Estate Trustee With /Without a Will, etc., that clearly demonstrates the requester has the power to act on behalf of the recipient
- first and last name of the person whose records you are requesting along with their date of birth and identification number (referred to as the ‘member ID’ on ODSP statements)
Contact us
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Support Services Unit
FOI and Issues Management
621 Main Street West, 1st Floor
North Bay, Ontario
P1B 2V6
Fax: 519-931-9974 Toll-free: 1-833-933-2372 -
Requests for information that is very limited and specific, such as financial information only, can sometimes be disclosed under routine disclosure by the ODSP caseworker.
How to submit a request for Family Responsibility Office (FRO) records
Visit the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) website to request personal records. Online record requests are filed using the Ontario government’s eRequest form. Follow the directions provided on the form.
Requesting your own personal information for all other types of requests
Requests for these types of personal records may include:
- Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD)
- Crown Ward records
- Children’s Aid Societies records — These requests will need to be filed with the Children’s Aid Society directly. Visit the Ontario Associations of Children’s Aid Society (OACAS) for more details.
- Youth court records — These requests can be submitted through the ministry general inquiry form.
You can submit your request via mail or online.
For requests by mail
For mail requests please include:
- your name and contact information (for example, address, telephone number, email address)
- the type of personal record you want (for example, your ACSD or crown ward records and any information that would help us to search e.g., your name and date of birth)
- the time period of the records you want
- a cheque for $5.00 made payable to the “Minister of Finance”
- photocopies of two pieces of government issued identification
Send your request to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services — Access and Privacy Office
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Access and Privacy Office
P.O. Box 978
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1N3
Tel: 416-327-0301 Fax: 416-326-2567 -
For online requests
Online records requests are filed using the Ontario government’s eRequest form. Follow the directions on the form. An FOI representative might contact you if we need more documentation.
Learn more about how to submit a freedom of information request online.
Law firm or representative requesting a client’s personal records
A law firm or representative submitting a request for an individual’s personal records can do so by mail or online as outlined above. In addition, we require:
- written consent from your client (dated within the last six months of the request filing)
- first and last name of your client and the birth date
Request filed on behalf of another person
If you are a family member or a person asking on behalf of another individual, you can submit the request in writing or online. In addition, we require:
- written consent from the individual (dated within the last six months of the request filing)
- first and last name of the person whose records you are requesting along with
- their date of birth
- two pieces of government issued identification of the individual and the person making the request on behalf of another individual
- Ministry consent form to disclose personal information
How to submit a request for general records
Follow these steps for general records.
- Check the Directory of Records, and the Open Data Catalogue, or speak with a ministry staff person to determine if the records are publicly available and do not require a formal request. If the records are not publicly available, you will need to make a Freedom of Information request.
- Submit your request. You can submit your request via email or mail.
For requests by mail
For mail requests please include:
- your name and contact information (e.g., address, telephone number and email address)
- a description of the records you are requesting including the time frame
- a cheque for $5.00 made payable to “Minister of Finance”
Send your request by mail to:
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Access and Privacy Office
P.O. Box 978
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1N3
Tel: 416-327-0301 Fax: 416-326-2567 -
For online requests
You can make an online request using the Ontario government’s eRequest form. Follow the directions provided on the form.
Be as specific as possible when describing the records you are looking for. This means identifying the types of records, date ranges and subject matter. Make sure you are requesting access to records, and not answers to specific questions.
Processing time for all requests
We will begin searching for your records once we receive your request. We may contact you if we have questions. Most requests are filled within 30 calendar days.
Large, complex requests can take longer that 30 days. If we need more than 30 days, we’ll tell you in writing.
Where records do not exist or cannot be found with the identifiers provided, you will be notified within 30 days.
Most general information requests involve fees for such work as searching for records and preparing records for disclosure. We will tell you about fees associated with your request in writing.
We may have to protect some information, or some records prior to disclosure. Examples include cabinet records less than 20 years old, law enforcement information, legal advice, advice and recommendations to decision makers, third-party proprietary information, personal information belonging to other individuals, and small cell counts. Read a complete list of exemptions.
Once you have received a decision, you can appeal any decisions made by our office relating to your request, including fees, time extensions and the withholding of information under the specified exemptions. Your appeal should be made to the Information and Privacy Commission of Ontario.
Completion time
We have 30 days from receipt of your complete request to provide you with an access decision. We may contact you if we have questions.
Contact us
Ministry of Children Community and Social Services
Access and Privacy Office
P.O. Box 978
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 1N3
Tel: 416-327-0301 Fax: 416-326-2567 -