How to use a Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks map
Get help using the specialized maps from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
Access Environment
- Map: Access Environment – click Launch Application
- More information about Access Environment
- Access Environment Help
Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund
- Map: Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund
- More information about the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund (GLGCF)
- Data catalogue: Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund recipients
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Watershed | Watershed: | Watershed: Lake Erie | There are five great lakes watersheds in Ontario: Lake Erie; Lake Huron; Lake Ontario; Lake Superior; and, St. Lawrence and Ottawa River. |
Great Lakes Goal | Great Lakes Goal: | Great Lakes Goal: Improving wetlands, beaches and coastal areas | There are four goals: Empowering communities; Protecting habitats and species; Improving wetlands, beaches, and coastal areas; and Protecting water quality for human and ecological health. |
Round | Round: | Round: 4 | The Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund launched in 2012 and is an annual funding program. Round 1 represents the starting year (2012). |
Organization Type | Organization Type: | Organization Type: Environmental non-government organization | Recipients are grouped into different organization types. For example:
Recipient | Recipient: | Recipient: Evergreen | This is the organization that received funding from the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund in order to carry out their project. |
Project Title | Project Title: | Project Title: Living Beaches | This is the title of the project that was carried out by the recipient. |
Keyword | Keyword: | Keyword: Monitoring | Keywords describe the major components of a project. They can be used to search for specific projects that involve a certain activity, animal, environment, etc. |
Find a Location Searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Waterbody | Ontario lake or river name | Lake Simcoe | Google location search. |
Geographic Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Geographic Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | latitude, longitude | 43.71, −79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ' " (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42'37.05", 79°32'28.92" | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Current map display
GLGCF Data Searches can be performed with the "Search Current Map Display Only" box checked. This will limit the search to the area displayed. "Search Current Map Display Only" doesn’t apply to "Find a Location Searches".
Great Lakes watershed locator
- Map: Great Lakes watershed locator
- More information about Great Lakes and watersheds, Source protection and Drinking water
- Watersheds 101 – Conservation Ontario
Using the marker 
If the returned result does not display at the desired location, drag the marker with your mouse and drop it on the desired location. The information window will be updated to reflect the new location and the corresponding Great Lakes watershed.
Simple searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Address | Address in Ontario | 125 Resources Road, Toronto | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Town/city | Ontario Town/City | Ottawa Ontario | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Postal Code | Postal Code in Ontario | M9P 3V6 | Google location search. |
Advanced searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Waterbody | Ontario lake or river name | Lake Simcoe | Google location search. |
Geographic Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Geographic Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | latitude, longitude | 43.71, −79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ' " (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42'37.05", 79°32'28.92" | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Guide to eating Ontario fish
- Map: Guide to eating Ontario fish – consumption advice for fish from Ontario lakes and rivers
- Use the Guide to eating Ontario fish to identify the types and amounts of fish that are safe to eat
- Data catalogue: Guide to eating Ontario fish – advisory information
Simple searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Waterbody | Ontario lake or river name (one word is preferred) | Simcoe | The advisory dataset is searched first, followed by a general Google location search if no advisory point(s) are found. |
Address | Address in Ontario | 125 Resources Road, Toronto | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Town/city | Ontario Town/City | Ottawa Ontario | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Postal Code | Postal Code in Ontario | M9P 3V6 | Google location search. |
Advanced searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Waterbody | Ontario lake or river name | Lake Simcoe | Google location search. |
Geographic Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Geographic Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | latitude, longitude | 43.71, −79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ' " (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42'37.05", 79°32'28.92" | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Fish species | radio button | rainbow trout white sucker and redhorse sucker pickerel | Multiple species or species aliases (pickerel = walleye) can be searched by using “and” between the species names to a maximum of 2 species. Use of generic search terms such as “trout” or “bass” will return results for multiple species (i.e. Lake Trout and Rainbow Trout). |
Current map display
Any of the above searches can be performed with the "Current Map Display" box checked. This will limit the search to the area displayed.
Find a map error?
It is possible you may encounter inaccuracies with map locations.
If you find an error in the location of a lake, river or stream, please contact us. Use the “Report an error” link within the map pop-up.
For comments and suggestions, email us at
If you have any questions about how to determine the amount of fish is safe to consume, contact the Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program at
Please check for the latest advisories on the interactive map.
Lake Partner Program
- Map: Lake Partner Program
- Data catalogue: Ontario Lake Partner Program (LPP) – total phosphorus concentrations and water transparency data for Ontario’s inland lakes
- How you can volunteer to track water quality through water sampling and testing (inland lakes)
Simple searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Lake name | Ontario lake or river name (one word is preferred) | Simcoe | The Lake Partner Program dataset is searched first, followed by a general Google location search if no point(s) are found. |
Address | Address in Ontario | 125 Resources Road, Toronto | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Town/city | Ontario Town/City | Ottawa Ontario | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Postal Code | Postal Code in Ontario | M9P 3V6 | Google location search. |
Advanced searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Waterbody | Ontario lake or river name | Lake Simcoe | Google location search. |
Geographic Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Geographic Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | latitude, longitude | 43.71, −79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ' " (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42'37.05", 79°32'28.92" | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Current map display
Any of the above searches can be performed with the "Current Map Display" box checked. This will limit the search to the area displayed.
If you have any questions on how to interpret phosphorus or water clarity (Secchi) results, contact the Ontario Lake Partner Program by phone at
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) district locator
- Map: Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) district locator
- Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regional and district offices
Using the marker 
If the returned result does not display at the desired location, drag the marker with your mouse and drop it on the desired location. The information window will be updated to reflect the new location and the corresponding MECP District.
Simple searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Address | Address in Ontario | 125 Resources Road, Toronto | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Town/city | Ontario Town/City | Ottawa Ontario | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Postal Code | Postal Code in Ontario | M9P 3V6 | Google location search. |
Advanced searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Waterbody | Ontario lake or river name | Lake Simcoe | Google location search. |
Geographic Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Geographic Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | latitude, longitude | 43.71, −79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ' " (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42'37.05", 79°32'28.92" | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Permits to take water (PTTW)
- Map: Permits to take water (PTTW)
- Create a map for a Permit to take water application
- How to get, renew or update a Permit to take water (PTTW)
- Data catalogue: Permits to take water – the amount of water allowed to be taken by permit holders each day for each source listed in their permit
Simple searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Watershed name | Ontario tertiary watershed name | Ausable | N/A |
Permit holder name | N/A | Petro Canada | N/A |
Town/city | Ontario Town/City | Ottawa Ontario | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Address | Address in Ontario | 125 Resources Road, Toronto | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Postal Code | Postal Code in Ontario | M9P 3V6 | Google location search. |
Advanced searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Waterbody | Ontario lake or river name | Lake Simcoe | Google location search. |
Geographic Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Geographic Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | latitude, longitude | 43.71, −79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ' " (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42'37.05", 79°32'28.92" | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN)
- Map: Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN)
- Data catalogue: Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) – information on ambient (baseline) groundwater level and chemistry conditions
Simple searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
C.A. Name | Conservation Authority name | Rideau Valley C.A. or Riseau | The advisory dataset is searched first, followed by a general Googlelocation search if no advisory point(s) are found. |
PGMN Well ID/city | PGMN Well number | W0000119-2 | W0000119 or 119 or 119-2 is accepted. |
Address | Address in Ontario | 125 Resources Road, Toronto | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Postal Code | Postal Code in Ontario | M9P 3V6 | Google location search. |
Advanced searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot, lot, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | latitude, longitude | 43.71, −79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ' " (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42'37.05", 79°32'28.92" | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Aquifer type | Aquifer type | Bedrock | Bedrock or Interface or Overburden is accepted |
Well depth | Well depth | "10 meters" or "From 9 to 11 meters" | 10 m or 10 meter is accepted |
Current map display
Any of the above searches can be performed with the "Current Map Display" box checked. This will limit the search to the area displayed.
Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN)
- Map: Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN)
- Data catalogue: Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) – provides stream water quality monitoring data for a number of parameters, including total and dissolved nutrients, metals, and chlorophyll
Simple searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Stream | Ontario stream or river name | Humber | The PWQMN dataset is searched first, followed by a general Google location search if no PWQMN station point(s) are found. |
Station ID | Unique Station identification number | 17002600202 | N/A |
Address | Address in Ontario | 125 Resources Road, Toronto | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Town/city | Ontario Town/City | Ottawa Ontario | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Postal Code | Postal Code in Ontario | M9P 3V6 | Google location search. |
Advanced searches
Type of Search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Geographic Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Geographic Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot,, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | latitude, longitude | 43.71, −79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ' " (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42'37.05", 79°32'28.92" | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Current map display
Any of the above searches can be performed with the "Current Map Display" box checked. This will limit the search to the area displayed.
PWQMN Station Information
When the Station Information window pops up, different tabs can be selected to display water quality results at that station for phosphorus, nitrates, suspended solids and chloride.
If you have any questions about the Provincial (Stream) Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) program, please email
Source Protection Information Atlas
- Map: Source Protection Information Atlas (SPIA)
- More information on protecting drinking water sources and drinking water in Ontario
- Data catalogue: Drinking water quality and enforcement
- Data catalogue: Drinking water surveillance programs
Toxics Reduction Program
- Map: Toxics Reduction Program
- More information on the Toxics Reduction Program
- Data catalogue: Toxics Reduction Program reporting
Simple searches
Type of search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Toxic Substance and CAS Number | Search Substance | Chlorine 7782-50-5 | Must be exact name and CAS Number: see list of toxic substances. |
Organization or Facility Name | Search Map Location | ABC Company Inc, - Toronto terminal | Returns all facilities with submitted words in either name. If none are found, finds a place name in Ontario. |
NPRI ID | Search Map Location | 000123456 | NPRI ID is a number unique to each facility. |
NAICS Code or Sector Description | Search Sector | 311 - Food Manufacturing | NAICS code is a number, but must be selected from the dropdown, including the description. Either can be typed. |
Address | Address in Ontario | 125 Resources Road, Toronto | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Town/city | Ontario Town/City | Ottawa Ontario | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Postal Code | Postal Code in Ontario | M9P 3V6 | Google location search. |
Advanced searches
Type of search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Waterbody | Ontario lake or river name | Lake Simcoe | Google location search. |
Geographic Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Geographic Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | latitude, longitude | 43.71, −79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ' " (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42'37.05", 79°32'28.92" | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Current map display
Any of the above searches can be performed with the "Current Map Display" box checked. This will limit the search to the area displayed.
Find a map error?
If you find an error in the location of a facility, please inform the facility public contact listed in the report.
If you are a facility and have noticed an error in the data, please return to Environment Canada’s Single Window, update your annual report and re-submit it.
This map is frequently refreshed to represent updated data.
Units are common standards such as kg (kilograms), g (grams) and tonnes. One unfamiliar unit is the "g TEQ(EQ)" (grams Toxicity Equivalent/Équivalent Toxique). It is defined on the Environment Canada website.
What facilities are shown on the map?
Facilities that have filed reports under Ontario’s Toxics Reduction Program are shown on the map with a yellow marker.
Clicking on a map marker will bring up an info-window through which you may access additional information about the facility. In the bubble, you will find links to the facilities' annual reports related to the requirements of the Toxics Reduction Program if the documents have been submitted. Clicking these links will open other windows with more information, including the types and quantities of toxic substances reported by the facility.
Toxics Reduction Program – A Guide for regulated facilities
For comments and suggestions, email us at
Well records
- Map: Well records
- How to complete, submit or get a copy of well records
- Data catalogue: Well records - including well construction information and spatial information for well records reported in Ontario
Well Record Data Searches
Type of search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Well ID | N/A | 1100048 | Well ID is a seven digit number |
Multiple Well ID | N/A | 1100048,1100399,1100026 | Multiple Well IDs are separated with commas or spaces. |
Tag # | N/A | A051819 | Tag number is a six digit number starting with A |
Multiple Tag # | N/A | A051819, A074904 | Multiple Tag numbers are separated with commas or spaces. |
Audit # | Audit (required, case-insensitive) | Audit Z59419 | Starting with keyword Audit |
Multiple Audit # | Audit (required, case-insensitive) | Audit Z59419, 265899 | Starting with keyword Audit, multiple Audit numbers are separated with commas or spaces. |
Contractor Licence # | N/A | 7454 | Contractor Licence # is a number with four digits. |
Contractor Licence # & year of completion | N/A | 7454, 2010 | Two four digit numbers separated by a space or comma. The first number is the Contractor Licence # and the second number is the year of completion. |
Date of Completion (Single Date) | <date> | March 27, 2010 | Mar or March is accepted. YYYY/MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY is accepted |
Date of Completion (Date Range) | From <date> to <date> (required) | From Mar 2, 2008 to Mar 15, 2008 | The supported date formats are the same as the search for Single Date of Completion. |
Single Well Depth | <#> m | 101.1 m | m, meter, meters, metre, or metres is accepted. The returned results contain the wells with depth from the range of plus or minus 0.1m |
Well Depth Range | From <#> to <#> meters | From 100.1 to 101 meters | m, meter, meters, metre, or metres is accepted. |
Find a Location Searches
Type of search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Geographic Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Geographic Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | latitude, longitude | 43.71, −79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ' " (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42'37.05", 79°32'28.92" | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Current map display
Well Record Data Searches can be performed with the “Search Current Map Display Only” box checked. This will limit the search to the area displayed. “Search Current Map Display Only” doesn’t apply to “Find a Location Searches”.
Pre-submission requirements for industry air approvals
- Pre-submission requirements for industry air approvals
- Learn more about the Cumulative Effects Assessment in Air Approvals policy
- Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) in Air Approvals
Before you start
The location you are searching for should be entered in the field directly above the map of the general location (for example, searches in Hamilton/Burlington should be performed in the search bar above the map of Hamilton/Burlington, and likewise for the Sarnia/Corunna area).
As you enter the information, the search bar will offer suggested locations. If one of the suggested entries is the one you are searching for, click on the location to automatically complete the entry.
Simple searches
Type of search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Address | Address in Ontario | 125 Resources Road, Toronto | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Town/City | Town/City in Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario | Google location search; ON or Ontario is accepted. |
Postal Code | Postal Code in Ontario | M9P 3V6 | Google location search. |
Advanced searches
Type of search | Keyword | Example | Notes |
Geographic Township | TWP or Township (required) | Abinger TWP Ivanhoe Township | N/A |
Geographic Township, Lot and Concession | TWP, lot, con (required) | Abinger TWP, Lot 8, Con 14 | N/A |
Latitude, Longitude Decimal Degrees | Latitude, longitude | 43.71, -79.54 | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
Latitude, Longitude Degrees Minutes Seconds | d m s or ° ‘ “ (required) | 43d42m37.05s, 79d32m28.92s; 43°42’37.05”, 79°32’28.92” | The search term order does not matter (latitude/longitude or longitude/latitude) and a negative longitude is not necessary. |
UTM Coordinates | UTM Zone, Northing, Easting | 17, 617521.28, 4840730.67 | Default UTM zone is 17. The search term order does not matter. |
Using the marker 
If the returned result does not display at the desired location, drag the marker with your mouse and drop it on the desired location. The information will be updated to reflect the new location.