Sexual behaviour problems

Children and youth develop in many ways, but lots of things might affect a child’s or youth’s sexual development and lead to some concerning sexual behaviour. For example, sexual behaviours become a problem if they are harmful to the child/youth or others, occur between children and youth of very different ages or developmental levels, or take the place of typical childhood activities.

Understanding the behaviour and how and why it is happening is important. If these behaviours can’t be managed or redirected by caregivers, the child or youth may need the help of our team.

Causes of sexual behaviour problems

Many things could lead to sexual behaviour problems, including:

  • history of trauma or abuse
  • poor social skills
  • mental health issues
  • attachment difficulties
  • learning about or being exposed to adult sexual behaviour at a very young age or developmental level

It can be very upsetting to find your child involved in problem sexual behaviour and it can be hard to talk about it. It is very important to deal with sexual behaviour problems because they can impact all areas of your child’s or youth’s life, such as school, family relations and safety.

The Child and Parent Research Institute (CPRI) do not provide services to children or youth who are involved in a legal investigation or proceeding about sexually related matters until the investigation or proceeding is over.

The Child and Parent Research Institute (CPRI) do not do risk assessments, emergency or crisis intervention or parent or custody assessments.

About sexual behaviours team at CPRI

Our team’s goal is to understand your child’s problem sexual behaviour and find ways to make sure that they and others are safe. We will talk to you, your child and your community supports to understand the reasons for the behaviour.

Our team will consult with your child or youth, caregivers and community partners to come up with a treatment and safety plan. We will also try to connect you to services in your community so your child can get the help needed closer to home.

We also provide healthy sexuality resources and education presentations for community supports like group homes, schools and children’s mental health agencies.

How to access services

You can submit an outpatient referral form for this service if you are:

  • the child or youth’s parent
  • the child or youth in need of service
  • or a member of the child or youth’s care team (such as doctor, community agency, school, etc.) with the consent of the child or youth, parent/guardian or substitute decision maker
  • in some communities, outpatient referrals are processed through your local Single Point Access Mechanism

All referral forms must be signed by the child or youth’s doctor.

Learn more about the referral process and access referral forms.

Where appointments are held

Consultation, education and behavioural support may be completed at Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI), virtually and/or in the community (such as at a child’s or youth’s home or school). The best place for appointments is decided based on the child’s or youth’s and family’s needs and circumstances.


  1. Sexual behaviour team
    1. Practical Responses
      1. Practical responses for children
      2. Practical responses for adolescents
      3. Talking to your child about sexuality
      4. Talking to your teen about sexuality
      5. Talking to your delayed child about sexuality
    2. Normative Sexual Behaviours
      1. Development of 0-2 year-olds
      2. Development of 3-4 year-olds
      3. Development of 5-7 year-olds
      4. Development of 8-12 year-olds
      5. Development of teenagers
    3. Other Resources
      1. Creating and maintaining a healthy sexual environment at home
      2. Community resources and helpful web sites
      3. Developing a safety plan
      4. Glossary
      5. Parent information about safety plans

Online resources

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