Poultry Biosecurity Preparedness Initiative guidelines
Learn more about cost-share funding supports for the Poultry Biosecurity Preparedness Initiative.
The application intake period is now closed.
The Poultry Biosecurity Preparedness Initiative is cost-share funding to assist eligible non-supply-managed poultry and waterfowl farmers, meat processors and other businesses in taking action to increase biosecurity and reduce the risk of disease spread. This program is open to poultry and waterfowl farmers that are non-supply-managed operations and have flocks of more than 300 birds.
The Poultry Biosecurity Preparedness Initiative is funded through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (the partnership). The guidelines provide details on how applicants in Ontario can apply for funding with the intent to enhance biosecurity preparedness and response related to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) for the non-supply managed poultry sector. This initiative will assist the applicants by cost-sharing listed expenses for biosecurity improvements and HPAI prevention and preparedness activities.
Available cost-share
70% of the verified eligible expenses incurred and paid, up to a maximum amount of $100,000, can be reimbursed in cost share funding per location. No single business is eligible to receive more than $500,000.
Funding for multiple locations under the same Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number will be considered assuming the locations have been identified on the application and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).
How to apply
Applicants must complete and submit an application form in accordance with the instructions and using the software specified on the form.
Note: The form must be filled out using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Although your form may appear to be filled out correctly when using non-Adobe software, Adobe Acrobat Reader is the only software that will properly retain the applicant’s form details. Other PDF reader software, including your internet browser, is not compatible with this form. Download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Completed applications are to be submitted for review by email to agpartnership@ontario.ca by 11:59 p.m. on February 17th, 2023. If you submit an application but do not receive an acknowledgement email that sets out the file number within two business days, please contact OMAFRA at
Following submission of a completed application form, OMAFRA staff will assess the information and contact the applicant via email regarding the assessment outcome and next steps.
Only eligible applicants will be considered for funding support under this initiative.
Approval as an eligible applicant does not guarantee funding under this initiative as expense claims will be assessed on a first-come first-serve basis.
Application forms must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (EST) February 17th, 2023.
Eligibility criteria
Refer to the definition section for definition of terms.
Eligible applicants are part of Ontario's non-supply managed poultry value chain and are defined as follows:
- A producer is a legal entity that raises, owns or houses non-supply managed poultry with a minimum 300-bird flock under a valid Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN), or an allowable exemption.
- A processor business is a legal entity that is involved directly in the slaughter of non-supply managed poultry.
- Eligible processor businesses are registered under the federal Safe Food for Canadians Act or are licensed abattoirs under the provincial Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001.
- An agri-business is a legal entity servicing non-supply managed poultry and is operating as a veterinary clinic, grading station or hatchery (including balut).
To be eligible for funding under this initiative, an applicant must also:
- be and remain in compliance with all material requirements of law for the duration of the initiative
- have a valid and up-to-date Premises Identification (PID) Number for the business location(s) where eligible expenses are being incurred, if the business is applying as a producer or a processor
- To register for a PID Number, visit the Provincial Premises Registry (PPR) or call
1-888-247-4999 .
- To register for a PID Number, visit the Provincial Premises Registry (PPR) or call
- provide a valid FBRN if they are a producer, unless producing under an allowable exemption
- To register for an FBRN, visit the Agricorp website.
- provide a CRA Business Number, if applicable
- be registered with, and have an up-to-date profile with Transfer Payment Ontario
- be registered to receive direct deposit payments through Supply Chain Ontario
- agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the initiative as set out in this guideline and the Minister’s Order 0005/2018, as it may be amended from time to time
Please note however that applicants can only access one funding source under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership for the eligible expenses included in the application. However, applicants may access other government funding as long as those other programs allow combining other government funding to support the same costs and the total assistance provided from all funding sources is not greater than 100% of the total eligible costs under this initiative.
Applicants can only submit one application per business (per CRA Business Number), but an application may include multiple locations associated with that CRA Business Number.
Only eligible applicants will be considered for funding support under this initiative.
Eligible expenses
Expenses are eligible for reimbursement if incurred:
- as of 12:01 a.m. (EST) on April 1st, 2022
- before 11:59 p.m. (EST) on February 17th, 2023
The undertaking of any of these activities for cost-share funding may still be subject to regulatory approvals and evaluation for reimbursement of expenses.
Some expenses may be eligible if they are specifically required for biosecurity improvements and/or HPAI prevention and preparedness activities for the non-supply managed poultry sector. These include:
- in-kind contributions, including contributions of existing full or part-time staff's labour and own equipment, cumulatively up to $2,000 in cost-share per location (up to $2,857.14 in eligible in-kind expenses can be claimed for cost-share)
- one-time labour costs (not in-kind), such as contract salaries, benefits and specific per diem fees for persons that are not full or part-time staff of the applicant and that are persons at arm's length to the applicant
- one-time costs for the rental of facilities, processing equipment, or machinery with the exception of education, training, assessment and planning activities
Additional eligible expenses depend on the type of activity conducted by the applicant. These activities may be eligible if they are specifically required for biosecurity improvements and/or HPAI prevention and preparedness activities for the non-supply managed poultry sector:
Education, training, assessment and planning
Education and training from a third-party institution (such as the University of Guelph or Poultry Industry Council of Ontario) or qualified consultant (such as licensed veterinarians or certified auditors) on topics related to the adoption of national biosecurity standards, a commodity-specific risk management program or animal welfare practices and procedures related to national codes of practice for the care and handling of poultry.
Please note: Proof of completed training or education is required for reimbursement of expenses.
Operational assessments or audits, conducted by a qualified third-party (such as a licensed veterinarian or certified animal welfare auditor) for alignment with the following, with regards to non-supply managed poultry:
- national biosecurity standards (poultry standards)
- commodity-specific risk management program
- national Codes of Practice for the care and handling of poultry
- national commodity-specific farm animal care and welfare program
- market-driven animal welfare program (such as the North American Meat Institute Audit)
Qualified third-party services (licensed veterinarian or certified auditor) will provide an initial operational plan related to the business’ non-supply managed poultry (such as a disease response plan, business specific procedures, including destruction and disposal of livestock (non-supply managed poultry)).
Defining zones and controlled access points (CAPs)
Please note: A site map must be submitted with the claim and will be subject to evaluation for reimbursement of expenses.
Operational improvements and/or implementation of new technologies as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of HPAI, including, but not limited to:
- clearly defining zones (such as a controlled access zone or restricted access zone) within the site and access points using signage, biosecurity-related fencing, barriers, grading and/or landscaping
- retrofits to existing structures to establish an effective transition area (anteroom)
- improving the efficiency of traffic flows to reduce contamination by establishing new or re-routing existing laneways, access routes and vehicle turning areas
- controlling access to the business and related buildings with gates, fencing, signage, locks, barriers and security monitoring equipment
- construction of new or modifications to existing structures to facilitate more effective movement of poultry and humans
Establishing cleaning and disinfecting practices
Please note: A site map must be submitted with the claim and will be subject to evaluation for reimbursement of expenses.
Operational improvements and/or implementation of new technologies as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of HPAI, including, but not limited to:
- specialized cleaning and disinfection equipment (such as a hot water pressure washer, tractor attachments for barn cleanout, livestock footbaths)
- installing a treatment system for the purpose of disinfecting or removing pathogens, fomites or contaminants from the water, including sulphur and iron
- replacing interior surfaces (such as walls, flooring, dividers) with non-porous washable materials such as concrete, puck board or stainless steel
- construction of a hard surface (such as concrete) pad or wash bay/facility for cleaning and disinfecting vehicles and equipment within the controlled access zone (CAZ) or at a CAP
- installation of sanitation/shower/washer facilities at CAPs or anterooms to higher risk areas such as barns, poultry housing facilities (must be part of a complete transition area for effective biosecurity)
Establishing isolation or segregation facilities
Please note: A site map must be submitted with the claim and will be subject to evaluation for reimbursement of expenses.
Operational improvements and/or implementation of new technologies as preventive measures to reduce the introduction and spread of disease, including, but not limited to:
- construction of a new structure, or modifications to an existing structure, to:
- create segregation areas for distinct, high-risk poultry cohorts (such as newborns)
- create a poultry treatment or work area for service personnel
- construction of a new or modification of an existing structure for a quarantine or isolation facility for suspect poultry
- Structure must have a controlled access point, be easily cleaned and disinfected, and house animals separately with no direct contact, shared feed, water or housing
Preventing access by wildlife, pests and rodents
Operational improvements and/or implementation of new technologies as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of HPAI, including, but not limited to:
- installing or repairing of screening, plastic curtains and soffits on barns or production facilities
- installing pest control devices or deterrents
- applying gravel around perimeter of barns or production facilities (1-m strip, 6 in. deep)
Health management
Operational improvements and/or implementation of new technologies as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of HPAI, including, but not limited to:
- the purchase of tools or equipment for poultry health and monitoring, such as health management software, scales or metering equipment and multi-dose injectors
Establishing facilities to manage deadstock
The following expenses must meet the requirements of O. Reg. 31/05 and O. Reg. 105/09 under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001, O. Reg. 106/09 under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 (NMA), (or any applicable requirements under the Safe Food for Canadians Act and the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations for federally licensed plants) and be suitable for use. The undertaking of these activities for cost-share funding may be subject to regulatory approvals, including:
- purchase or construction of a deadstock (and parts thereof) management system (such as a composter, digestor, incinerator [subject to regulatory requirements], in-ground vessel) and associated runoff management
- new construction or modifications to existing structures or buildings to facilitate the handling, storage and removal of deadstock and parts thereof, or to securely store deadstock in a manner that prevents access by wildlife and vermin
- new freezer or cooler systems for the temporary storage of deadstock and parts thereof
Euthanasia equipment
Non-penetrating captive bolt guns (such as Zephyr and/or Turkey Euthanasia Device (TED) guns) are validated and acceptable methods of euthanasia.
Please note: The use of equipment or undertaking of activities that is considered eligible under this initiative may be subject to regulatory approvals. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all such regulatory approvals are fulfilled.
Ineligible expenses
Ineligible expenses include:
- expenses that:
- do not prevent or mitigate the likelihood of the introduction of HPAI
- are incurred by and/or for applicants who are not active participants in the non-supply managed poultry value chain
- exclusively benefit the portion of an eligible business that is regulated under quota by the supply managed system in Canada (supply managed poultry commodities include broiler chicken, turkey, table egg and broiler breeder industries)
- normal, ongoing operation and/or maintenance costs, including:
- washers, dryers, furniture, or equipment for a transition area that are not directly related to biosecurity
- fencing or demarcation of parts of the business that are not subject to biosecurity measures or protocols
- modifications solely related to increasing production, health and safety requirements or reasons not relevant to improving biosecurity
- modifications and repairs as part of routine maintenance (such as replacing old surfaces with the same material, replacing or repairing doors, windows, roofing, exterior walls, foundation or fencing)
- normal operating costs associated with carrying out or expanding a business' current operations and normal commercial expansion costs
- purchase of sealed containers or bins to store bagged or loose feed securely, or modifications or repairs to existing feed or bedding storages
- general clothing and equipment for use in a restricted access zone or controlled access point (such as coveralls, boots, buckets, brushes)
- ongoing consumables (such as disposable coveralls, boot covers, gloves, masks, disinfectant, soap, bait)
- hand or power tools or attachments
- multi-use items (such as items that can reach beyond the scope of serving a biosecurity purpose)
- costs for rental of facilities, equipment or machinery for activities under the assessment, audit, planning or skills development and training (Eligible expenses section)
- costs of training and skills development that fulfill any academic requirements towards completion of a professional certificate, diploma or degree program
- costs of sponsorship of conferences and learning events or initiatives
- mentoring or coaching services (unless otherwise specified in the eligible expenses above)
- costs of travel, meals and accommodations
- consultant and other contractor expenses for any hospitality (such as the provision of food or beverage at events), incidentals
- permits and approvals
- purchase, sale or lease of land, buildings or facilities or associated taxes or fees (such as land transfer tax) unrelated to a biosecurity usage for HPAI response
- new building construction (unless otherwise specified in the eligible expenses above)
- purchase of common farm equipment (such as tractors, skid steers, combines, livestock trailers) and related accessories or attachments (unless otherwise specified in the above eligible expenses above)
- Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and associated components
- fertilizer or crop protection costs
- tile drainage systems
- production quota
- crop storage facilities
- costs related to activities that promote Ontario products explicitly over those of another province or territory
- costs of basic research
- costs related to activities that directly influence or lobby any level of government
- legal fees
- maintenance or extended warranties
- financing charges, loan interest payments, bank fees and charges
- taxes, including Harmonized Sales Tax
- gifts and incentives
- costs related to Ontario government promotional campaigns or branding
- any capital cost that is funded by government sources at 75% or more
- expenses for goods and services that are not acquired through a transaction with a third-party that is:
- transparent, fair and promotes the best value for the money expended at competitive prices no greater than fair market value after deducting available discounts
- at arm's length as defined under the definitions section
- deposits (prepayments) for which goods or services are not yet fully received
Submitting a claim
Following submission of the application form and assignment of a file number by OMAFRA staff, approved applicants will be provided with a link to the Claims Portal.
Via the Claims Portal, approved applicants will be able to submit expense claims with all supporting documentation.
Eligible expenses must be incurred between 12:01 a.m. (EST) April 1st, 2022 and 11:59 p.m. (EST) February 17th, 2023.
Eligible expense claims must be submitted via the Claims Portal by 11:59 p.m. (EST) February 28th, 2023.
Eligible and complete expense claims submitted prior to the deadline will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis, and reimbursed up to the funding maximums noted in the Available cost-share section, as long as funding is available. Claims that are incomplete will not be finalized until all necessary documentation and/or information is provided to OMAFRA. Submission of an incomplete claim (such as missing invoices) will not hold funds in queue.
Additional information may be requested from the applicant that is considered necessary and reserves the right to inspect and verify costs and/or equipment associated with claim (such as copies of any permits obtained by the applicant in incurring the expenses, or photos).
Businesses claiming expenses for multiple locations that are associated with the same CRA Business Number and were identified on the application form must submit a separate claim for each location.
Claims submitted through the Claims Portal must:
- be complete
- include true copies of all paid invoices and proof of payments
- include required documentation (such as site sketches)
- include the documentation for in-kind costs (such as signed timesheets with supervisory approval, or payroll register for salaries, estimate of the fair market value for use of the equipment)
- include any additional documentation requested by OMAFRA to verify eligible expenses
Proof of payment must verify in detail:
- who paid and their connection to the applicant’s business
- who received payment
- the goods or services provided
- the amount of the payment
- the date of the payment
Acceptable proof of payment includes:
- an electronic image of a processed cheque
- a statement from a banking institution indicating to whom the processed cheque was written or electronic payment made and for what amount
- a credit card or debit card receipt or statement clearly identifying amount and to whom the payment was made (credit card or debit card numbers and other information, including costs that are unrelated to the activities, should be blacked out)
- such further and other proof as OMAFRA may require and accept
- Arm's length
- In general terms, parties are considered to be at arm's length if they are not related to, not affiliated with, or controlled by one another. Refer to Section 251 of the Income Tax Act (Canada) for the detailed statutory provisions used for determining arm's length relationships by OMAFRA. If you have any questions about whether a supplier meets this requirement, please contact OMAFRA at
1-877-424-1300 . - Balut
- A type of poultry production where a fertilized embryonated egg (often chicken or duck) is incubated in a hatchery for a specific amount of time. It is not hatched and will be steamed or boiled and eaten from the shell. Balut production is inspected under the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Hatchery Program in Canada.
- Capital costs
- Include costs of machinery, equipment, software development/purchase and installation, renovations, site improvements, leasehold improvements, building improvements and construction.
- Claim
- A report submitted by the approved applicant to OMAFRA to provide information on which to base a reimbursement payment. Claims must meet all of the requirements for the initiative as set out in the guidelines and the Minister’s Order 0005/2018, as it may be amended from time to time.
- Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number
- The Business number is a 9-digit business identifier used in Canada to which clients can register program accounts with the CRA. The program account number consists of three parts: The Business Number, the two-letter program identifier and the four-digit reference number.
- Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN)
- An FBRN for a qualifying business can be received by registering with one of Ontario’s three general farm organizations: the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario or the National Farmers Union-Ontario. This is a six- or seven-digit number. Farm businesses that earn a gross farm income of $7,000 or more (for income tax purposes) are required by legislation to register their business.
- Incurred (cost)
- A cost for which a business has become liable to pay.
- Non-supply managed poultry
- Includes avian species that belong to the following bird families: columbiformes (doves and pigeons), galliformes (chicken, turkeys and gamebirds), anseriformes (waterfowl), and struthioniformes (ratites). Producers of these species cannot receive funding for these species under quota purchased as part of the supply managed system in Canada (supply managed poultry commodities include broiler chicken, turkey, table egg and broiler breeder industries).
- Premises Identification (PID) Number
- A PID Number is a unique identifying number assigned to a parcel of land that is associated with agri-food activities. In Ontario, premises are identified and registered in the PPR. Find more information on applying for a PID Number.
- Requirements of law
- Means statutes, regulations, by-laws, codes, rules, ordinances, official plans, approvals, permits, licenses, authorizations, decrees, injunctions, orders and declarations, or any other similar instrument, with all authorities that now or at any time hereafter may relate to the applicant’s/approved applicant’s business, the initiative or both.
In the event of an error, omission, inconsistency or conflict between anything set out in the application form, these guidelines and the Minister's Order 0005/2018, the guidelines will prevail over the application form, and the Minister's Order 0005/18 will prevail over the guidelines.