Transportation Standards Development Committee
Learn about the group that makes recommendations on how to improve existing transportation standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
In 2015, the Minister Responsible for Accessibility established the Transportation Standards Development Committee—a group of representatives from the transportation sector, municipalities, people with disabilities and affected government ministries—to make recommendations on our existing transportation standards.
In 2017, the committee put forward initial recommendations and asked for public feedback to help them draft their final recommendations to the Minister Responsible for Accessibility.
The committee has reviewed all comments, finalized their recommendations and submitted them to the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility for consideration. Read the final recommendations.
List of members and representation
The following is a full list of the committee members including the organization or sector they are representing. Committee membership may be subject to change.
Voting members:
- Kelly Paleczny (chair), London Transit Commission
- James Bisson, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)
- Nicole Cormier, City of Toronto
- Dana Earle, Thunder Bay Transit
- Robert Gaunt, Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
- Sarah Keenan, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
- Gary Malkowski, Canadian Hearing Society
- Sue Morgan, Disability Community Representative
- Steve Murphy, Regional Municipality of Niagara
- Sam Savona, Disability Community Representative
- Tracy Schmitt, Disability Community Representative
- Dean Walker, Disability Community Representative
- Eve Wiggins, Toronto Transit Commission
- Jeff Short, Metrolinx
Non-voting members:
- Mary Bartolomucci, Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility
- Jasmin Grujal, Ministry of Municipal Housing and Affairs
- Kevin Dowling, Ministry of Transportation
- Allan Moore, Ministry of Transportation
Scope and timelines
A Standards Development Committee will undertake the legislated review of the transportation standard as prescribed in Section 9 of the Act and summarized as follows:
- Re-examine the long-range objectives of the standard.
- If required, revise the measures, policies, practices, and requirements to be implemented on or before January 1, 2025, and the timeframe for their implementation.
- Develop another proposed standard containing modifications or additions that the Committee deems advisable for public comment.
- Make such changes it considers advisable to the proposed accessibility standard based on comments received and make recommendations to the minister.
The minister has requested the committee to consider recommendations in three areas that have been identified through research and stakeholder consultations. These priority areas are as follows:
Conventional transit
Conventional transit refers to buses, streetcars, motor coaches or rail-based transportation provided by a designated public sector transportation provider.
The committee’s work is to examine:
- options to educate the public on the standard sizes of “prescribed” mobility devices (for example, wheelchairs) that can be accommodated on most transit vehicles, in the context of the current minimum requirements for the size and quantity of spaces
- the requirements to provide persons with disabilities with training on the use of conventional transit, upon request
- potential solutions for the identification of support persons accompanying persons with disabilities using transit within and across jurisdictions
Specialized transit
Specialized transit refers to systems designed to transport persons with disabilities, such as Wheel Trans, and accessible taxicabs.
The committee’s work is to examine:
- whether current eligibility requirements for specialized transit require clarification and explore options to create universal eligibility criteria across transit providers
- origin-to-destination requirements and determine whether door-to-door service requirements could be included
- the practice of multiple fares in origin to destination services within the same jurisdiction and determine whether further clarity in the standard is required
Duties of municipalities
The committee should examine options for ensuring that municipalities are meeting the needs of persons with disabilities who use on-demand accessible taxicabs. Municipalities that license taxicabs have requirements under the Standard related to the proportion of accessible taxis, charging fares and the provision of vehicle information.
The committee’s work is to:
- examine the requirement for municipalities to identify their progress on meeting the need for on-demand accessible taxis and whether municipalities should be required to report on their progress through their multi-year accessibility plans
- examine the addition of technical specifications for side-entry taxis under Regulation 629, Highway Traffic Act
- determine whether municipalities should require mandatory general accessibility training when issuing or reissuing taxi licenses
In addition to the above, the committee is encouraged to explore the potential impact of new and emerging technologies, such as automated vehicles and smartphone apps, with the goal of promoting the role of next generation innovative technologies in achieving the long-term objective of the standard to make passenger transportation services accessible for persons with disabilities. The committee has also been asked to examine interjurisdictional transit coordination within Ontario.
Recognizing that it is important for government to strike the right balance between protection and advancement of public interests and the administrative burden imposed on regulated sectors, the committee should actively consider all possible solutions and tactics, including non-regulatory approaches such as recommending increased outreach, awareness and education programs.
Recommendations should:
- respect and be complementary to the principles, purpose and requirements of the act, and support the end goal of achieving accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities on or before January 1, 2025, taking into account:
- range of disabilities that the measures, policies, practices and requirements are intended to address
- nature of the barriers that the measures, policies, practices and requirements are intended to identify, remove and prevent
- any technical and economic considerations/ impacts that may be associated with their implementation (for example, for obligated organizations, sectors, and the province more broadly)
- focus efforts on preventing barriers both now and in the future
- work within existing Ontario legislative and regulatory frameworks
- focus on simplification and clarity of the Standard where possible
- consider inter-jurisdictional best practices and innovative solutions (such as those from the emerging shared economies, such as Uber), keeping in mind the context of Ontario’s current regulatory framework around transportation providers, municipalities, and other obligated organizations in meeting or exceeding standard requirements
- recognize that while transportation should be integrated and accessible to people with as wide a range of disabilities and abilities as possible, there will continue to be a need for individual accommodation for persons with disabilities
- consider economic implications and feasibility for the sector to comply
- consider the ‘enforceability’ of the requirements to support compliance and enforcement of the Standard
- where appropriate, reflect international standards, legislation, regulation, codes, and best practices in Ontario, other provinces, and internationally, in the area of transportation and accessibility
Throughout the process, the members of the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council sitting on the Standards Development Committee should keep the Council informed of the committee’s progress.
Key deliverables and timelines
The committee will complete the following key deliverables within the specified timelines:
- Mandatory orientation and training—all members of the committee will complete an initial orientation and training during the first meeting of the committee.
- Meetings—the committee will meet for one or two-day sessions, approximately every six to eight weeks as needed.
- Committee work plan—the committee will prepare and provide to the minister a draft work plan early in the review. The work plan will outline key milestones, activities, and timelines to achieve the mandate described in this letter.
- Proposed recommendations for revisions to the standard—within nine months or sooner of the first meeting, the committee will deliver to the minister proposed recommendations for public review.
- Finalizing recommendations for revisions to the standard—a report on comments received during the public review will be prepared by the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility and the comments will be given to the committee for its consideration. The committee will consider public comments, seek additional information if needed, and make changes to the proposed revisions based on public comments as the committee deems advisable. The committee will submit the final recommendations to the minister along with a report on its consideration of public comments, no later than 14 weeks after receiving the report and public comments.
- Meeting minutes and progress reports – no later than four weeks following each of its meetings, the committee will approve and provide the minister its meeting minutes which are to include a progress report on the review of the transportation standard.
Meeting Minutes
- Meeting 8: January 10, 2018
- Meeting 7: November 15 and 16, 2017
- Meeting 6: November 17, 2016
- Meeting 5: September 21 and 22, 2016
- Meeting 4: August 17 and 18, 2016
- Meeting 3: June 22 and 23, 2016
- Meeting 2: May 11 and 12, 2016
- Meeting 1: March 22, 2016
- Orientation Meeting:February 3 and 4, 2016
Meeting 8: January 10, 2018
Letter from chair to the minister
January 26, 2018
The Honourable Tracy MacCharles
Minister Responsible for Accessibility
5th Floor, 400 University Ave
Toronto, ON M7A 2K9
Dear Minister:
Re: Transportation Standard Development Committee Meeting 8 – Minutes.
On behalf of the members of the Transportation Standard Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the Committee-approved minutes from Meeting #8, held on January 10, 2018, and to provide you with a brief update on the Committee’s work.
The Committee completed the following key deliverables:
- Reviewed specific recommendations and feedback, as requested by members of the Committee;
- Approved three recommendations; and
- Finalized and confirmed support for all of the Committee’s recommendations through a final vote.
While the Committee was successful in voting on their final recommendations at their November meeting, it was agreed that they would meet one more time to ensure all members had the opportunity to participate in finalizing the recommendations. The Committee members now feel confident that all public feedback and stakeholder input has been fully considered during the review and finalization of the recommendations process.
The Committee’s next steps will be to review the Final Proposed Revisions to the Transportation Standards and the Transmittal Letter. After doing so, we will provide you with our final recommendations on the Transportation Standards by January 30, 2018, as required by our mandate letter.
Kelly Paleczny
Chair, Transportation Standard Development Committee
Meeting information
January 10, 2018
Accessibility Directorate of Ontario
College Park, 777 Bay Street, 6th Floor
Meeting Rooms A, B, C
Format of Committee Minutes and References: For the purposes of referencing Committee documents and items in the minutes: ‘M’ (Meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), Dana Earle, Jeff Short, Sue Morgan, Sam Savona, Robert Gaunt, Sarah Keenan, Gary Malkowski (Partial), Eve Wiggins (Partial), Steve Murphy (Partial), Tracy Schmitt (Teleconference).
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Allan Moore, and Kevin Dowling.
Regrets: Nicole Cormier, James Bisson and Jasmine Gujral (Non-Voting).
Supporting Staff: Christopher Paulin, Meridith St. Pierre, Phil Simeon, Casey Teixiera, Sonya Del Monte, Caitlyn Tindale, Dalveer Birk, Nidhi Bhagat and Ann Hoy (Partial). (Ministry of Transportation): Jeannie Lee.
Attendant Support: Jayne Jalonikou.
ASL Interpreters: Gloria Brifoglio, Sheila Johnston and Carolyn Lesonsky.
Meeting minutes
M 8.1 Logistics/Housekeeping
Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day. She also provided an overview of emergency evacuation procedures.
M 8.2 Review of Agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day.
M 8.3 General Updates from the Chair
Kelly Paleczny provided general updates to the Committee, and the regrets from those unable to attend the meeting.
M 8.4 Committee Discussion on Additional Recommendations
Accessibility Directorate staff presented on five recommendations requested for review by members of the Committee. The Committee discussed the recommendations and feedback, and voted on the following motions:
Accessible Seating for Persons with Vision Loss:
Motion 8.1 – Amended
The Committee unanimously approved the following revised recommendation:
The Committee recommends a change to the Standards to require public transit providers to identify how their organization will provide assistance for passengers with disabilities to navigate public transit - which could include education and technology solutions - in their multi-year accessibility plan. Subsequent to adoption, transit providers must include this requirement in their next accessibility plan.
Priority Boarding:
Motion 8.2 – Amended
The Committee unanimously approved the following revised recommendation:
The Committee recommends that education and outreach, including courtesy campaigns and on-board announcements, should be developed to improve priority boarding situations for persons with disabilities.
Service Animal Relief Areas:
Motion 8.3 – Amended
The Committee unanimously approved the following revised recommendation:
The Committee recommends that education and outreach solutions be developed to increase public awareness on service animals, including appropriate ways to transport the animal.
The Committee also recommends the Transportation Standards be changed, effective within six months of implementation, to require public transit providers to apply a mechanism that would allow a passenger with disabilities who uses a service animal to leave the station for the animal to relieve itself, with no additional fee being charged upon re-entry.
In addition, the need for accommodation for a service animal to relieve itself should be put forward to the Standards Development Committee that undertakes the next review of the Design of Public Spaces standards.
M 8.5 Committee Discussion on Voted Items to Date
Motion 8.4 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the final proposed revisions to the transportation standards in their entirety.
M 8.6 Committee Discussion on Transmittal Memo
Kelly Paleczny facilitated a discussion on the content of the transmittal letter to the Minister.
M 8.7 Wrap-up and Next Steps
Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day, closing congratulatory remarks and an overview of the next steps.
Meeting 7: November 15 and 16, 2017
Letter from chair to the minister
December 6, 2017
The Honourable Tracy MacCharles
Minister Responsible for Accessibility
5th Floor, 400 University Ave
Toronto, ON M7A 2K9
Dear Minister:
Re: Transportation Standard Development Committee Meeting 7 – Minutes.
On behalf of the members of the Transportation Standard Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the Committee-approved minutes from Meeting #7, held on November 15 and 16, 2017, and to provide you with a brief update on the Committee’s progress.
The Committee completed the following key deliverables:
- reviewed and discussed the public feedback on their initial recommendations
- made amendments and approved a new recommendation
- approved and finalized all recommendations
While the Committee was successful in voting on their final recommendations, and I believe full consideration has been given to all public and stakeholder input, not all Committee members were able to be present at what is likely the Committee’s last meeting. As such, I will be asking members who were not in attendance to review the recommendations and provide feedback to the rest of the Committee.
The Committee members will have two weeks to provide further feedback, voice any concerns or request to discuss further the input received from the public feedback process. If necessary, we will reconvene to discuss outstanding issues before we officially finish our review. We are confident that we will be able to provide our final recommendations on the transportation standards by January 30, 2018, as required by our mandate letter.
Kelly Paleczny
Chair, Transportation Standard Development Committee
Meeting information
November 15 and 16, 2017
Courtyard Marriott Toronto, 475 Yonge St., Alexander Room (A and B)
Format of Committee Minutes and References: For the purposes of referencing Committee documents and items in the minutes: ‘M’ (Meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.
Day 1 present
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), James Bisson, Eve Wiggins, Dana Earle, Jeff Short, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Robert Gaunt, and Sarah Keenan.
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Allan Moore, and Jasmine Gujral.
Supporting Staff: Christopher Paulin, Meridith St. Pierre, Kimberly Campos, Phil Simeon, Casey Teixiera, Sonya Del Monte and Ann Hoy (Partial).
(Ministry of Transportation): Jeannie Lee
Attendant Support: Jayne Jalonikou
Regrets: Nicole Cormier, Gary Malkowski, Tracy Schmitt and Kevin Dowling (Non-voting).
Resignation: Dean Walker
Meeting minutes
M 7.1 Logistics/Housekeeping
Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day. Meridith St. Pierre also provided an overview of emergency evacuation procedures.
M 7.2 Review of Agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day.
M 7.3 General Updates from the Chair
Kelly Paleczny provided general updates to the Committee, such as the resignation of Dean Walker from the committee, and regrets from the meeting.
M 7.4 Presentation from AODA Alliance and ARCH Disability Law Centre
David Lepofsky from AODA Alliance and Dianne Wintermute from ARCH Disability Law Centre gave a presentation on their feedback and recommendations on the Initial Recommendations Report for the Committee to consider while finalizing their recommendations. Mr. Lepofsky identified his intention to record the presentation and discussion.
M 7.5 Committee Expectations Presentation
Accessibility Directorate staff gave a presentation on the process following the review of the public feedback on the Committee’s Initial Recommendations Report.
M 7.6 Introduction and Discussion on Public Feedback on SDC Report
Accessibility Directorate staff presented on the public feedback on the Report posted online. The Committee discussed the feedback and voted on the following motions:
Sizes of Mobility Devices:
Motion 7.1 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Side-Entry Taxicabs:
Motion 7.2– No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Identification of Support Persons:
Motion 7.3 – Amended:
The Committee unanimously approved the following revised recommendation:
The Committee recommends that the province explore the need for a universal identification card for persons with disabilities to be used as proof that an individual requires support. It would be useable in all situations where an individual is required to provide proof of their disability and may not be limited to transit use. It would allow a person to provide their need for accommodation discreetly.
The Committee believes this product could be managed by the province and build on existing identification mechanisms currently in place, such as the Ontario Photo Card or Ontario Health Card.
Accessible Seating and Mobility Aid Spaces:
Motion 7.4 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Proportion of Accessible Seating and Mobility Aid Spaces on Trains and Subways:
Motion 7.5 – Amended:
The Committee unanimously approved the following revised recommendation:
The Committee recommends that, when procuring new or retrofitting existing railcars ( i.e., trains and subways), transit service providers consult with their accessibility advisory committee with respect to the layout and configuration of the vehicles.
Accessible Seating for Persons with Vision Loss:
Motion 7.6 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Service Animals:
Motion 7.7 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Priority Boarding:
Motion 7.8 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Pre-Boarding and On-board Requirements:
Motion 7.9 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Reporting on Accessibility at Transit Facilities, Stops and Shelters:
Motion 7.10 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Technical Requirements on Signage:
Motion 7.11 – Amended
The Committee unanimously approved the following revised recommendation:
The Committee recommends that the Standards Development Committee for Information and Communications consider new and upcoming technology to advance accessibility in wayfinding ensuring consideration of transportation services.
Grab Bars, Handholds, Handrails or Stanchions:
Motion 7.12 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Technical Transportation Standards to Better Support Persons with Vision Loss
Motion 7.13 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Eligibility for Specialized Transit:
Motion 7.14 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Origin-to-Destination Services:
Motion 7.15 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Multiple Fares:
Motion 7.16 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Booking Requirements:
Motion 7.17 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Fees for Medical Forms:
Motion 7.18 – Amended:
The Committee unanimously approved the following revised recommendation:
The Committee recommends this item be forwarded to government for consideration.
On-Demand Accessible Taxicabs:
Motion 7.19 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Side-Entry Taxicabs:
Motion 7.20 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Training for Taxicab Drivers:
Motion 7.21 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Accessible Parking Spaces:
Motion 7.22 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Coordination between Specialized Transit Services:
Motion 7.23 – Amended:
The Committee unanimously approved the following revised recommendation.
Municipalities should be required to report on the progress being made to coordinate their systems in their multi-year annual report.
New and Emerging Technologies:
Motion 7.24 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Addressing Attitudinal Barriers:
Motion 7.25 – No Amendment
The Committee unanimously approved the initial recommendation.
Additional Recommendations from Public Feedback
Mobility Device Securement and Attachments: The Committee reviewed the public feedback and made no recommendation.
Taxicab Identification: The Committee reviewed the public feedback and made no recommendation.
Support Persons: The Committee reviewed the public feedback and made no recommendation.
Free Transit for Persons with Disabilities: The Committee reviewed the public feedback and made no recommendation.
Problems with Individual Bus Stops: The Committee reviewed the public feedback and made no recommendation.
Limiting Specialized Services: The Committee reviewed the public feedback and made no recommendation.
Service Animal Relief Areas:
Motion 7.26 – Recommendation:
The Committee unanimously approved the following recommendation.
The Committee recommends that this issue be put forward to the Standards Development Committee that undertakes the next review of the Design of Public Spaces standards.
Long-term Objectives:
Motion 7.27 –Amended:
The Committee unanimously approved the following revised recommendation:
The long-term objective should be amended to: ‘to make passenger transportation services under provincial and municipal jurisdiction in Ontario accessible for persons with disabilities by 2025’.
M 7.7 Review of Voted Items to Date
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of their final votes and decisions on their Initial Recommendations.
M 7. 8 Wrap-up/Recap and Review of Agenda Items for Next Day
Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and an overview of the next day’s meeting.
Day 2 present
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), James Bisson, Dana Earle, Jeff Short, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, and Robert Gaunt.
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Allan Moore, and Kevin Dowling.
Supporting Staff: Christopher Paulin, Meridith St. Pierre, Kimberly Campos, Phil Simeon, Casey Teixiera, Sonya Del Monte and Ann Hoy (Partial). (Ministry of Transportation): Jeannie Lee, (Ministry of Municipal Affairs): Amanda Powrie
Attendant Support: Jayne Jalonikou
Regrets: Nicole Cormier, Gary Malkowski, Tracy Schmitt, Sarah Keenan, Eve Wiggins and Jasmine Gujral (Non-Voting).
Meeting minutes
M 7.9 Logistics/Housekeeping
Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day.
M 7.10 Review of Agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day.
The Chair noted that all Committee members will be provided with the results of the Committee’s final voting. Members will be asked to review the final recommendations and voice any concerns or request to discuss further the input received from the public feedback process.
The Committee members will have two weeks to provide further feedback. If necessary, the Committee will reconvene to discuss outstanding issues.
In addition, all members were encouraged to let the Chair know whether they received appropriate support from the ADOduring the review.
M 7.11 Ministry and Committee Member Updates
Ministry staff and Committee members provided individual updates on what has occurred since their last meeting together.
M 7:12 Remarks from Deputy Minister Fougère
Deputy Minister Fougère addressed the Committee and highlighted the importance of their dedicated time and effort to the review of the Transportation Standards. The Deputy emphasized how their guidance and expertise will help evolve the Transportation Standard in ways that will make a real difference for people with disabilities.
M 7:13 Wrap-Up of the Day and Closing Remarks from the Chair
Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day, closing congratulatory remarks and an overview of the next steps.
Meeting 6: November 17, 2016
Meeting information
777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Boardrooms A, B and C
Format of Committee Minutes and References: For the purposes of referencing Committee documents and items in the minutes: ‘M’ (Meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), James Bisson, Nicole Cormier, Dana Earle, Robert Gaunt, Sarah Keenan, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Eve Wiggins, Antonia Hammer
Absent Members: Dean Walker
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Kevin Dowling, Allan Moore
Supporting Staff: Arminda Aliu, Miranda Bisnauth, Jennifer Brown, Swetha Chirravur, Ryan Nichols, Christopher Paulin, Hayden Porch, Meridith St. Pierre
Interpreters: Gloria Brifoglio, Sheila Johnston, Jerry Markin
Meeting minutes
M 6.1 Logistics/housekeeping
- Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day.
- Arminda Aliu provided an overview of emergency evacuation procedures.
M 6.2 Review of agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day.
M 6.3 General updates from the chair
Kelly Paleczny provided general updates to the Committee.
M 6.4 Transportation Standards Review – process and next steps
Accessibility Directorate staff gave a presentation on the process for public consultation.
M 6.5 Review of SDC duties
Accessibility Directorate staff presented on the duties of the Committee. The Committee discussed their responsibilities as directed by the AODA and the mandate letter from the Minister.
M 6.6 Review of Initial SDC Recommendation Report
Committee members discussed the draft Initial Recommendations Report and voted on the following motions:
Motion 6.1 – Long-term objective
Members voted to accept the Committee Recommendation on the long-term objective of the Transportation Standards.
Motion 6.2 – Training on the use of conventional transit
Members voted to amend their recommendation by replacing the word “training” with “information”, and to identify a recommended compliance timeline of “within one year of the revised standard taking effect”.
Motion 6.3 – Identification of support persons
Members voted to amend their recommendation to identify a recommended compliance date of December 31, 2020, and to amend the recommendation to encourage public outreach and education “in the interim”.
Motion 6.4 – Pre-boarding and on-board announcements
Members voted to amend their recommendation to identify a recommended compliance timeline of “effective immediately when the revised standard takes effect”.
Motion 6.5 – Reporting on accessibility at transit facilities, stops and shelters
Members voted to amend their recommendation to identify a recommended compliance timeline of “effective immediately when the revised standard takes effect”.
Motion 6.6 – Grab bars, handholds, handrails or stanchions
Members voted to amend their recommendation to identify the standard would only apply to vehicles where the service provider enters into a contractual obligation to purchase a new or used vehicle, or modifies a portion of a vehicle after the revised standard takes effect.
Motion 6.7 – Training for taxicab drivers
Members voted to amend their recommendation to identify a recommended compliance timeline of “effective two years from the date the revised standard takes effect”.
Motion 6.8 – Initial recommendations report
Members voted to accept the draft Initial Recommendations Report and to submit it to the Minister for the purposes of making the Initial Recommendations report public for receiving comments.
Wrap-up/recap and next steps
Accessibility Directorate staff gave an overview of the proposed communications rollout for the public posting of the Initial Recommendations Report. Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and outlined tasks for the next Committee meeting in 2017.
Meeting 5: September 21 and 22, 2016
Letter from chair to the minister
October 21, 2016
The Honourable Tracy MacCharles
Minister Responsible for Accessibility
5th Floor, 400 University Ave
Toronto, ON M7A 2K9
Dear Minister:
On behalf of the members of the Transportation Standard Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the Committee-approved minutes from Meeting #5, held on September 21 and 22, 2016, and to provide you with a brief update on the Committee’s progress.
At the last meeting, the Committee completed the following key deliverables:
- Approved recommended options for outstanding items on the duties of municipalities that license taxicabs, and
- Reviewed and discussed additional items that were not identified in the Minister’s letter but emerged throughout the review.
The Committee also recognized the need for an additional meeting to review and summarize all of their recommendations. We will be forwarding you a copy of the revised workplan approved by members in the near future.
Looking ahead to Meeting #6 in November 2016, the Committee intends to review and approve its initial Recommendation Report, which will be submitted to you for public comment and feedback.
Kelly Paleczny
Chair, Transportation Standard Development Committee
Meeting informaiton
September 21 and 22, 2016
777 Bay Street, 6th Floor
Boardrooms A, B and C
Format of Committee Minutes and References: For the purposes of referencing Committee documents and items in the minutes: ‘M’ (Meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.
Day 1 present
Standards Development Committee members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), James Bisson, Nicole Cormier, Dana Earle, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Sarah Keenan, Antonia Hammer
Absent members: Dean Walker, Robert Gaunt
Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Mary Bartolomucci, Kevin Dowling, Allan Moore, Corwin Troje
Supporting staff: Miranda Bisnauth, Jennifer Brown, Paul Challen, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Jeannie Lee, Christopher Paulin, Hayden Porch, Meridith St. Pierre, Robert Monster
Interpreters: Sheila Johnston, Jeannette Nicolson, Gloria Brifoglio
Meeting minutes
M 5.1 Logistics/Housekeeping
- Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day.
- Paul Challen provided an overview of emergency evacuation procedures.
M 5.2 Review of agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day.
M 5.3 General updates from the chair
Kelly Paleczny provided general updates to the Committee.
M 5.4 Update on Ontario intercommunity bus consultations
Allan Moore from the Ministry of Transportation provided an update on the Ontario Intercommunity Bus Consultations.
M 5.5 Resume discussion on the duties of municipalities that licence taxicabs (training specific to accessible taxicabs) and next steps
Committee members continued their discussion from their last meeting on Duties of Municipalities, and voted on the following motions:
On-demand taxicabs: Motion 5.1 – Amend the regulation:
- As part of their annual review of their multi-year accessibility plan, municipalities must consult with the public, persons with disabilities and their Accessibility Advisory Committee.
- Municipalities must identify progress made toward meeting the need for on-demand taxicabs as part of their annual update.
Side-entry taxicabs: Motion 5.2 – No Amendment
Members voted to not include any requirements with relation to side-entry taxicabs.
M 5.6 Review of additional items identified by the committee
The Directorate provided an overview of each item proposed by Committee members.
Committee members discussed each item and voted on the following motions:
Ableism Training: Motion 5.3 – Develop education and training materials
Members voted that education and outreach materials be developed to increase public awareness on ableism to help reduce attitudinal barriers for persons with disabilities, including those with invisible and cognitive disabilities. The intent of this requirement is that it would apply to all sectors, not the transportation sector specifically.
Priority seating: Motion 5.4 – Develop education and training materials
Members voted that education and outreach solutions be developed to increase public awareness on the use of priority seating, including how to identify “accessible” or “priority” seating.
Service animals: Motion 5.5 – Develop education and training materials
Members voted that education and outreach solutions be developed to increase public awareness on service animals including ways to safely stow the animal during transport.
Pre-booking process to use specialized transit services: Motion 5.6 – Develop education and training materials
Members voted that transit providers develop education and outreach solutions so that they can better communicate their pre-booking processes, policies and procedures to customers who require use of their specialized transit services.
Specialized booking requests: Motion 5.7 – No amendment
Members examined the current requirement for providers to accept booking requests up to three hours before the end of service on the day before the intended day of travel (Section 71). Members voted to make no amendments to this requirement.
Fees for eligibility assessment forms for specialized transit services: Motion 5.8 – Provide issue to the Health Standards Development Committee
Members considered ways to mitigate or eliminate the financial impact on persons with disabilities who required medical forms for specialized transit eligibility assessments and documentation. Members voted that this item be forwarded for consideration in the development of any forthcoming accessibility standard for health care.
Accessible seating and mobility aid spacesMotion 5.9 – Develop education and training materials
Members voted that education and outreach solutions be developed to increase public awareness on the use of accessible seating and mobility aid spaces.
M 5.7 Wrap-up/recap and review of agenda items for next day
Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and an overview of the next day’s meeting.
Day 2 present
Standards Development Committee members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), James Bisson, Nicole Cormier, Dana Earle, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Sarah Keenan, Antonia Hammer
Absent members: Dean Walker, Robert Gaunt
Non-voting Standards Development Committee members: Mary Bartolomucci, Kevin Dowling, Allan Moore, Corwin Troje
Supporting staff: Miranda Bisnauth, Jennifer Brown, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Jeannie Lee, Christopher Paulin, Hayden Porch, Meridith St. Pierre
Interpreters: Jeannette Nicholson, Shelia Johnston, Jerry Markin
Meeting minutes
M 5.8 Logistics/Housekeeping
Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day.
M 5.9 Review of agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day.
M 5.10 Review of additional items identified by the committee from previous day
The Committee continued their discussion of outstanding items, and voted on the following motions:
Priority Boarding
Motion 5.10 – Develop education and training materials
Members voted that education and outreach materials including courtesy campaigns be developed to help address priority boarding.
Accessible transit stops and facilities
Motion 5.11 – Require municipalities and transportation providers to report on their progress
Members voted that the Standard be updated to require municipalities and transportation providers to report on the progress made to improve accessibility at stops and shelters based on their service and community needs.
Transit stop identification and signage issues for persons with visual disabilities
Motion 5.12 – Seek public feedback during public posting period
Members voted that the Committee seek public feedback through the posting of this report for ideas on how to improve transit stop identification and signage issues for persons with visual disabilities.
Collection of resources, guidelines and best practices for signage
Motion 5.13 – Develop publicly-available collection of resources on signage
Members voted to recommend that a list of tools and resources on best practices for signage be developed and/or be made available by the Province to service providers to help to reduce barriers for persons with disabilities.
Pre-boarding and on-boarding announcement requirements
Motion 5.14 – Strengthening pre-boarding and on-boarding announcement requirements
Members voted that providers must show progress on their pre-boarding and on-boarding requirements within the annual updates to their accessibility plans. Members also voted to recommend that, since some requirements are still being phased in, the topic of these announcements should also be forwarded to the next Transportation Standard Review Committee to address any concerns that may come up during their phased implementation.
Requirements for grab bars handholds, handrails or stanchions
Motion 5.15 – Improve technical requirements for grab bars to prevent hazards or injuries to taller individuals
Members voted that the Standard be amended to include “no protruding ends” for grab bars, handholds, handrails or stanchions as one of the technical requirements.
Proportion of accessible seating and mobility aid spaces on trains and subways
Motion 5.16 – No amendment
Members reflected on whether there should be a greater proportion of accessible seating and mobility aid spaces on trains and subways. Members voted to maintain to make no amendments to this requirement.
Accessible tour buses and boat cruises in Ontario
Motion 5.17 – No action
Members considered the lack of accessible tour buses and boat cruises available in Ontario, but acknowledged that there was no private transportation representation on the Committee to further discuss this item. Members voted to take no action on this item.
Additional technical standards and requirements
Motion 5.18 – No action
Members discussed additional technical standards to better accommodate persons with visual disabilities in larger transit vehicles. The Committee concluded that the Standard contained requirements that met or exceeded global best practices. Members voted to take no action on this item.
Mobility devices as vehicle seats
Motion 5.19 – No action
Members considered the item of identifying which mobility devices might be deemed safe to use as vehicle seats while travelling in motorized vehicles. Members recognized that there are many health and safety concerns with mobility devices being used as vehicle seats. Members voted to take no action on this item.
Zero noise electric or hybrid vehicles
Motion 5.20 – No action
Members reflected on the collision risk for blind or partially sighted pedestrians from zero noise electric or hybrid vehicles. As this is outside the powers of this Committee, members voted to take no action on this item.
Accessible parking spaces
Motion 5.21 – Provide issue to the design of Public Spaces Standard Review Committee
Members discussed potential changes to requirements related to accessible parking spaces and the sizes of accessible parking spaces. Members voted to recommend this item be put forward to the Design of Public Spaces Standards Review Committee during the next review of that standard.
Overview of housekeeping items
M 5.11 The directorate reviewed housekeeping items and the committee discussed each item
Motion 5.22 – Amend section 75 (2) B
Members voted toamend Section 75 (2) b to include “student, parent or guardians” regarding decision making for alternative accessible transportation services for students with disabilities.
Review of long-term objective(s) of the standard
M 5.12 The Committee reviewed and discussed the current long-term objective of the Standard
Motion 5.23 – Seek public feedback on long-term objective(s) of the standard
Members voted to seek public feedback during the public posting period on the long-term objectives of the Standard.
M 5.13 Review of voted items to date
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of decisions that the Committee has made to date.
M 5.14 Recap and next steps
Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and potential next steps for the Committee.
Meeting 4: August 17 and 18, 2016
Letter from chair to the minister
September 12, 2016
The Honourable Tracy MacCharles
Minister Responsible for Accessibility
5th Floor, 400 University Ave
Toronto, ON M7A 2K9
Dear Minister:
On behalf of the members of the Transportation Standard Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the Committee-approved minutes from Meeting #4, held on August 17 and 18, 2016, and to provide you with a brief update on the Committee’s progress.
At the last meeting, the Committee completed the following key deliverables:
- Began approving recommended options for the Duties of Municipalities that License Taxicabs, and
- Learned about the potential impact of new and emerging technologies and discussed potential recommendations.
Looking ahead to Meeting #5 on September 21 and 22, 2016, the Committee intends to conclude discussions on options to address the Duties of Municipalities that License Taxicabs and begin discussing items of importance to Committee members that were not identified in the mandate letter.
I would also like to extend thanks on behalf of the Committee to you and Deputy Fougère for attending the meeting. The Committee enjoyed meeting you both and appreciated the remarks you provided. We are grateful for your commitment to the success of the Transportation Standard review.
Kelly Paleczny
Chair, Transportation Standard Development Committee
Meeting information
August 17-18, 2016
777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Boardrooms A, B and C
Format of Committee Minutes and References: For the purposes of referencing Committee documents and items in the minutes: ‘M’ (Meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.
Day 1 present
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), James Bisson, Nicole Cormier, Dana Earle, Robert Gaunt, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Dean Walker, Antonia Hammer
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Kevin Dowling, Allan Moore, Corwin Troje
Supporting Staff: Miranda Bisnauth, Jennifer Brown, Paul Challen, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Jeannie Lee, Christopher Paulin, Hayden Porch, Meridith St. Pierre, Katherine McGillivray, Jason Leeman
Interpreters: Sheila Johnston, Kate Lewis, Jeannette Nicolson
Guests: The Hon. Tracy MacCharles, Minister Responsible for Accessibility, Marie-Lison Fougère, Deputy Minister Responsible for Accessibility, Francophone Affairs and Seniors, Ed Steel, Laura Dougan
Meeting minutes
M 4.1 Logistics/Housekeeping
- Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day.
- Paul Challen provided an overview of emergency evacuation procedures.
M 4.2 Remarks from Hon. Tracy MacCharles, Minister Responsible for Accessibility
The Minister introduced herself and the Deputy to the Committee, provided remarks, and a group photo was taken.
M 4.3 Review of Agenda and General Updates from the Chair
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day.
M 4.4 Sharing Economy Update
Jennifer Brown provided an update on the province’s strategy to address the sharing economy.
M 4.5 Discussion on the Duties of Municipalities that Licence Taxicabs and the Sharing Economy
The Committee continued their discussion from the last meeting regarding the Duties of Municipalities that Licence Taxicabs and the impact of the sharing economy.
M 4.6 Issue #1: Requirements for Taxicabs, Discussion and Vote
The Committee discussed options to address their mandate to “examine options for ensuring that municipalities are meeting the needs of persons with disabilities who use on-demand accessible taxicabs.”
Members voted on the proposed motions, noting that there was no representation from the taxi sector included in the discussion.
Motion 4.1: Recommend that municipalities shall require mandatory training for drivers on general accessibility requirements as part of taxicab licensing requirements.
Motion 4.2: Recommend that the training shall include:
- accessibility standards and on the Ontario Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities
- how to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disability
- how to interact with persons with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a guide dog or other service animal or the assistance of a support person
- how to use equipment or devices available on the provider’s premises or otherwise provided by the provider that may help with the provision of goods, services or facilities to a person with a disability
- what to do if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing the provider’s goods, services or facilities
- training specific to Accessible Taxicabs
- the safe use of accessibility equipment and features
- acceptable modifications to procedures in situations where temporary barriers exist or accessibility equipment on a vehicle fails
- emergency preparedness and response procedures that provide for the safety of persons with disabilities
Note: There was significant discussion following this motion and it will be revisited as part of the next committee meeting.
M 4.7 Wrap-up/Recap
Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and an overview of the next day’s meeting.
Day 2 present
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), James Bisson, Nicole Cormier, Dana Earle, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Dean Walker, Antonia Hammer
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Kevin Dowling, Allan Moore, Corwin Troje
Supporting Staff: Miranda Bisnauth, Jennifer Brown, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Jeannie Lee, Christopher Paulin, Hayden Porch, Meridith St. Pierre, Katherine McGillivray
Interpreters: Jeannette Nicholson, Shelia Johnston, Kate Lewis
Meeting minutes
M 4.8 Logistics/Housekeeping
Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day.
M 4.9 Review of Agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day.
M 4.10 Presentation: Planning for the Future of Transportation
The Committee received a presentation on the Ministry of Transportation’s long-range planning for the future of transportation from the Provincial Planning Office’s Robin Kortright, followed by a question and answer session with the presenter.
M 4.11 Presentation: The Impact and Future of Connected/Automated Vehicles
The Committee received a presentation on connected/automated vehicles and their potential benefits for persons with disabilities from Alex Lee from the Ministry of Economic Development and Growth’s Automotive Unit, followed by a question and answer session with the presenter.
M 4.12 Presentation Innovative Technology for Accessible Transportation
The Committee received a presentation on the impact of future technologies on accessible transportation from Jutta Treviranus, Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University, followed by a question and answer session with the presenter.
M 4.13 Issue: Review and Discussion of Impact of Innovative Technologies
The Committee discussed options to address their mandate to “explore the potential impact of new and emerging technologies, such as automated vehicles and smartphone apps, with the goal of promoting the role of next generation innovative technologies in achieving the longterm objective of the standard to make passenger transportation services accessible for persons with disabilities.
M 4.14 Requirements for Taxicabs, Discussion
The Committee continued their discussion on options to address their mandate to “examine options for ensuring that municipalities are meeting the needs of persons with disabilities who use on-demand accessible taxicabs.”
M 4.15 Wrap-up/Recap
- Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and expectations for members prior to the next meeting.
- Ms. Paleczny also asked Committee members to review the Parking Lot presentation prior to the next meeting and submit any additional Parking Lot discussion items for the next meeting.
Appendix A – action items
Motion 4.1: Recommend that “Municipalities shall require mandatory training for drivers on general accessibility requirements as part of taxicab licensing requirements.”
Motion Carried
Motion 4.2: Recommend that the training shall include:
- accessibility standards and on the Ontario Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities
- how to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disability
- how to interact with persons with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a guide dog or other service animal or the assistance of a support person
- how to use equipment or devices available on the provider’s premises or otherwise provided by the provider that may help with the provision of goods, services or facilities to a person with a disability
- what to do if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing the provider’s goods, services or facilities
- training specific to Accessible Taxicabs
- the safe use of accessibility equipment and features
- acceptable modifications to procedures in situations where temporary barriers exist or accessibility equipment on a vehicle fails
- emergency preparedness and response procedures that provide for the safety of persons with disabilities
Motion Carried
Note: There was significant discussion following this motion and it will be revisited as part of the next committee meeting.
Meeting 3: June 22 and 23, 2016
Letter from chair to the minister
July 11, 2016
The Honourable Tracy MacCharles
Minister Responsible for Accessibility
56 Wellesley St W, 14th Flr
Toronto ON M5S 2S3
Dear Minister:
On behalf of the members of the Transportation Standard Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the Committee-approved minutes from Meeting #3, held on June 22 and 23, 2016, and to provide you with a brief update on the Committee’s progress.
At the last meeting, the Committee completed the following key deliverables:
- Agreed upon recommended options for Specialized Transit issues, and
- Participated in discussion on the issues in Duties of Municipalities that license taxicabs (including implications resulting from the sharing economy)
Looking ahead to Meeting #4 on August 17 and 18, 2016, the Committee intends to discuss options to address the Duties of Municipalities that License Taxicabs and begin discussions on items of importance to the Committee members that are not identified in the Minister’s mandate letter.
Kelly Paleczny
Chair, Transportation Standard Development Committee
Meeting information
June 22 and 23, 2016
777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Boardrooms A, B and C
Format of Committee Minutes and References: For the purposes of referencing Committee documents and items in the minutes: ‘M’ (Meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.
Day 1 present
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), Nicole Cormier, James Bisson, Dana Earle, Robert Gaunt, Sarah Keenan, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Eve WigginsDean Walker, Antonia Hammer
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Kevin Dowling, Allan Moore, Corwin Troje
Supporting Staff: Miranda Bisnauth, Jennifer Brown, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Jeannie Lee, Christopher Paulin, Hayden Porch, Meridith St. Pierre
Interpreters: Laura Henry, Shelia Johnston, Jennifer Hawkings
Meeting minutes
M 3.1 Logistics/Housekeeping
- Ann Hoy, Assistant Deputy Minister of the Accessibility Directorate, spoke about the appointment of the new Minister Responsible for Accessibility, Tracy MacCharles and Deputy Minister, Marie-Lison Fougère.
- Kelly Paleczny announced that Piragal Thiru has taken a leave of absence from his position at the Region of York and will no longer be serving on the Committee.
- Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day.
M 3.2 Review of Agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day and any updates since the last meeting.
M 3.3 Issue #1: Eligibility for Specialized Transit, Discussion and Vote
- The Committee discussed the options developed at the last meeting to address their mandate to “Examine whether current eligibility requirements for specialized transit require clarification and explore options to create universal eligibility criteria across transit providers.”
- Members voted on the proposed motion:
Motion 3.1: Recommend maintaining the status quo with regard to Eligibility for Specialized Transit.
Motion Carried
M 3.4 Issue #2: Origin-to-Destination Services, Discussion and Vote
- The Committee discussed the options developed at the last meeting to address their mandate to “Examine origin-to-destination requirements and determine whether door-to-door service requirements could be included.”
- Members voted on the proposed motion:
Motion 3.2: Recommend maintaining the status quo with regard to Origin-to-Destination services.
Motion Carried
M 3.5 Issue #3: Multiple Fares, Discussion and Vote
- The Committee discussed the options developed at the last meeting to address their mandate to “Examine the practice of multiple fares in origin-to-destination services within the same jurisdiction and determine whether further clarity in the standard is required.”
- Members voted on the proposed motion:
Motion 3.3: Recommend maintaining the status quo with regard to Multiple Fares.
Motion Carried
M 3.6 Review of Outstanding Specialized Transportation Issues and Parking Lot Items
The Committee members put forward “parking lot” items for discussion at a future committee meeting.
M 3.7 Wrap-up/Recap
Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and an overview of the next day’s meeting.
Day 2 present
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), Nicole Cormier, James Bisson, Dana Earle, Robert Gaunt, Sarah Keenan, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Eve Wiggins, Dean Walker, Antonia Hammer
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Kevin Dowling, Allan Moore, Corwin Troje
Supporting Staff: Miranda Bisnauth, Jennifer Brown, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Jeannie Lee, Christopher Paulin, Hayden Porch, Aisha Silim, Meridith St. Pierre
Interpreters: Jeannette Nicholson, Shelia Johnston, Jennifer Hawkings
Meeting minutes
M 3.9 Logistics/Housekeeping
Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day.
M 3.10 Review of Agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day.
M 3.11 Presentation: Current Legislation and Regulatory Framework in Ontario - Focus on Accessibility
The Committee received a presentation on the Current Legislation and Regulatory Framework for Municipalities that License Taxicabs from Corwin Troje, Robert Monster (Ministry of Transportation’s Carrier Safety Policy Office) and Jennifer Brown.
M 3.12 Presentation 1: Overview of the Sharing Economy
The Committee received a presentation on the report “Shifting Perspectives: Redesigning Regulation for the Sharing Economy” from Idil Burale from MaRS Solution Lab.
M 3.13 Presentation 2: City of Toronto
The Committee received a presentation on Toronto`s new vehicle-for-hire bylaw from Tracey Cook and Vanessa Fletcher from the City of Toronto.
M 3.14 Discussion with MaRS and City of Toronto (50 mins)
The Committee had a question and answer session with the presenters.
M 3.15 Presentation 3: Sharing Economy Advisory Committee (SEAC)
The Committee received a presentation on the ongoing work of the Sharing Economy Advisory Committee (SEAC) from Glen Padassery and Jessie Weel.
M 3.16 Overview from Directorate: AODA Requirements for Taxicabs
An overview of the three focus areas of Duties of Municipalities that License Taxicabs was given by Jennifer Brown, Hayden Porch, Miranda Bisnauth and Christopher Paulin.
M 3.18 Wrap-up/Recap*
Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and expectations for members prior to the next meeting.
In recognition of the complexity and state of flux that currently affects the areas of taxicabs and the sharing economy, the Committee members will take time to take into consideration the information they received at this meeting and consult with their stakeholders. They will address at this issue at the next meeting.
Ms. Paleczny also asked Committee members to submit Parking Lot discussion items for the meeting in August.
Appendix A – Action Items
M 3.3
Motion 3.1: Recommend maintaining the status quo with regard to Eligibility for Specialized Transit.
Motion Carried
M 3.4
Motion 3.2: Recommend maintaining the status quo with regard to Origin-to-Destination services.
Motion Carried
M 3.5
Motion 3.3: Recommend maintaining the status quo with regard to Multiple Fares.
Motion Carried
M 3.18
Action M3.1: The Committee members will take time to take into consideration the information regarding taxicabs and the sharing economy and may consult with their stakeholders. They may address at this issue at the next meeting.
Action M 3.2: Members may submit discussion items for the “Parking Lot” meeting in August.
Meeting 2: May 11 and 12, 2016
Letter from chair to the minister
June 3, 2016
The Honourable Brad Duguid
Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure
8th Floor, Hearst Block, 900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E1
Dear Minister:
On behalf of the members of the Transportation Standard Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the Committee-approved minutes from Meeting #2, held on May 11 and 12, and to provide you with a brief update on the Committee’s progress.
At the last meeting, the Committee completed the following key deliverables:
- Agreed upon recommended options for Conventional Transit issues, and
- Completed an overview of issues in Specialized Transit.
Looking ahead to Meeting #3 on June 22 and 23, 2016, the Committee intends to vote on options to address the Specialized Transit focus areas identified in the mandate letter and begin discussions on the focus area of the Duties of Municipalities that license taxicabs.
Kelly Paleczny
Chair, Transportation Standard Development Committee
Meeting information
May 11 and 12, 2016
777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Boardrooms A, B and C
Format of Committee Minutes and References: For the purposes of referencing Committee documents and items in the minutes: ‘M’ (Meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.
Day 1 present
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), Nicole Cormier, Dana Earle, Robert Gaunt, Sarah Keenan, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Piragal Thiru, Eve Wiggins, Antonia Hammer
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Kevin Dowling, Allan Moore, Corwin Troje
Supporting Staff: Miranda Bisnauth, Jennifer Brown, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Jeannie Lee, Christopher Paulin, Hayden Porch, Meridith St. Pierre
Interpreters: Laura Henry, Shelia Johnston, Jeanette Nicholson
Regrets: James Bisson, Dean Walker
Meeting minutes
M 2.1 Logistics/Housekeeping
Meridith St. Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day.
M 2.2 Review of Agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day and any updates since the last meeting.
M 2.3 Issue #1: Travel Training Discussion and Vote
The Committee discussed the options developed at the last meeting to address their mandate to “examine the requirements to provide persons with disabilities with training on the use of conventional transit, upon request.”
Before the Committee voted on options for the first time, the Committee reviewed the voting procedure, as outlined in the Terms of Reference.
Members voted on the proposed motion:
Motion 2.1: Recommend the development of a general requirement to provide persons with disabilities (or others) information on the use of conventional transit, without prescriptive elements.
Motion Carried
M 2.4 Issue #2: Mobility Devices Discussion and Vote
The Committee discussed the options developed at the last meeting to address their mandate to “examine options to educate the public on the standard sizes of prescribed mobility device that can be accommodated on most conventional transit vehicles, in the context of the current minimum requirements for the size and quantity of spaces.”
Members voted for the following motion:
Motion 2.2: Recommend coordinated outreach to consumers or consumer groups via various avenues (including obligated transit organizations, prescribers/health providers and retailers/manufacturers).
Motion Carried
M 2.5 Support Persons Discussion and Vote
The Committee discussed the options developed at the last meeting to address their mandate to “examine potential solutions for the identification of support persons accompanying persons with disabilities using transit within and across jurisdictions,” including: removing the requirement to demonstrate need from Regulation; and, providing clarity regarding how Persons with Disabilities can demonstrate need.
Members voted for the following motion:
Motion 2.3: Recommend a provincially managed universal identification card.
Motion Carried
M 2.6 Wrap-up/Recap
Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and an overview of the next day’s meeting.
Day 2 present
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), James Bisson, Nicole Cormier, Dana Earle, Robert Gaunt, Sarah Keenan, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Piragal Thiru, Eve Wiggins, Antonia Hammer
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Kevin Dowling, Allan Moore, Corwin Troje
Supporting Staff: Miranda Bisnauth, Jennifer Brown, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Jeannie Lee, Christopher Paulin, Hayden Porch, Meridith St. Pierre
Interpreters: Laura Henry, Shelia Johnston, Jeanette Nicholson
Regrets: Dean Walker
Meeting minutes
M 2.7 Logistics/Housekeeping
Meridith St Pierre provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping for the day.
M 2.8 Review of Agenda
Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day.
M 2.9 Presentation: Overview of Specialized Transportation
Jennifer Brown and Kevin Dowling co-presented on an introduction to Specialized Transportation in Ontario.
M 2.10 Issue #1: Eligibility for Specialized Transit
An overview of the focus area of Eligibility was provided by Jennifer Brown and Miranda Bisnauth.
M 2.11 Discussion on Eligibility
- The Committee discussed its mandate to “examine whether current eligibility requirements for specialized transit require clarification and explore options to create universal eligibility criteria across transit providers”.
- The Committee discussed potential options to address this focus area, to use in consultation with their stakeholders.
Action M 2.1: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting.
M 2.12 Issue #2: Origin-to Destination Services
An overview of the focus area of Origin-to-Destination services was provided by Jennifer Brown and Christopher Paulin.
M 2.13 Discussion on Origin-to Destination Services
- The Committee discussed its mandate to “examine origin-to-destination requirements and determine whether door-to-door service requirements could be included.”
- The Committee discussed potential options to address this focus area, to use in consultation with their stakeholders.
Action M2.2: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting.
M 2.14 Issue #3: Multiple Fares
An overview of the focus area of Multiple Fares was provided by Hayden Porch.
M 2.15 Discussion on Multiple Fares
- The Committee discussed its mandate to “examine the practice of multiple fares in origin-to-destination services within the same jurisdiction and determine whether further clarity in the standard is required.”
- The Committee discussed potential options to address this focus area, to use in consultation with their stakeholders.
Action M2.3: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting.
M 2.16 Wrap-up/Recap
- Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and expectations for members prior to the next meeting.
- Ms. Paleczny asked members to think over and identify resources (presenters, research) they may require to assess options around the duties of municipalities that license taxicabs.
- Ms. Paleczny also asked Committee members to compile discussion items for the Parking Lot meeting in August.
Appendix A – Action Items
M 2.3
Motion 2.1: Recommend the development of a general requirement to provide persons with disabilities (or others) training on the use of conventional transit, without prescriptive elements.
(Motion Carried)
M 2.4
Motion 2.2: Recommend for general, coordinated outreach to consumers or consumer groups via various avenues (including obligated transit organizations, prescribers/health providers and retailers/manufacturers).
(Motion Carried)
M 2.5
Motion 2.3: Recommend a provincially managed universal identification card.
(Motion Carried)
M 2.11
Action M 2.1: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting.
Clarification: Status Quo or; Provide specific eligibility criteria
Universal Eligibility Criteria: Status Quo (transit providers continue to determine criteria for their community) or; Recommend the development of universal criteria
M 2.13
Action M2.2: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting:
Status Quo
The Standards tie the provision of door-to-door service to the functional ability of the customer
The Standards mandate door-to-door service for all specialized transit providers
M 2.15
Action M2.3: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting:
Status Quo
Expand on definition of “fare parity” to include transfers
Non-regulatory approach (example education and outreach to build awareness)
Meeting 1: March 22, 2016
Letter from chair to the minister
April 14, 2016
The Honourable Brad Duguid
Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure
8th Floor, Hearst Block, 900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E1
Dear Minister,
Re: Transportation Standard Review Meeting #1 – minutes and progress report
On behalf of the members of the Transportation Standard Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the Committee-approved minutes from Meeting #1 held on March 22, 2016, and to provide you with a brief update on the Committee’s progress.
The Committee has completed the following key deliverables:
- Approved its draft workplan; and
- Completed an overview of issues in Conventional Transit.
Looking ahead to Meeting #2 on May 11 and 12, 2016, the Committee intends to vote on options developed at Meeting #1 to address the Conventional Transit focus areas identified in the mandate letter and begin discussions on the focus area of Specialized Transit.
(Original signed by)
Kelly Paleczny
Chair, Transportation Standard Development Committee
Meeting information
March 22nd, 2016, 777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Boardrooms A, B and C
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), James Bisson, Nicole Cormier, Dana Earle, Robert Gaunt, Sarah Keenan, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Piragal Thiru, Dean Walker, Antonia Hammer
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Corwin Troje, Allan Moore
Supporting Staff: Jennifer Brown, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Christopher Paulin, Miranda Bisnauth, Meridith St. Pierre, Hayden Porch, Jeannie Lee
Presenters: Rory Burke, Manager Compliance Enforcement Unit, Accessibility Directorate of Ontario
Interpreters: Laura Henry, Jerry Markin, Shelia Johnston
Regrets: Eve Wiggins, Kevin Dowling (Non-voting Member).
Format of Committee Minutes and References: For the purposes of referencing Committee documents and items in the minutes: ‘M’ (Meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.
Day 1 meeting minutes
M1.1 Logistics/Housekeeping
Ann Louise FitzPatrick provided an overview of logistics and housekeeping. Paul Challen provided an overview of the emergency evacuation protocol.
M1.2 Review of Agenda and Approval of Workplan
- Kelly Paleczny provided an overview of the agenda for the day, and the process for approving minutes
- Prior to holding a vote to approve the workplan, Kelly Paleczny asked members to bring forward any issues with the current draft workplan. No issues were brought forward.
- Kelly Paleczny initiated a vote to approve the workplan.
Motion 1.2: Workplan Approval
The Committee voted to approve the Workplan and submit to the Minister.
(Motion Carried)
M 1.3 Presentation: Compliance and Enforcement Activities
A presentation on Compliance and Enforcement Activities was given by Rory Burke.
M 1.4 Conventional Transportation: Travel Training
An overview of the focus area of Travel Training was provided by Jennifer Brown.
M 1.5 Discussion on Travel Training
- The Committee discussed its mandate to: “Examine the requirements to provide persons with disabilities with training on the use of conventional transit, upon request.”
- The Committee discussed potential options to address this focus area, to use in consultation with their stakeholders.
Action M1.5: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting.
M 1.6 Conventional Transportation: Mobility Devices
An overview of the focus area of Mobility Devices was provided by Jennifer Brown.
M 1.7 Discussion on Mobility Devices
- The committee discussed its mandate to: “Examine options to educate the public on the standard sizes of "prescribed" mobility devices (e.g., wheelchairs) that can be accommodated on most transit vehicles, in the context of the current minimum requirements for the size and quantity of spaces.”
- The Committee discussed potential options to address this focus area, to use in consultation with their stakeholders.
Action M1.7: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting.
M 1.8 Conventional Transportation: Support Persons
An overview of the focus area of Support Persons was provided by Jennifer Brown.
M 1.9 Discussion on Support Persons
- The Committee discussed its mandate to: “examine potential solutions for the identification of support persons accompanying persons with disabilities using transit within and across jurisdictions.”
- The Committee discussed potential options to address this focus area, to use in consultation with their stakeholders.
Action M1.9: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting.
M 1.10 Wrap-up/Recap
Kelly Paleczny provided a recap of the day’s discussion and expectations for members prior to the next meeting.
Appendix A – Action Items
M 1.2
Motion 1.2: The Committee voted on whether to approve the Workplan.
(Motion Carried)
M 1.5
Action M1.5: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting.
M 1.7
Action M1.7: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting.
M 1.9
Action M1.9: Committee members may consult with their stakeholders on these options prior to the next meeting.
Orientation Meeting: February 3 and 4, 2016
Letter from chair to the minister
February 09, 2016
The Honourable Brad Duguid
Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure
8th Floor, Hearst Block, 900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E1
Dear Minister,
Re: Transportation Standard review orientation meeting – minutes and progress report
On behalf of the members of the Transportation Standard Development Committee, I am pleased to submit the committee-approved minutes of the orientation meeting held on February 3 and 4, 2016, and to provide you with a brief update on the committee’s progress.
The committee has completed the following key deliverables:
- Completed an initial orientation and training session; and
- Developed a draft workplan to be finalized at Meeting 1.
Looking ahead to Meeting 1 on March 22, 2016, the committee intends to finalize its workplan and begin discussions on the focus areas of Conventional Transit, as identified in the mandate letter.
(Original signed by)
Kelly Paleczny
Chair, Transportation Standard Development Committee
Meeting information
February 3rd and 4th, 2016
777 Bay Street, 6th Floor, Boardrooms A, B and C
Standards Development Committee Members: Kelly Paleczny (Chair), James Bisson, Nicole Cormier, Dana Earle, Robert Gaunt, Sarah Keenan, Gary Malkowski, Sue Morgan, Steve Murphy, Sam Savona, Tracy Schmitt, Piragal Thiru, Dean Walker, Eve Wiggins, Antonia Hammer
Non-voting Standards Development Committee Members: Mary Bartolomucci, Corwin Troje, Kevin Dowling, Allan Moore
Supporting Staff: Jennifer Brown, Anne-Marie Long, Ann Louise Fitzpatrick, Christopher Paulin, Miranda Bisnauth, Dana Eilath, Hayden Porch
Interpreters: Jeanette Nicholson (Day 1 only), Sharon Pardy (Day 1 and Day 2), Jerry Markin (Day 1 and Day 2), Melissa Cyr (Day 2 only), Gloria Brifoglio (Day 2 only)
Regrets: N/A
Format of Committee Minutes and References: For the purposes of referencing committee documents and items in the minutes: ‘O’ (Orientation Meeting) represents the meeting number/minute items/sections/action items.
Day 1 meeting minutes
O1.1 Logistics/Housekeeping
Anne-Marie Long provided the committee with information about the meeting facility and gave a housekeeping overview (speaking/discussion process, emergency evacuation, etc.).
O1.2 Chair’s Introduction
Kelly Paleczny introduced herself to the committee and provided an overview of the review and its mandate
O1.3 Setting the Context
Mary Bartolomucci presented on the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, related regulations, and the standards review process
O1.4 SDC Administration
Anne-Marie Long presented on the Terms of Reference and covered administrative matters (e.g., allowance/travel claims)
O1.5 Introduction to the AODA Transportation Standard
Jennifer Brown presented on the Accessibility Standard for Transportation under the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation.
O1.6 Transportation in Ontario
Kevin Dowling and Corwin Troje presented on transportation systems and municipal taxicab licensing in Ontario
O1.7 Wrap-up/Recap
Kelly Paleczny walked the committee through a recap of the day and outlined the following day’s agenda
Day 2 meeting minutes
O1.8 Minister’s Mandate Letter
Kelly Paleczny walked the committee through the content of the mandate letter
O1.9 Review Process
Kelly Paleczny led discussion on the review process
O1.10 Review Draft Workplan
Kelly Paleczny led a discussion on the draft workplan, which will be finalized at the next meeting in March
O1.11 Wrap-up and Next Steps
The committee reviewed the day’s discussions and decisions. The next meeting will be March 22, 2016
Appendix A – Action Items
Day 1
Not applicable
Day 2
Members will review the dates in the draft workplan and confirm their availability to the Chair, in order for the draft workplan to be finalized.
The Directorate will provide committee members with take-away materials, including guiding questions, to help them review the focus issues and engage in discussions with their representative sectors. Guiding questions and materials for each focus area will be distributed at the time they are being reviewed
Appendix B – List of Members and Representation
(for inclusion on website with public posting of minutes)
The following is a full list of the members of the Transportation Standards Development Committee including the organization or sector they are representing:
Voting members:
- Kelly Paleczny (Chair), London Transit Commission
- James Bisson, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)
- Nicole Cormier, City of Toronto
- Dana Earle, Thunder Bay Transit
- Robert Gaunt, Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
- Antonia Hammer, Metrolinx
- Sarah Keenan, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
- Gary Malkowski, Canadian Hearing Society
- Sue Morgan, Disability Community Representative
- Steve Murphy, Regional Municipality of Niagara
- Sam Savona, Disability Community Representative
- Tracy Schmitt, Disability Community Representative
- Piragal Thiru, Municipality of York Region
- Dean Walker, Disability Community Representative
- Eve Wiggins, Toronto Transit Commission
Non-voting members:
- Mary Bartolomucci, Accessibility Directorate of Ontario
- Corwin Troje, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Kevin Dowling, Ministry of Transportation
- Allan Moore, Ministry of Transportation