As of December 1, expansions and improvements have been made to the Northern Health Travel Grant Program.

This page has been updated to reflect these changes.


The Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) program offers financial assistance to Northern Ontario residents who need to travel long-distances for specialized medical services or procedures at a ministry-funded health care facility.

For eligible applicants, travel grants are based on the distance you need to travel to reach the nearest medical specialist or ministry-funded health care facility that can provide the required health care services without delay.

To qualify, you need to:

  • have traveled at least 100 kilometers (km) one-way to access the nearest medical specialist or ministry-funded health care facility services that are not available locally
  • submit your NHTG application to the Ministry of Health (MOH) within 12 months of the date of treatment

Note: The NHTG program helps partially cover some medical travel-related expenses but does not cover all expenses (such as meals or taxi).


Telemedicine supports almost every clinical specialty and offers a cost-effective alternative for Northern Ontario residents who need to travel for specialized medical services or procedures at a ministry-funded health care facility.

A telemedicine appointment with the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) is like an in-person visit, but the physician uses a monitor. Ask your health care provider if telemedicine is a suitable option for your needs.

Please consider telemedicine instead of travel.


Below are the following eligibility conditions for the Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) program:

  • You are an OHIP-insured Ontario resident on the date of treatment.
  • Your primary place of residence is in the districts of Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Manitoulin, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Rainy River, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, or Timiskaming.
  • You have been referred for specialty medical services. “Specialty medical services” means medical services rendered by the following:
    • a medical specialist who is certified by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC)
    • a Winnipeg (Manitoba) physician enrolled on the Manitoba Health Specialist Register and permitted to bill as a specialist
    • a physician who holds a specialist certificate of registration issued by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) in a recognized medical or surgical specialty other than family or general practice
    • a general practitioner with a GP Focused Practice designation with the CPSO
    • a non-specialist Dentist participating in the Cleft Lip/Palate Program or the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program
    • a ministry-funded health care facility
  • You have received a referral for a ministry-funded health care facility-based procedure under the Health Insurance Act, to be performed by a provider within the facility (such as, a midwife for hospital childbirth or a technician for a PET scan). Some examples of ministry-funded health care facilities and qualifying procedures are:
    • a cleft lip and palate clinic
    • a clinic that tests for low vision
    • a clinic that can fit artificial limbs and walking aids and is approved by the ministry's Assistive Devices program
    • the Speech Foundation of Ontario, Toronto Children's Centre
    • chemotherapy at a regional cancer center
    • MRI or dialysis services performed in a hospital
    • ultrasound or Pulmonary Function Testing services performed in a hospital
  • The nearest medical specialist or ministry-funded health care facility able to provide the type of care or procedure you require in Ontario or Winnipeg (Manitoba) is at least 100 kilometers from your area of residence.

When you are not eligible

You do not qualify for the Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) program if:

  • the health care service is not an OHIP-insured benefit
  • the care is related to a Workplace Safety and Insurance Board claim
  • your employer pays for your medical services or travel costs
  • another government program or organization pays for your travel (such as Non Insured Health Benefits)
  • the health care services have to do with a private insurance company (for example, if there is third-party liability for medical travel costs, such as medical services related to a motor vehicle accident)
  • you travel round trip by ambulance
  • the nearest specialist or ministry-funded health care facility is within 100 kilometers of your area of residence
  • your trip is for something other than health care
  • you are travelling to visit a sick relative in hospital
  • your travel is not within Ontario or Winnipeg (Manitoba)

Note: If you travel one way by ambulance and the other way by car or public transportation, you may qualify for a partial grant.

Assisted costs


You may visit a medical specialist, hospital or ministry-funded health care facility in Ontario or Winnipeg (Manitoba) that qualifies.

Whether you are traveling by car, air, bus or rail, travel grants are always paid at a rate of 41 cents per kilometer (based on the round-trip distance) between your area of residence (centre of town) and the nearest medical specialist or ministry-funded health care facility able to provide the required OHIP-insured services.

The Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) program does not cover expenses for meals or taxi services. Do not submit these receipts as part of your application. Gas receipts should be kept for 12 months if we require proof of travel for audit purposes.

Accommodation allowance

The NHTG program offers an accommodation allowance for patients who:

  • meet the travel grant eligibility criteria
  • travel a one-way distance of at least 100 kilometers to reach the nearest medical specialist or ministry-funded health care facility able to provide the required services
  • submit original accommodation receipts in their name or as a guest to prove accommodation expenses (for patients under the age of 18, an accommodation receipt can be in the name of their parent or guardian)

You may be eligible for additional accommodation allowance if it is necessary to spend more than 1 night out-of-town to access medical specialist services or ministry-funded health care facility-based procedures.

For all NHTG applications with a date of treatment (Service Date) of December 1, 2024 or later, Accommodation Allowance of $175–$1,150 is paid, based on the number of medically-necessary lodging nights declared by the provider in Section 5. For all applications with a Service Date prior to December 1, 2024, the Accommodation Allowance range is $100 to $550.

Number of nightsService dates before December 1, 2024Service dates on or after December 1, 2024

If you and other patients travel together in the same car, only 1 travel grant will be provided for the round trip. However, if you and other patients meet the NHTG program eligibility requirements for round-trip travel for medical specialist services or ministry-funded health care facility, you may each qualify for the accommodation allowance.

As of December 1, 2024, medical travel companions accompanying a patient who is hospitalized will be eligible for accommodation allowance. 

Note: You will not be eligible for an accommodation allowance if you have not paid an official accommodation expense (for example, staying with a friend or family member).

How to apply for additional accommodation allowance

The medical specialist or ministry-funded health care facility provider must indicate the number of nights in Section 6 of the application form.

Assisted cost examples

Example 1 - Eligible grant from Point A to Point B

The one-way distance in this example is 160 km.

The grant is the two-way distance multiplied by 41 cents per km.

160 km (the one-way distance) x 2 (the two-way distance) x 0.41 (cents per km travelled) = $131.20

Example 2 - Eligible grant from Point C to Point D

The one-way distance in this example is 300 km.

It was necessary for 1 night out-of-town in this example.

  • Travel grant calculation is 300 km (the one-way distance) x 2 (the two-way distance) x 0.41 (cents per km travelled) = $246.00
  • Accommodation allowance is $175.00 (for 1 night)

Total payment to the patient for the trip is $246.00 (for the calculated travel grant) + $175.00 (for the accommodation allowance of 1 night) = $421.00

Example 3 - Eligible grant from Point C to Point D

The one-way distance in this example is 300 km.

In this example, a specialist/ministry-funded health care facility provider determines that 3 nights out-of-town are medically necessary.

  • Travel grant calculation is 300 km (the one-way distance) x 2 (the two-way distance) x 0.41 (cents per km travelled) = $246.00
  • Accommodation allowance is $475.00 (for 3 nights)

Total payment to the patient for the trip is $246.00 (for the calculated travel grant) + $475.00 (for the accommodation allowance of 3 lodging nights) = $721.00


Receipts are required for proof and audit purposes to ensure appropriate spending of public funds.

Only original receipts will be accepted and applications will not be processed unless an original receipt is provided as proof of payment for an accommodation or commercial transportation expense.

Official itemized receipts must be submitted along with your application for the accommodation allowance. “Itemized receipt” refers to a receipt that lists the item(s) purchased and the individual price(s) for each item. This could include a hotel, motel or bed and breakfast. The accommodation receipt must include:

  • the name of the patient
  • the date(s) of stay
  • a fee paid for the stay

Note: The authorization slip for a credit or debit card transaction is not considered an itemized receipt.

If traveling by air, bus, or rail, you must submit the original ticket, receipt or itinerary showing:

  • a fare paid
  • who travelled
  • the date of travel
  • the destination


Download the Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) program application form.

The NHTG program application forms are also available from various northern health care providers, such as:

  • doctors
  • dentists
  • optometrists
  • midwives
  • nurse practitioners
  • chiropractors

Note: Please ensure you are using a current version of the NHTG program application form by referring to the new Section 4 Payment Preference.

Application submission

All applications must be received by the Ministry of Health (MOH) within 12 months from the date of service or treatment. We are not responsible for lost or delayed applications or those sent after 12 months from the date of treatment.

For each round treatment trip, you must complete a separate application form. Only 1 application can be submitted for each round trip regardless of the number of medical specialists or ministry-funded health care facilities visited during that round trip.

The NHTG program only accepts application forms and original receipts for accommodation allowance by mail. Do not submit photocopies. Please include your receipts or itinerary for accommodation, bus, rail and air travel, along with those of your travel companion (if applicable).

Submit your application and original receipts to:

Ministry of Health - Claims Services Branch
Northern Health Travel Grant, Sudbury office
159 Cedar Street, 7th Floor     
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6A5

Note: If your application is incomplete or filled out incorrectly, it will be returned to you, which could lead to payment delays.

Section 1: Patient information

If the patient is a child under 16 years of age, a parent or guardian with custody, a children’s aid society worker or other lawfully entitled person may complete and sign the form on behalf of the patient.

If the patient is 16 years of age or older but is unable to provide consent themselves, a Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) may complete and sign the form on the patient’s behalf. A SDM can be a patient’s:

  • guardian who has authority to make a decision on behalf of patient
  • attorney for personal care who has authority to make a decision on behalf of patient
  • representative appointed by the Consent and Capacity Board with authority to give consent
  • spouse or partner
  • child/parent or children’s aid society or other person legally entitled to give/refuse consent
  • parent with only right of access
  • brother or sister
  • other relative

Note: For more specific information on SDMs, please contact the Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) program directly.

Section 2: Companion information

If you are applying for a companion grant, complete Section 2 of the application form. To qualify for a companion grant, the following conditions must be met:

  • The person that helps you during travel must be 16 years of age or older.
  • Your companion must travel with you and pay a fare if travel is by air, rail or bus and receipts must be provided (Air Miles or other loyalty programs are acceptable as a method of payment).

If travel is round trip by personal vehicle, both you and your travel companion may qualify for an equal share of 1 grant.

Note: Travel companions are not eligible for the accommodation allowance, except in some cases. For patients under 18, lodging receipts can be in a parent or guardian's name. Effective December 1, 2024, medical travel companions for hospitalized patients will also be eligible for this allowance.

Section 3: Advanced funding by a Third Party Agency/Society (if applicable)

If a Third Party Agency has provided you with money to travel to your appointment, and you would like us to send the grant payment to them, complete Section 3 of the application.

Section 4: Payment preference

It is mandatory to fill out Section 4 of the NHTG program application to determine the payment preference of patients, third parties and companions (if applicable).

If you select the direct deposit option, please provide a completed bank-issued payroll direct deposit form or void cheque along with your grant application.

Section 5: Patient/Guardian/Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) authorization (mandatory section)

Read and and sign Section 5 of the application. This is mandatory.

Section 6: Specialty service provider information

This section of the NHTG program application form must be signed and completed by the medical specialist or ministry-funded health care facility provider. In this section, they will specify the date on which the visit or procedure was performed.

Make sure the medical specialist or ministry-funded health care facility provider you are travelling to fills out all the information under this section of the application form, including the number of medically necessary nights for each treatment trip.

Application denial

If your application for an NHTG is denied, you can request an internal review or reconsideration within 12 months from the date provided on the denial letter that was mailed to you. Please follow the information and instructions in the denial letter.

If there are exceptional medical circumstances surrounding your treatment trip that may allow an exception to the program eligibility criteria, you may appeal your denial decision to the external and independent NHTG Medical Appeals Committee in writing to:

Medical Appeals Committee
C/O: Northern Health Travel Grant     
Claims Services Branch
159 Cedar Street, 7th Floor     
Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6A5

Payment options

Direct deposit payment

When you choose direct deposit, the grant payment will be deposited directly into your bank account.

If you choose direct deposit, you must submit a bank-issued payroll direct deposit form or void cheque along with your grant application. This applies if it is your first time using direct deposit for grant payments or if your banking information has changed since your last direct deposit grant payment.

Companions must provide a new bank issued payroll direct deposit form or void cheque each time an application is submitted. The ministry does not retain banking information for companions after an application has been processed.

Cheque payment

When you choose cheque payment, a cheque will be delivered by registered mail to the mailing address provided on your application.

If your application is approved, the ministry will provide your grant payment within 6 weeks from the date it receives your correctly completed application form. Please allow for the complete 6 weeks before checking on the status of your application.

Bank issued direct deposit form or void cheque

Bank issued direct deposit form

The payroll direct deposit form provides bank account information in place of a void cheque. Your contact information and details about your bank are included. This includes the bank’s transit and institution numbers and your account number. This information ensures your payment is directed into your bank account.

Many larger financial institutions offer online access to download and print a payroll direct deposit form. Check online to see if your bank provides access to obtain a payroll direct deposit form or contact your bank to request a payroll direct deposit form.

Void cheques

A void cheque is a cheque with the word “void” written across the front, which indicates that it shouldn't be accepted for payment. The cheque can still be used to get the information needed for electronic payments. Remove a blank cheque from your cheque book and write the word "VOID" in large, bold letters across the front of the cheque in pen or permanent ink.

If you do not have paper cheques, you may be able to get a void cheque by going to your bank and asking for a printed copy of one.

Note: There may be a fee for this service.

For more details, contact the Ministry of Health (MOH), Claims Services Branch, Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG), Sudbury office by

  • mail:
    Ministry of Health - Claims Services Branch
    Northern Health Travel Grant, Sudbury office
    159 Cedar Street, 7th Floor     
    Sudbury, Ontario P3E 6A5
  • phone:  1-800-262-6524