Reciprocal education approach
The reciprocal education approach improves access to education for First Nation students and families by removing barriers for First Nation students transitioning between school systems in Ontario.
The Reciprocal Education Approach (REA) was designed to improve access to education for First Nation students by eliminating the need for First Nations and school boards to negotiate and enter into an agreement for the base tuition fee.
When requirements and eligibility criteria are met, the REA requires that school boards:
- admit First Nation students who ordinarily reside on-reserve, to a school of the school board
- provide funding support for students who would ordinarily be eligible to be pupils of the board to attend a First Nation school
The REA sets out a reciprocal base fee that school boards must pay or charge First Nation entities that participate in the REA, which depends on where the student attends school.
School boards and First Nation entities may enter into agreements for additional services and supports in addition to the base fee.
This approach was developed in partnership with First Nations and school boards, and came into effect on September 1, 2019.
Reciprocal Education Approach (REA) Instructions for First Nations and school boards
Find information and guidelines about the Reciprocal Education Approach (REA) can be found at the link below, including details about:
- written notice
- First Nation entity eligibility
- student eligibility
- school eligibility
- admission of a student under REA
- payment and fees
- negotiation of additional services and supports (for example, special education, transportation)
This guide is intended for use by First Nations, school board officials and school administrators
Written notice
For school board obligations to be initiated under the REA, First Nations and students must:
- meet certain eligibility criteria
- submit written notice for each student to the school of the school board the student intends to register at or is currently registered at
You can find student and school eligibility criteria in the REA Instructions for First Nations and School Boards. Written notice is the mandatory information that must be provided by the First Nation entity and the parent, guardian, student or another authorized person to the school of a school board to initiate the REA process. Written notice is delivered to the school of a board where the student is already registered or intends to register for the purposes of REA.
Here are examples of templates to help you with the written notice process:
- written notice for eligible students to attend an eligible First Nation school
- written notice for eligible students to attend a school of a school board
Read the REA Instructions for First Nations and School Boards for further details.
Information for parents and guardians
Executive summary
Access the parent, guardian and student fact sheet for a step-by-step guide to the REA.
Eligible schools
Below are the First Nation schools that are eligible to receive funding for students attending their schools through the REA.
If a First Nation school is not listed below and wishes to participate in the REA, the school is required to provide documentation demonstrating that it:
- is governed by an eligible entity
- does not charge tuition to students, parents or guardians
Schools must provide documentation by October 30 of a given school year to be eligible to receive funding under the REA for that school year and subsequent school years.
Read the REA Instructions for First Nations and School Boards for further details.
Name of school | First Nation community, town or city |
Aamjiwnaang Kinomaage Gamig | Sarnia |
Adult Learning Centre | Beausoleil First Nation |
Adults in Motion Private School | Garden River |
Aglace Chapman Education Centre | Big Trout Lake |
Antler River Elementary School | Chippewas of the Thames First Nation |
Baibombeh Anishinabe School | Pawitik |
Batchewana Learning Centre | Sault Ste Marie |
Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek School | Biinjitiwabik Zaaging Anishnabek First Nation |
Bimose Community High School | Kenora |
Bkejwanong Kinomaagewgamig | Walpole Island |
Chief Simeon McKay Education Centre | Kasabonika |
Christian Island Elementary School | Beausoleil First Nation |
Deer Lake First Nations (David Meekis) | Deer Lake |
Delores D. Echum Composite | Moose Factory |
Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School | Thunder Bay |
Dokis Indian Day School Kikendawt Kinoomaadii Gaming | Dokis First Nation |
Eenchokay Birchstick | Pikangikum |
Emily C. General Elementary School | Ohsweken |
Endzhi-gkinoohmaading (Elementary School) | Biigtigong Nishnaabeg |
Francine J. Wesley Secondary School | Kashechewan |
Gaagagekiizhik School | Kenora |
I.L. Thomas Odadrihonyanita Elementary School | Ohsweken |
I.R. Churchill Elementary School | Thunder Bay |
J.C. Hill Elementary School Six Nations | Ohsweken |
Jamieson Elementary School | Ohsweken |
John C Yesno Education Centre | Eabamet Lake |
Kaa’Naa’Matay Wiigiiam Teaching Lodge | Washagamis Bay First Nation |
Kawenni:io/Gaweni:yo High School | Ohsweken |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Bearskin Lake First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Deer Lake First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Fort Severn First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Fort William First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Keewaywin First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Mattagami Lake First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | McDowell Lake First Nation (Thunder Bay and Red Lake sites) |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Mishkegogamang First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Nibinamik First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | North Spirit Lake First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Poplar Hill First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Sachigo Lake First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Weagamow Lake First Nation |
Keewaytinook Internet High School | Webequie First Nation |
Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute | M'Chigeeng |
Kinomaugewgamik School | Wasauksing First Nation |
Lloyd S. King Elementary School | Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation |
Lydia Lois Beardy Memorial | Wunnumin Lake |
Mamawmatawa Holistic Education Centre | Constance Lake |
Matawa Education & Care Centre | Thunder Bay |
Migizi Miigwanan Secondary School | Longlac |
Migizi Wazisin Elementary School | Longlac |
Mikinaak Onigaming School | Nestor Falls |
Mississauga First Nation Adult Education | Blind River |
Mizhakiiwetung Memorial | White Dog |
Mnjikaning Kendaaswin Elementary School | Chippewas of Rama |
Morris Thomas Memorial School | Lac Seul First Nation |
Mundo Peetabeck Academy | Fort Albany |
Nbisiing Secondary School | Nipissing |
Netamisakomik Education Centre | Pic Mobert First Nation |
Obishikokaang Elementary School | Lac Seul First Nation |
Ohahase Education Centre | Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory |
Oliver M. Smith Kawenni:io Elementary School | Ohsweken |
Pegamigaabo School | Morson |
Pelican Falls First Nations High School | Sioux Lookout |
Pic River High School | Biigtigong Nishnaabeg |
Quinte Mohawk School | Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory (Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte) |
Sakatcheway Anishinabe | Grassy Narrows |
Seven Generations Secondary School | Fort Frances |
Seventh Fire Secondary School | Thunder Bay |
Shawanaga Kinomaugewgamik | Shawanaga First Nation |
Shawanosowe School | White Fish River |
Simon Jacob Memorial Education Centre | Webequie |
Six Nations Polytechnic STEAM Academy | Brantford |
Standing Stone School | Oneida of the Thames |
St. Joseph's Anishinabek School | Sheshegwaning First Nation |
Thomas Fiddler Memorial Private High School | Sandy Lake |
Vezina Secondary School | Attawapiskat |
Waabgon Gamig First Nation School | Georgina Island |
Waasa Enaabijig Immersion School | Chippewas of Rama First Nation |
Wahsa Distance Education Centre | Sioux Lookout |
Waninitawingaang Memorial School | Lac Seul First Nation |
Zhingwaako Za'iganing School | Lac La Croix |
Existing agreements
Existing agreements can remain in effect until the agreement expires or the agreement is terminated. Existing agreements are Education Services Agreements (ESAs) or Reverse Education Services Agreements (RESAs) that were entered into before September 1, 2019, and have not expired or been terminated.
All existing RESAs are subject to the condition that the base fee that is paid to the First Nation entity must be at least the fee calculated in accordance with the reciprocal base fee formula set out in regulation.
Any existing ESAs will be subject to the condition that the fee in the annual fees regulation applies, for example, the fee set out in Table 1 and 2 of O. Reg. 349/24 (calculation of fees for pupils for the 2024-25 school board fiscal year).