
The OPHS (PDF) identify the minimum expectations for public health programs and services to be delivered by Ontario's 34 boards of health/public health units. The OPHS are published by the Minister of Health as outlined in Section 7 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act. Boards of health/public health units are accountable for implementing the OPHS including the protocols and guidelines that are referenced within.

The OPHS includes the following sections:

  • defining the work that public health does, which includes the Foundational and Program Standards
  • strengthened accountability, which includes the Public Health Accountability Framework and Organizational Requirements
  • transparency and demonstrating impact, which includes the Public Health Indicator Framework for Program Outcomes and Contributions to Population Health Outcomes and Transparency Framework: Disclosure and Reporting Requirements

The protocols and guidelines are program and topic-specific documents referenced within the OPHS. They provide direction on how boards of health/public health units must deliver or approach specific OPHS requirements. Reference documents provide additional information and best practices to assist public health professionals in the delivery of public health programs and services. Boards of health/public health units are not required to follow reference documents.


Protocols provide direction to boards of health/public health units on how to operationalize specific requirement(s) within the OPHS (PDF). The aim is to have consistent implementation of specific requirements across all boards of health/public health units. The protocols referenced in the OPHS are:

Infectious diseases protocol

The Infectious diseases protocol 2023 (PDF) includes: Appendix 1 — Case Definitions and Disease Specific Information for the following diseases of public health significance.

To access Appendix 1 for a specific disease, click on the hyperlinks to expand the list below.


Guidelines provide direction to boards of health/public health units on how to approach specific requirement(s) within the OPHS (PDF). The aim is to provide a consistent approach in the implementation of requirements across all boards of health/public health units, while also allowing for variability in programs and services based on local contextual factors as defined in the guidelines. The guidelines referenced in the OPHS, are:

Reference documents

Reference documents are are topic-specific documents that provide information and best practices to assist those working in local boards of health/public health units to implement the OPHS, protocols and guidelines. Boards of health/public health units are not required to follow reference documents.


If you require this information in an alternative format, please contact OPHS.Protocols.moh@ontario.ca. We will:

  • acknowledge your request within three business days
  • provide you with the content within 15 business days