Datasets and open source code

Ontario Data catalogue

Get open data and review a comprehensive list of all the data we have.

Ontario GeoHub

Explore geographic data including interactive maps.

Code repository

Get open source code and find out what we’re building with our data.

How to use our data

Tips and training

Get practical advice and training materials about how to use our data.

Open Government licence

Learn about Ontario’s Open Government licence.

Open source software

Learn about the benefits and limitations of open source for your small business.

Data management and protection

Sharing data

Find out how we share data to make government more efficient.

Open data charter

Review the international open data standards we are committed to.

Directory of records

Find records covered by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

Relevant laws

Simpler, Faster, Better, Services Act

This legislation sets standards for proper data management, privacy protection and security.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

This legislation ensures your right to access the records and data we keep.