
If you have diabetes, you may qualify for financial assistance to pay for equipment and supplies through the Assistive Devices Program.

Who qualifies

To qualify, you must:

  • be an Ontario resident
  • have a valid Ontario health card

We do not consider your income.

Who does not qualify

You do not qualify, if:

  • you already qualify for or are receiving support from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board for the same equipment and supplies
  • you are a Group A veteran and already qualify or are receiving support from Veterans Affairs Canada for the same equipment and supplies

What is covered

If you have type 1 diabetes and are not having success with multiple daily injections, we help cover the cost of insulin pumps and supplies used with them (such as infusion sets, cannulas).

If you have type 1 diabetes and meet the specific medical eligibility criteria, we provide coverage for a real-time continuous glucose monitoring system (sensors, transmitters and in some cases a receiver).

Replacements for insulin pumps

You can apply for a replacement pump if:

  • your medical condition has changed and the pump no longer meets your needs
  • the pump is worn out, no longer under the 5 year warranty and cannot be repaired at reasonable cost
    • a quote on the estimated repair costs must be provided

We do not cover costs to replace a lost pump or supplies or to repair pumps or supplies damaged through misuse or neglect.

How much is covered

The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) provides:

  • 100% of the ADP price of an insulin pump
  • up to a maximum of $2,400 a year for supplies used with an insulin pump, paid to you in $600 installments every 3 months
  • full coverage for a real-time glucose monitoring system
  • full coverage for the sensors and the transmitters up to a maximum allowable quantity per 24-month period

Find a Diabetes Education Program and apply

As a result of the COVID‑19 outbreak, the ADP office is only accepting new applications for funding assistance via email and fax. Learn more about submitting an application.

Follow these steps to apply:

  1. Get examined by members of a Diabetes Education Program (DEP) registered with the ADP.

    The DEP consists of a team of health professionals, including a physician and/or nurse practitioner, who will determine whether an insulin pump is appropriate for you.

  • an insulin pump or a real-time continuous glucose monitoring system is appropriate for you
  • you meet the medical eligibility criteria for an insulin pump and/or a real-time continuous glucose monitoring system

Use the table below to find a Diabetes Education Program for adults or children using the table below.

Diabetes Education Program for adults


Diabetes Education Program for children


  1. Work with the staff at the DEP who will help you choose a pump or a real-time continuous glucose monitoring system available from a vendor registered with ADP, as well as the right supplies.
  2. Fill out the application form. Staff at the DEP can help you.
  1. The ADP-registered vendor will submit your application to the Assistive Devices Program via electronic submission.

What happens next

We aim to review your application within 2 to 4 weeks of receiving it.

If you order or buy the pump and supplies, or a real-time continuous glucose monitoring system before knowing our decision, and your application is denied, you will be responsible for the full cost.

You will receive a letter from us about the reason for the denial and how you can follow up, including appealing our decision.

If your application is approved

If your application is approved, we’ll contact the insulin pump vendor or the real-time continuous glucose monitoring system vendor. They will contact you to let you know.

At the same time, for the insulin pump and the supplies, we’ll send you the first payment of $600 within 30 days of your application being approved.

For real-time continuous glucose monitoring systems, you will be eligible to begin receiving your supplies and if required the receiver.

If your application is not approved

If your application is not approved, you are advised to contact your health care team to discuss your next steps.

Receiving payment for the insulin pump supplies

Payments for insulin pump supplies can be deposited directly into your bank account. Please fill out and submit the Application for Direct Bank Payment to the address on the form as soon as possible.

Otherwise you will receive payments by cheque through the mail.

How to renew

You must renew with the ADP every year for insulin pump supplies.

We will send you a renewal letter near the anniversary date of your original application. Complete and mail the form to us as soon as possible after you receive it.

You must renew ADP coverage for the supplies used with a real-time continuous glucose monitoring system every 2 years. You are advised to keep track of when your two-year funding periods expires and contact your ADP-registered vendor before the expiry date to ensure the renewal form is completed and returned to the ADP.

Insulin syringes and needles for seniors

As a result of the COVID‑19 outbreak, the ADP office is only accepting new applications for funding assistance via email and fax. Learn more about submitting an application.

If you are a senior (65+ years) who needs insulin every day and lives at home, you can apply for $170 annually to help pay for syringes and needles.

How to apply

To apply, follow these steps:

  1. Print and fill out the insulin syringes for seniors application form or contact us to request a form.
  2. Once completed, scan and email the application form to: assistivedevicesprogram@opddp.ca

If you do not have access to email, you can mail the completed application to:

Assistive Devices Program
5700 Yonge Street, 7th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, M2M 4K5

  1. Buy the syringes and needles from any retailer in Ontario that sells these products. The business does not have to be authorized by the Assistive Devices Program.

What happens next

If you’re approved, we’ll send you $170 within 30 days of reviewing your application.

If your application is denied, you will receive a letter from us. The letter will tell you the reason for the denial and how you can follow up, including appealing our decision.

Receiving payment

Your payment can be deposited directly into your bank account. Please fill out and submit the Application for Direct Bank Payment to the address on the form as soon as possible.

Otherwise you will receive your payment by cheque through the mail.

How to renew

You must renew with the ADP every 2 years for syringes and needles.

We will send you a renewal letter near the anniversary date of your original application. Complete and return the form to us as soon as possible.

Diabetic testing supplies

Find out if you qualify and how to apply for help paying for diabetic testing supplies through the Ontario Monitoring for Health Program.