Honours and awards: volunteering
Learn how to nominate someone for honours and awards for achievements in volunteering.
Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers
This medal program honours outstanding contributions made by exceptional youth volunteers across the province. It is the highest honour a young person can achieve for their contributions to the province.
The person you nominate (the nominee) must:
- be between 15 and 24 years old
- be a resident of Ontario
- have volunteered for a significant amount of time with a charity, not-for-profit or person
- be a role model for other young people and inspire them to volunteer
You cannot nominate:
- yourself
- someone who has passed away
- an elected federal, provincial or municipal politician currently in office
Required information
In your nomination, you will need to provide:
- The nominee’s first name, last name, email address and phone number.
- The nominator’s first name, last name, email address and phone number.
- A detailed description of the nominee’s achievements.
- A minimum of 2 signed testimonial letters. The letters must be from 2 different people who are not the nominator. An electronic signature or scanned copy of the signed letters are acceptable. The testimonial writers should:
- know the nominee
- be able to explain the value and impact of the nominee’s achievements
- support the nomination
- The testimonial writers’ first name, last name, email address and phone number.
Additional information
You may include additional materials if they give more insight into your nominee’s accomplishments, such as:
- supplementary testimonials
- publications
- media stories and news articles
The deadline to nominate someone is January 15 of each year.
How to nominate someone
- Gather all the required information.
- Create an account (or sign in for returning users) on the Ontario Honours and Awards Portal.
- Submit your nomination through the portal.
Read our guide for tips on writing and submitting a nomination.
Selection process
An independent advisory council appointed by the Premier reviews each nomination and selects the candidates.
Medal presentation
The medals are presented at a special ceremony at Queen’s Park and hosted by the Lieutenant Governor. This usually takes place in May each year. Along with the medal, each recipient receives a framed certificate and a lapel pin.
Previous recipients
Read about the previous recipients of this medal.
Ontario Volunteer Service Awards
This award recognizes volunteers for providing committed and dedicated service to an organization.
Adults are recognized by the length of time they've volunteered with one organization, ranging from five to 65 years of continuous service. Youth (24 years old and under) are recognized for two or more years of continuous service.
Organizations that have been in existence for a minimum of 5 years may submit a nomination.
Each organization may nominate up to nine volunteers (of which a maximum of 6 nominees may be adults).
The nominee(s) must:
- be living persons residing and volunteering in Ontario
- not have received payment for their volunteer work
- be active beyond simple membership in an organization
- not have performed the services as part of their regular business or professional duties
A youth nominee must:
- be under 24 years old and under
- have volunteered with one organization for at least two consecutive years
An adult nominee must have volunteered with one organization for at least 5 consecutive years.
Organizations with more than one branch can submit separate nominations for up to nine volunteers for each branch.
Required information
- Nominating organization name, address, email, phone number and year established
- Volunteer first name, last name, address, email, and phone number
- Head of organization (if applicable) first name, last name, email, phone number and position title.
How to nominate someone
- Gather the required information:
- Create an account (or sign in for returning users) on the Ontario Honours and Awards Portal.
- Submit your nomination through the portal.
The deadline to nominate someone is November 15 of each year. Nominations received after the deadline will be considered in the following year.
Selection process
Recipients receive a personalized certificate and lapel pin acknowledging their years of service at a local award recognition ceremony.
Award presentation
Recipients receive a personalized certificate and lapel pin acknowledging their years of service at a local award recognition ceremony.
June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism
This award recognizes people and groups who have made outstanding contributions as volunteers in their communities.
There are 2 categories:
- Outstanding Volunteer Category: recognizes an individual or group for their commitment to volunteering and longstanding service to their community. Up to 20 individuals and/or groups receive this award each year.
- Excellence in Volunteer Management Category: recognizes an individual or group from an organization that is incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation or registered as a charity for their achievement in encouraging people to volunteer in their communities. Up to 5 individuals and/or groups receive this award each year.
The person you nominate (the nominee) must be:
- an individual or group (such as a not-for-profit or charity)
- a resident of Ontario
- a living person or an existing institution
You cannot nominate:
- yourself (unless it's a group nomination)
- someone who has passed away
- an elected politician currently in office or political appointee
Required information
To submit a nomination, you will need:
- The nominee’s first name, last name, address, email, and phone number. If you’re nominating a group, please provide a group contact.
- A detailed description the nominee’s achievements and why they should receive the award.
- At least 2 signed testimonial letters. The letters must be from 2 different people who are not the nominator. An electronic signature or scanned copy of the signed letters are acceptable. The testimonial writers should:
- know the nominee
- be able to explain the value and impact of the nominee’s achievements
- support the nomination
- The testimonial writers’ first name, last name, email address and phone number.
Additional information
You may include optional supporting documents to give more insight into your nominee’s accomplishments, such as:
- supplementary testimonials
- publications
- media stories and news articles
How to nominate someone
- Gather the required information:
- Create an account (or sign in for returning users) on the Ontario Honours and Awards Portal.
- Submit your nomination through the portal.
Read our guide for tips on writing and submitting a nomination.
The deadline to nominate someone is December 15 of each year. Eligible nominations received after the deadline will be considered in the following year.
Selection process
An independent selection committee reviews each nomination and recommends who should receive the award.
Award presentation
The awards are presented at a special recognition ceremony in Toronto.
Previous recipients
Read about the previous recipients of this award.
About June Callwood
June Callwood was a Canadian journalist, author and social activist. She committed her life to action on social justice issues, particularly those related to woman and children. She founded, or co-founded, more than 50 Canadian social action organizations.
Lieutenant Governor’s Community Volunteer Award for Students
Each year, an award is given to one graduating student at each of Ontario's secondary schools.
This award recognizes high school students who go above and beyond the required number of volunteer hours needed to graduate.
Students who are graduating from an Ontario high school (public, provincial, private and demonstration).
Required information
To submit a nomination, you will need:
- The school name, address, email, phone number and year established
- The student’s first name, last name, address, email, and phone number
- The ceremony date (if available)
How to nominate someone
Only principals or a school committee that is dedicated to student recognition can nominate a graduating student for the award. School committees submitting the form will need their principal’s signature.
- Gather the required information.
- Create an account (or sign in for returning users) on the Ontario Honours and Awards Portal.
- Submit your nomination on the portal.
The nomination must be submitted in the student's graduating school year.
Selection process
Once the form is submitted, the award (consisting of a certificate and lapel pin) will be delivered to the school within three to four weeks.
Award presentation
The award is presented to students by their school.