Minister's Binding Policy Directive

August 2024

This binding policy directive is effective for the 2023⁠–⁠24 to 2026–⁠27 academic years.


Each college is a corporation without share capital. In accordance with the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010, a college has the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person, except as limited by other legislation. This includes the authority to establish fees to be charged for services provided by the college.

The Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002 authorizes the Minister of Colleges and Universities to issue policy directives that are binding on colleges in relation to how they carry out their objects or conduct their affairs.

This binding policy directive applies to all colleges of applied arts and technology. Except where noted otherwise, the directive sets out parameters for establishing tuition fees and related requirements for students and programs that are eligible for provincial government funding under the Enrolment Envelope (Core Operating Grant).

In addition, the binding policy directive addresses:

  • ancillary fees
  • tuition billing
  • tuition fee refunds
  • accountability and reporting requirements
  • allocation of revenue from tuition fees to student assistance

Non-compliance with this binding policy directive by a college could result in a deduction from a college’s allocation under the Core Operating Grant, in addition to any other actions authorized under the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002.

Operating procedure

August 2024


This operating procedure provides further details on establishing tuition and ancillary fees based on the Minister’s binding policy directive on tuition and ancillary fees, which is issued according to the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002.

This operating procedure, first issued in Fall 2003, applies to all colleges of applied arts and technology and establishes tuition fees and related requirements for activities eligible and reported for provincial government funding under the Core Operating Grant.

The operating procedure does not apply to contract training or apprenticeship training except for the co-op diploma apprenticeship programs. The requirements detailed in this operating procedure are to be applied to the co-op diploma apprenticeship program in the same manner as the related postsecondary diploma program. Tuition fees for college staff, where negotiated through collective agreements, are also excluded.

Included in this operating procedure are details for implementing policy regarding:

  • tuition
  • ancillary fees
  • tuition fee refunds
  • accountability
  • reporting requirements