Transportation technician initiative
Learn about the Ministry of Transportation’s job training program that helps you gain the experience and skills to work as a technician in the transportation industry.
About the program
The Transportation Technician Initiative at the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is a training program providing classroom and on-the-job experience where you will help build and improve Ontario’s highways and bridges.
There are technician roles at MTO in a variety of fields, such as:
The program offers:
- permanent, full-time employment working for the Ministry of Transportation
- rotational assignments to gain experience in different fields
- networking opportunities to connect with technical professionals from the private sector, municipalities and transportation agencies
- opportunities for career growth in the Ontario Public Service because you can apply to more senior positions with competitive salaries
You may be eligible for this program if you are a:
- engineering technician or have similar work experience in a related field
- Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or are authorized in writing to work in Canada under the federal Immigration Act
- over the age of 16
- note: if you are under 16, you must provide proof under the Supervised Alternative Learning for Excused Pupil Regulation (Education Act, Regulation 374/10)
- have a Social Insurance Number (SIN)
How to apply
You can apply for this program by submitting your cover letter and resume through the OPS Careers website.
Transportation technician initiative jobs are posted in the fall of each year.
Type of work you can do
You will rotate between assignments which may include the following:
You might:
- support MTO construction projects by monitoring the day-to-day administration of construction contracts
- organize staff, review work progress and ensure proper records are established and maintained
- manage quality assurance acceptance testing and inspection
- assist in the acquisition and management of consultants, including evaluating proposals
Highway design
You might:
- research technical data and conduct site investigations for the development of:
- preliminary engineering and detailed designs
- contract drawings
- tender documents for highway, structural, electrical and maintenance projects
- undertake highway geometrics or operations studies
- help to assess environmental impacts
- assist in consultant acquisition and management, including evaluating proposals and assess adherence to ministry consultant assignment requirements
- prepare a variety of preliminary reports, correspondence and presentations related to projects of an engineering or transportation systems planning nature
Operations and maintenance
You might:
- review and approve any and all permit applications along provincial highways from all stakeholders
- monitor highway conditions and determine if there is need for action
- prepare and administer maintenance contracts
- perform repairs for highways, bridges, electrical systems and overhead signs
- arrange for appropriate equipment, material and labour
- inspect work to ensure adherence to safety standards
- operate state-of-the-art systems such as:
- Advanced Traffic Management System
- global positioning system (GPS)
- Road Weather Information System (RWIS)
You might:
- collect data, participate in investigations and prepare traffic operations reports on specific areas of a highway
- prioritize improvements and carry out capacity and collision analyses to identify problem locations
- evaluate proposed changes to traffic control practices and policies
- develop traffic modelling and forecasting
- participate in the development of innovative solutions to traffic management issues and the design and implementation of new control devices
You might:
- perform legal and engineering survey field work using state-of-the-art technology including:
- global positioning system (GPS)
- reflectorless total stations
- digital levels
- process field survey data and preparing digital base plans using:
- digital terrain modelling (DTM)
- computer-aided drafting (AutoCAD)
- assist in consultant acquisition and management including evaluating proposals
Contact us
If you have any questions about the program, you can email