
Ontario supports research and innovation to keep growing the province’s agri-food sector while creating jobs, attracting investment, protecting the environment and supporting food security.

The impacts of research are not felt without knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) activities.

The goal of KTT is to accelerate the transformation of new and emergent knowledge from research into use by the sector.


KTT is defined as the transformation of knowledge into use through synthesis, exchange, dissemination, dialogue, collaboration and brokering among researchers and research users.

It involves the dissemination of the results of research and other initiatives and activities, to those who will make use of the results.

KTT prompts behavioural change. There are many different terms that all promote the same idea: getting knowledge to users by making it understandable and accessible.


Since 2008, KTT has been integrated into OMAFRA's research funding programs. Since then, the efforts to disseminate knowledge arising from funded research have increased exponentially.

KTT activities take new knowledge generated from provincial research and innovation investments and drive the use of that knowledge to yield real impacts in the sector and positively influence business decisions.

These activities involve:

  • working closely with the ministry’s program and policy areas
  • providing oversight to research delivery partners

Successful applicants to ministry funding programs are contractually obligated to deliver on strong KTT plans. This is a mandatory requirement of all projects which ensures results will reach industry and other information users.

Funding program

Learn more about funding programs available through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance that can support KTT specific projects.

Available programs provide funding to both advance research in the field of KTT and to accelerate the transfer of research knowledge into use.

Additional resources

Visit the University of Guelph’s KTT Services and Resources page to access important KTT resources.

Growing Knowledge Translation and Transfer in Ontario: A Manual of Best Practices is a manual that outlines a collection of best practices in agri-food and rural KTT that can help guide you through the development of your KTT plan.

KTT Plan Checklist is a practical tool based on the Alliance KTT plan template. These guidelines, prepared by Alliance funding program reviewers, ensure your proposal covers key aspects of KTT planning.

KTT Example Plans help provide ideas of innovative KTT activities as well as questions to consider as you build your own KTT plans. The plan should be flexible so it can evolve as the research progress evolves. The plan should also emphasize collaboration, partnership and networks. It should embrace all potential audiences and approaches of sharing knowledge. Involvement of the end user during the various research stages and the KTT process is important, the earlier the better. Successful KTT plans also require dedicated resources. A knowledge broker, like OMAFRA staff, can help you share knowledge among researchers and users.

Contact us

For more information on knowledge translation and transfer, email research.omafra@ontario.ca.