What you need to know

You can buy a personalized licence plate online for your vehicle or for someone else if you have a driver’s licence number or registrant identification number.

If you don’t have a driver’s licence number or registrant identification number (RIN), you can visit a ServiceOntario centre to order a personalized licence plate or to convert a regular licence plate to a personalized licence plate.

A personalized licence plate message may contain almost any combination of letters and numbers.

Graphic licence plate options

You can also choose to include graphics such as the loon, a trillium, or the logo of your favourite Ontario professional sports team, community organization or university on your personalized licence plate.

Personalized licence plates with graphics are available with a choice of English or French slogan. To order a personalized licence plate with a graphic and French slogan, please visit a ServiceOntario centre. You can order a personalized licence plate with a graphic and English slogan online at a ServiceOntario centre.

There are over 60 graphics available to choose from

Order a personalized licence plate

To order a personalized licence plate you will need:

Order a personalized licence plate


Find a ServiceOntario centre

Cost and delivery


For passenger or commercial vehicles

  • 2 to 8 characters (letters and/or numbers) without a graphic - $310
  • 2 to 6 characters (letters and/or numbers) with a graphic - $336.40

For motorcycles

  • 2 to 5 characters (letters and/or numbers) without a graphic — $310

Any outstanding fines, non-sufficient funds (NSF) fees, and Highway 407 tolls related to your licence plate will be added to your online transaction total.                
Personalized licence plates cannot be registered to limited speed motorcycles.

How you can pay

  • Visa, Mastercard


4 weeks by mail

Read about our service guarantee

Transfers and gift certificates

A personalized licence plate can be transferred only once to anyone before it is attached to a vehicle.

You can purchase a gift certificate for a personalised licence plate at a ServiceOntario centre. Gift certificates are not available for sample plates or replacement licence plates.

Visit a ServiceOntario centre

Choose an appropriate personalized message

A personalized licence plate message may be created using almost any combination of letters and numbers. Passenger and commercial plates may have 2 to 8 characters. Motorcycles may have 2 to 5 characters.

Your application will not be accepted if the combination of letters/numbers you selected has already been issued. In addition, requests will not be approved if they are determined to be objectionable under the following criteria:


  • sexual messaging or meaning
  • sexual and eliminatory functions

Abusive, obscene language and derogatory slang

  • abusive, vulgar, derogatory, obscene or profane language
  • known offensive slang in any language, text-messaging language etc.


  • religious meaning or messaging
  • only the use of religious titles that are considered formal designations of persons within the religion are permitted


  • reference to the use of or sale of legal or illegal drugs
  • effects of drugs or alcohol
  • alcohol-related words, including brands

Political figures, dignitaries/law enforcement officials

  • political opinion, slurs, affiliation or organizations are prohibited except non-profit advocacy groups/trade organizations
  • negative or derogatory message or meaning with respect to government
  • falsely suggesting association with a public institution and/or law enforcement
  • reference to well-known figures or names
  • badge numbers of police officers

Violence/criminal activity

  • messages or meanings that could be associated with violence, as well as promoting discrimination or bias against individuals
  • illegal or criminal activity of any kind

Human rights discrimination

Messages that express contempt, ridicule or superiority of race, religion, ethnic origin, ancestry, place of origin, citizenship, creed, colour, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, physical characteristics, disability or political affiliation.

Clarity and readability for law enforcement officials

  • plate selections that are deemed to lack clarity or would be difficult to read. This also includes combinations with:
    • no more than 4 identical characters in sequence
    • interchangeable letters/numbers are not allowed (i.e. S/5, A/4, G/6, Q/O)
      • for example, if a plate has been issued with an “S” in its combination and an identical plate request is submitted substituting the “S” with a “5”, that plate will not be approved

Graphic + characters

Any combination of graphics and characters that together could be determined to be objectionable under the above criteria or violate the contract with a Graphic Partner.

Intellectual property (such as trademarks)

  • infringement of intellectual property rights such as trademarks
  • the characters on a plate must not infringe on any third party intellectual property rights such as trademarks. It is your responsibility to check that the characters on the plate do not infringe upon any intellectual property rights

Veteran licence plates

Types of veteran graphic plates

Veteran graphic plates are available to eligible veterans, and are only available by visiting a ServiceOntario centre.

Veteran graphic plates are available for passenger and commercial vehicles, motorcycles and as sample plates.

You can order a Veteran graphic on the following:

  • regular series licence plate
  • personalized licence plate
  • motorcycle plate (not available as a personalized plate)
  • sample plate
    • only two plates may be ordered
    • not available for motorcycles
  • amateur radio plate (your call letters as the plate number). A valid Amateur Radio Licence showing your call letters must be presented at a ServiceOntario centre.

Application for veteran plate eligibility certification

Related services

Sample plates are also available as decorative items and for plate collectors. They cannot be legally attached to a vehicle.

Visit a ServiceOntario centre for the following services:

Related services
Product or serviceCost
Order a graphic licence plate$82.15
Order a sample licence plate$16.95 (out of Canada request $15.00, HST not required)
Order a sample licence plate with a graphic$33.90
Convert a regular licence plate to a personalized licence plate$310
Add a graphic to a personalized licence plate$141.10
Replace a personalized plate$100.70
Replace a graphic licence plate$54.60

Automatic licence plate renewals

Your passenger vehicle, light commercial vehicle, motorcycle or moped license plate will renew automatically if you have no outstanding fines, fees or tolls and you have valid car insurance.

Find out if your licence plate will renew automatically.