
The Ontario government offers funding opportunities that your organization may be eligible for throughout the year. Funding is available through the Transfer Payment Ontario system.

You can use Transfer Payment Ontario to:

  • register and submit for funding
  • get information about available funding opportunities
  • check the status of your active submissions for funding

Learn about the funding opportunities that are available.

Access Transfer Payment Ontario

  1. Create a My Ontario Account

    Get your unique electronic credential for secure access to numerous Ontario government services, including Transfer Payment Ontario.

  2. Register for Transfer Payment Ontario

    After you log in with your My Ontario Account, you can register your organization for Transfer Payment Ontario.

    To register you will need:

    • your Canada Revenue Agency Business Number (CRA BN), if you have one. Learn about business number registration (if you do not have a CRA BN you will need to confirm this by completing the CRA Program Account Checklist as part of your registration process)
    • the legal name of your organization that’s printed on official documents (for example, articles of incorporation or registered business applications)
    • the operating name of your organization (your business name commonly used by your clients)
    • contact information for at least two contacts within the organization, including one senior contact with signing authority (for example, a director, controller or CEO and another member of your organization)

    If your organization is already registered in Transfer Payment Ontario, you can join your organization’s profile.

    To join your registered organization, you will need either:

    • the legal name of your organization that’s printed on official documents (for example, articles of incorporation or registered business applications)
    • your Canada Revenue Agency Business Number (CRA BN), if you have one
    • your organization’s Transfer Payment Ontario Registration ID number
    • the system will automatically place a request for standard access to Transfer Payment Ontario
    • we will email you to let you know when you can access the system
  3. Access to Transfer Payment Ontario

    After you register your organization:

    • the system will automatically place a request for standard access to Transfer Payment Ontario
    • we will email you to let you know when you can access the system

    Depending on volumes and peak times, it could take up to five business days for us to process your request.

    We recommend you register your organization and submit your request to access Transfer Payment Ontario well in advance of the program submission deadline. This will ensure you can submit your funding request on time.

  4. Submit for funding

    Once you have successfully registered or joined an organization, you will be able to log in and submit for funding.

    Logging into Transfer Payment Ontario system will allow you to:

    • see available funding opportunities
    • submit requests for funding opportunities
    • submit reports
    • track and manage your funding requests
    • manage your approved funding submissions and payments
  5. Notice: We’ve changed the way you access Transfer Payment Ontario        
    As of December 16, 2024, the new website address (URL) for Transfer Payment Ontario is https://www.tpon.gov.on.ca/tpon/psLogin

Available funding

Once you are registered with Transfer Payment Ontario, you can apply for funding opportunities.

You can then find more information about:

  • application deadlines
  • eligibility requirements
  • program guidelines
  • who to contact for more information about each funding opportunity
  • how to get technical help

Find out about current funding opportunities.

Get help

If you need help logging in, navigating or updating your organization’s profile in the Transfer Payment Ontario system, please refer to the resources below.

Getting started

Guide: Creating a My Ontario Account

Video: How to create a My Ontario account (alternative format: video transcript)

Video: How to navigate Transfer Payment Ontario (alternative format: video transcript)

Managing organizations

Guide: Registering an organization

Guide: Joining an existing organization

Guide: Requesting access to Transfer Payment Ontario

Video: How to register or join an organization (alternative format: video transcript)

Guide: Updating an organization

Requesting funding

Guide: Submitting for funding

Video: How to submit for funding (alternative format: video transcript)

Approving contracts

Guide: Approving a contract

Video: How to review and approve a contract (alternative format: video transcript)

Submitting reports

Guide: Submitting a report

Video: How to submit a report (alternative format: video transcript)

Partner portal

Video: How to access the Partner Portal (alternative format: video transcript)

Become a designated provider of French-language services

Learn how your organization can apply for a designation under the French Language Services Act.

Contact us

For questions about applying to specific funding opportunities, please contact the funding program directly. You can find more information about program area contacts on the available funding opportunities page.

For all other questions, please contact Transfer Payment Ontario Client Care from Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except for government and statutory holidays, at:

Please include the following details for quicker service via email:

  • the name of the program you are interested in
  • your case or file number
  • the name of your organization

For 24/7 assistance: