Sheldrick Sanitation Waste Transfer/Processing Facility Expansion
Project information about this designation.
J.W. Sheldrick Sanitation Ltd.
6278 London Road, Smithville, Ontario
Reference Number
Environmental Approvals Branch, 416-314-8001
Toll free 1-800-461-6290
Current Status
Designation: granted, October 27, 2001
Project Summary
The purpose of the undertaking is to expand the existing waste transfer/processing facility.
Project History
- Designation: granted
- Date submitted: December 14, 2000
- Expiry of public comment period: June 28, 2001
- Decision date: October 27, 2001
The private sector waste management company, J.W. Sheldrick Sanitation Ltd., requested on December 14, 2000 that the proposed expansion of its existing waste transfer/processing facility be designated under the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA).
The facility is located at 6278 London Road in Smithville, Ontario and operates under a Notice of Amendment to Provisional Certificate of Approval No. A650112 dated October 25, 1999 which permits the facility to receive, process, temporarily store and transfer 300 tonnes of municipal and non-hazardous solid industrial waste per day.
The proposed undertaking would increase the amount of waste received to 900 tonnes per day; increase the storage volume to 1,350 tonnes; increase the outbound volume of waste to 1,350 tonnes per day; increase the storage time for curbside waste to seven days and other waste to 90 days; accept asbestos waste; accept all municipal waste; adjust the receiving and activity hours; and remove service area restrictions.
The designation regulation was made on October 27, 2001. It requires J.W. Sheldrick Sanitation Ltd. to follow the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act by submitting and receiving Ministerial approval for a Terms of Reference for the undertaking, and preparing an Environmental Assessment document which will follow the review and approval process set out under the Environmental Assessment Act.