Policy directive: CW 002-19 – Respecting the provision of child protection services under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA), in the District of Thunder Bay
1 - Effective date
1.1 - This directive is issued under s. 42 of the CYFSA and is effective January 30, 2020. It replaces Directive CW 002-17 which came into effect October 16, 2017.
2 - Introduction
2.1 - The paramount purpose of the CYFSA is to promote the best interests, protection and well-being of children. An additional purpose of the CYFSA set out at s. 1(2)(6) is to recognize that First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples should be entitled to provide, wherever possible, their own child and family services, and all services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and young persons and their families should be provided in a manner that recognizes their cultures, heritages, traditions, connection to their communities, and the concept of the extended family.
2.2 - The goals of this directive are to:
- set out roles and responsibilities of societies providing services in the District of Thunder Bay, in a manner consistent with the additional purpose set out at s. 1(2)(6) of the CYFSA
- facilitate the coordination of services when roles and responsibilities intersect
- facilitate clear communication and respectful relationships between the societies
2.3 - The societies’ designations are included in Schedule 4.
3 - Definitions
3.1 - In this directive:
“Child Protection Standards” means the Ontario Child Protection Standards (2016);
“First Nations affiliated with Dilico” means the First Nations listed in Schedule 1.
“First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan” means the First Nations listed in Schedule 2.
“north-west area” means part of the District of Thunder Bay described as: from the Albany River south at 90 degrees longitude to 50 degrees latitude; west on 50 degrees latitude to the boundary of the District of Kenora; north on the Kenora District boundary to 51 degrees latitude. The north-west area is illustrated in Appendix A.
“provide services” means carry out the functions of a society under s. 35(1) of the CYFSA.
4 - General requirements
4.1 - All societies must meet the requirements set out in the CYFSA, its regulations, and directives issued by the ministry. Societies must also follow the Child Protection Standards. This directive supplements existing requirements.
4.2 - For greater certainty, this directive does not relieve societies from any of the requirements set out in the CYFSA concerning First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, including obligations to consult bands and First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities.
4.3 - For greater certainty, this directive does not relieve societies from the requirement set out in Child Protection Standard 1 that they have protocols between them which address processes, timelines, roles and responsibilities for inter-agency transfers of new referrals.
4.4 - In carrying out their obligations under this directive, the societies will maintain respectful relationships and collaborate effectively in order to promote the best interests, protection and well-being of the children they serve.
4.5 - This directive does not prevent the societies from working collaboratively on individual files, including through: requests for assistance with investigations or child welfare checks; coordination of responses in emergency situations; and assistance with finding placement resources.
4.6 - Notwithstanding the requirements set out in sections 6 – 9 of this directive, the ministry appreciates that there may be situations where the societies will prefer to work together to determine which of the three should provide services in a given situation. If the society directed to provide services and one of the other societies agree, then the other society may provide services if doing so would promote the best interests, protection and wellbeing of the child.
Inter-society liaisons
4.7 - Given that the societies are all providing services in the District of Thunder Bay, each of the societies will identify an inter-society liaison (ISL) and provide the other two societies and the ministry with this individual’s contact information. These ISLs will work to promote effective, respectful and timely communication between the societies and will serve as a point of contact between the societies. The ISLs can also serve as a point of contact for child protection workers from the other societies who require assistance with requests for information. In the event that an ISL is unavailable because of a planned absence (for example during vacation or a leave), the society will name an alternate designate to carry out the role of the ISL and notify the other two societies of the designate’s contact information as soon as possible. In the event of an unplanned absence or if the designate becomes unavailable, the Executive Director will serve as the point of contact in the absence of the ISL.
4.8 - The ministry will hold regular ISL meetings to bring the three ISLs together to collectively address issues and raise concerns if necessary. Each society’s ISL, or ISL designate, will attend these meetings. Attendance will be limited to the ISLs or ISL designates and ministry staff, unless otherwise agreed to by the ministry. The ministry will endeavor to schedule these meetings at times that are acceptable to the ISLs or the ISL delegates.
4.9 - When exchanging information about a child or family, including information about previous involvement with a society, the societies will do so through the ISL unless otherwise agreed by the societies. Workers and managers will maintain respectful relationships and will provide timely responses to requests for information and updates through the inter-society liaison. Policy directive 003-15 (FastTrack Information System) and the Child Protection Standards address principles and procedures for exchanging information between societies.
4.10 - Where this directive requires that a society provide information in writing through an inter-society liaison, the required information may be provided through email.
5 - Referrals and requirement to determine whether a child is a First Nations, Inuit or Métis child
5.1 - In order to determine which of the societies should provide services, as soon as possible after receiving a referral, a society will determine:
- in accordance with s. 1 of O. Reg. 155/18, whether the child in question is a First Nations, Inuit or Métis child
- in accordance with s. 2(4) of the CYFSA and s. 21 of O. Reg. 156/18, the child’s bands and First Nations, Inuit or Métis communities
- whether the child in question is a member of or identifies with Koocheching First Nation
5.2 - Koocheching First Nation is a First Nation affiliated with Tikinagan, and listed in Schedule 2 to this directive. Koocheching First Nation is not a band. For the purposes of implementing this directive, the following applies in the case of a child who is a member of or identifies with Koocheching First Nation: where a provision refers to a child whose bands include one or more First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan, the provision will be read as though the child who is a member of or identifies with Koocheching First Nation is a child whose bands include one or more First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan.
5.3 - The ministry acknowledges that children and families may have complex identities, and that information on identity may emerge after a society has begun to provide services in a particular case. The societies will work together to address changing circumstances as necessary.
5.4 - The society that receives the initial referral will collect the information from the person making the referral, in accordance with the Child Protection Standards. The person making the referral should not be told to contact a different agency during an initial contact. Instead, the society receiving the referral will gather the information, and if necessary, will re-direct the referral by phone to the appropriate society through the daytime or after-hours intake process, and promptly notify the ISL in writing. All relevant documentation will be provided promptly, with a copy to the ISL. The society that receives the initial referral is responsible for providing services until the societies have confirmed which society should serve, and until available information has been transferred if required.
6 - Requirements concerning service provision by Dilico
6.1 - Dilico will provide services when necessary on the lands set aside as reserves for First Nations affiliated with Dilico. These lands have been removed from the territorial jurisdiction of Tikinagan and of Thunder Bay CAS.
6.2 - In the District of Thunder Bay, off-reserve with the exception of the north-west area and the Aroland settlement lands, Dilico will provide services when necessary to all children whose bands are First Nations affiliated with Dilico, and to their families.
6.3 - In the District of Thunder Bay, off-reserve with the exception of the north-west area and the Aroland settlement lands, Dilico will provide services to all First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and to their families, except for those children whose bands include one or more First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan.
6.4 - Within 60 days of the effective date of this Directive, for every child served by Dilico whose bands do not include one or more First Nations affiliated with either Dilico or Tikinagan, Dilico will determine:
- the child’s bands and First Nations, Inuit or Métis communities; and
- the communities of First Nations, Inuit or Métis peoples set out in Schedule 3 of which the child is a member or with which they identify.
6.5 - Within one year of the effective date of this Directive, Dilico will:
- contact each of the bands and communities determined pursuant to ss. 6.4 (a) and (b), and provide them with an opportunity to engage on the topic of service delivery by Dilico and whether they want Dilico to continue providing services to children who are members of or who identify with them; and
- provide these bands and communities with an opportunity to indicate a preference for Tikinagan or Thunder Bay CAS to provide services instead.
6.6 - Beginning 60 days after the effective date of this directive, if Dilico begins to serve a child whose bands do not include one or more First Nations affiliated with either Dilico or Tikinagan, Dilico will determine the child’s bands, First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, and the communities of First Nations, Inuit or Métis peoples set out in Schedule 3 of which the child is a member or with which they identify. Dilico will contact these bands and communities and provide them with the same opportunities set out in s. 6.5, within the greater of 60 days or one year from the effective date of this directive.
6.7 - After the processes outlined in subsections 6.4 - 6.6 are complete, Dilico will report to the ministry, in a form set by the ministry, on what, if anything, was heard from each band and community, so that the ministry may consider next steps and whether amendments to this directive may be necessary to address service delivery.
7 - Requirements concerning service provision by Thunder Bay CAS
7.1 - In the District of Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay CAS will provide services when necessary to all children who are not First Nations, Inuit or Métis children and their families except in the following areas:
- the north-west area
- the lands set aside as reserves for the First Nations affiliated with Dilico
- the Aroland settlement lands
7.2 - Thunder Bay CAS will also provide services when necessary on the lands set aside as reserves for Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation.
7.3 - Thunder Bay CAS will contact Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation and provide them with an opportunity to engage on the topic of service delivery by Thunder Bay CAS and whether they want Thunder Bay to provide services on the lands set aside as reserves for Lac des Milles Lacs First Nation in the district of Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay CAS will also provide this band with an opportunity to indicate a preference for Dilico or Tikinagan to provide services instead.
7.4 - After the process outlined in s. 7.3 are complete, Thunder Bay CAS will report to the ministry, in a form set by the ministry, on what, if anything, was heard from Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation, so that the ministry may consider next steps and whether amendments to this directive may be necessary to address service delivery.
8 - Requirements concerning service provision by Tikinagan
8.1 - In the District of Thunder Bay, except for on the lands set aside as reserves for First Nations affiliated with Dilico and on lands set aside as reserves for Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation, Tikinagan will provide services when necessary to children whose bands include one or more First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan, and to their families.
8.2 - For greater certainty, Tikinagan will provide services when necessary in the north-west area.
8.3 - For greater certainty, Tikinagan will also provide services when necessary on the Aroland Settlement lands.
9 - Requirements concerning children with blended identities and blended families
9.1 - If a child’s bands include one or more First Nations affiliated with Dilico and one or more First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan, the society receiving the referral will convene a case conference within 24 hours and Dilico and Tikinagan will determine which society should serve the child and their family. The societies will take into account the following:
- any previous service provision to the child
- whether the family has expressed a preference for service by one of the societies
- any current service provision to a sibling of the child
9.2 - In the event that Dilico and Tikinagan cannot agree on which society should provide services to a child whose bands include one or more First Nations affiliated with Dilico and one or more First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan, then Thunder Bay CAS will provide services to the child.
9.3 - Tikinagan will provide services in the case of a child:
- whose bands include one or more First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan
- whose bands and communities include one or more bands that are not affiliated with Dilico; one or more First Nations, Métis or Inuit communities; or one or more communities listed in Schedule 3
9.4 - Dilico will provide services in the case of a child:
- whose bands include one or more First Nations affiliated with Dilico
- whose bands and communities include one or more bands that are not affiliated with Tikinagan; one or more First Nations, Métis or Inuit communities; or one or more communities listed in Schedule 3
10 - Requirements concerning transfers
10.1 - Societies are required to comply with Standard 6 of the Child Protection Standards. This Standard outlines requirements for societies transferring cases within a society and between societies.
10.2 - All notifications and confirmations required under Standard 6 should be made through the ISLs unless otherwise agreed by the societies.
10.3 - The transferring documentation that is to be sent to the receiving society within two working days of the referral should be sent through the ISLs or alternate contact as agreed to by the societies.
10.4 - Confirmation of transfers may not be unreasonably withheld. If a society refuses a transfer, the reasons should be recorded in the file and an explanation provided in writing to the society that made the referral within 10 days of the receipt of the referral, through the ISL.
11 - Transition new referrals
11.1 - Effective January 30, 2020, Tikinagan will begin to accept new referrals in the District of Thunder Bay in accordance with sections 8 and 9 of this directive. If Dilico or Thunder Bay CAS receive referrals that should be addressed by Tikinagan on or after that date, the societies will obtain the information from the person making the referral and re-direct the referral by phone to Tikinagan through the daytime or after-hours intake process, and promptly notify the ISL in writing. As set out in s. 5.4 of this directive, the society that receives the initial referral is responsible for providing services until the societies have confirmed which society should serve, and until available information has been transferred if required. Beginning on January 30, 2020, Tikinagan will ensure that an after-hours intake process is in place.
Files transferring to ongoing services following an investigation:
11.2 - Beginning on February 1, 2020, if Dilico has started an initial investigation concerning a child who, under section 8 or 9 of this directive, should be served by Tikinagan, Dilico will complete the child protection investigation. If it is determined that the case will transfer to ongoing services, Dilico will transfer the file to Tikingan, along with any other associated files.
Transfer of all other files (ongoing protection, child care – temporary care agreements, temporary society care, interim society care, extended society care, customary care, kin service, CCSY, and any other service files):
11.3 - The following applies to the transfer of all other files from Dilico to Tikinagan:
- In accordance with Standard 6, Dilico will be responsible for case management until a transfer is effective.
- Transfers from Dilico to Tikinagan will be grouped by First Nation, unless otherwise agreed to by the two societies. By February 7, 2020, in order to facilitate an effective transition, Dilico and Tikinagan will make reasonable efforts to jointly determine the order in which the group of file transfers for each First Nation will take place (“the transfer order of First Nations”). If the two societies cannot agree to a transfer order of First Nations, then Tikinagan will set the transfer order of First Nations.
- Beginning on March 1, 2020, Dilico and Tikinagan will hold case conferences for each child and family served by Dilico, who under section 8 or 9 should be served by Tikinagan. These case conferences will be sequenced according to the transfer order of First Nations.
- For each file that will be transferred, Dilico and Tikinagan will make reasonable efforts to determine schedules for: fulfilling the requirements for transferring the file, as set out in Standard 6 of the Child Protection Standards; initiating any motions required to transfer court files; and submitting any necessary requests for the Director to exercise transfer powers under s. 135 of the CYFSA. The two societies will finalize these schedules by no later than May 1, 2020, unless they agree on a different date for finalizing the schedules.
- Unless the two societies have agreed to a later date for finalizing the schedules, if these schedules have not been finalized by May 1, 2020, then the files will be transferred as follows:
- For the purposes of this subsection, the “total volume of files” refers to the total number of files to be transferred from Dilico to Tikinagan, as calculated on January 30, 2020.
- The following steps in the transfer process will be completed on each file prior to the deadlines identified below in 11.4(4)(c)-(g):
- For files that do not require a court order or the involvement of a ministry Director to effect a transfer, the societies will fulfill the requirements for the transfer of files from one society to another set out in Standard 6 of the Child Protection Standards.
- If a court order is required to effect a transfer, the required motion will be initiated.
- Where a request to the Director under s. 135 of the CYFSA is necessary, Dilico will request that the Director exercise transfer powers under s. 135. If Dilico does not make these requests, then Tikinagan may request that the Director exercise transfer powers.
- By June 1, 2020, not less than 15% and not more than 25% of the total volume of files will be transferred to Tikinagan.
- By July 2, 2020, a further grouping of files accounting for not less than 15% and not more than 25% of the total volume of files will be transferred to Tikinagan.
- By August 4, 2020, a further grouping of files accounting for not less than 15% and not more than 25% of the total volume of files will be transferred to Tikinagan.
- By September 1, 2020, a further grouping of files accounting for not less than 15% and not more than 25% of the total volume of files will be transferred to Tikinagan.
- By September 15, 2020, any remaining files will be transferred to Tikinagan.
11.4 - The following applies to the transfer of all other files from Thunder Bay CAS to Tikinagan:
- In accordance with Standard 6, Thunder Bay CAS will be responsible for case management until a transfer is effective.
- Beginning on March 1, 2020, Thunder Bay CAS and Tikinagan will hold case conferences for each child served by Thunder Bay CAS, who under section 8 or 9 should be served by Tikinagan.
- For each file that will be transferred, Thunder Bay CAS and Tikinagan will make reasonable efforts to determine schedules for: fulfilling the requirements for transferring the file, as set out in Standard 6 of the Child Protection Standards; initiating any motions required to transfer court files; and submitting any necessary requests for the Director to exercise transfer powers under s. 135 of the CYFSA.
- Unless otherwise agreed to by the two societies, the following steps in the transfer process will be completed on each file prior June 1, 2020:
- For files that do not require a court order or the involvement of a ministry Director to effect a transfer, the two societies will fulfill the requirements for the transfer of files from one society to another set out in Standard 6 of the Child Protection Standards.
- If a court order is required to effect a transfer, the required motion will be initiated.
- Where a request to the Director under s. 135 of the CYFSA is necessary, Thunder Bay CAS will request that the Director exercise transfer powers under s. 135. If Thunder Bay CAS does not make these requests, then Tikinagan may request that the Director exercise transfer powers.
11.5 - During the transition, where multiples services or files are associated with a family, the societies will work together to maintain cohesive services for children and families and unless otherwise agreed to, avoid service by more than one society.
12 - Reporting on compliance with this directive
12.1 - The ministry will continue to exercise its regulatory and oversight role, pursuant to the CYFSA. In addition, each society will provide reports to the ministry every 30 days, or as otherwise required by the ministry, outlining its compliance with this directive. These reports should be provided in the form specified by the ministry. These reports should also identify challenges that have arisen in attempting to comply with the directive and, in instances where the directive was not complied with, an explanation for the lack of compliance.
13 - Joint communication
13.1 - Within 30 days of the issuance of this directive, the societies will make all reasonable efforts to issue a joint communication addressing service provision, including roles and responsibilities. This joint communication will be provided to: service providers who may have to report child protection concerns to a society; the police services acting in the district of Thunder Bay; the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and school boards in the District of Thunder Bay. In the event that the societies are unable to agree on a joint communication the ministry may issue a communication addressing service provision in the district of Thunder Bay.
Issuance of Policy directive CW 002-19: November 29, 2019
Original signed by:
David Remington Assistant Deputy Minister
Child Welfare and Protection
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Schedule 1
First Nations affiliated with Dilico
- Animbigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River)
- Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (Rocky Bay) Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (Sandpoint)
- Fort William Ginoogaming
- Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek (Gull Bay) Long Lake #58
- Michipicoten Pawgwasheeng (Pays Plat) Pic Mobert
- Red Rock (Lake Helen) Whitesand
Schedule 2
First Nations affiliated with Tikinagan
- Aroland
- Bearskin Lake
- Cat Lake
- Deer Lake
- Eabametoong
- Fort Severn
- Koocheching
- Kasabonika Lake
- Kee-Way-Win
- Kingfisher Lake
- Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
- Lac Seul
- McDowell Lake
- Marten Falls
- Mishkeegogamang
- Muskrat Dam
- Neskantaga
- Nibinamik
- North Caribou Lake
- North Spirit Lake
- Pikangikum
- Poplar Hill
- Sachigo Lake
- Sandy Lake
- Saugeen
- Slate Falls
- Wapakeka
- Wawakapewin
- Webequie
- Wunnumin Lake
Schedule 3
Note: The following communities of First Nations, Inuit or Métis peoples are not bands or First Nations, Inuit or Métis communities as defined in the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017.
- Beaverhouse First Nation
- Hornepayne First Nation
- Métis Nation of Ontario
- MoCreebec Council of the Cree Nation
- Namaygoosisagagun First Nation
- Whitewater Lake First Nation
Schedule 4
Pursuant to subsection 34(3) of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, R.S.O. 2017, c. 14 (the “Act”), I hereby amend the designation of:
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
so that it has all of the functions of a children’s aid society for the following areas:
1) Lands set aside as reserves for the following First Nations: Animbigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek; Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River); Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (Rocky Bay); Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (Sandpoint); Fort William; Ginoogaming; Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek (Gull Bay); Long Lake #58; Michipicoten; Pawgwasheeng (Pays Plat); Pic Mobert; Red Rock (Lake Helen); and Whitesand.
2) The City and District of Thunder Bay, with the exception of part of the District of Thunder Bay described as:
from the Albany River south at 90 degrees longitude to 50 degrees latitude; west on 50 degrees latitude to the boundary of the District of Kenora; north on the Kenora District boundary to 51 degrees latitude.
3) The following part of the District of Algoma: commencing at a point ten kilometres north of the intersection of the westerly boundary of the District of Algoma and Highway 17, thence in a south easterly direction parallel to the said Highway 17 at a distance of ten kilometres therefrom to the Canadian Pacific Railway, thence easterly along the said Canadian Pacific Railway to its intersection with the Algoma Central Railway, thence southerly along the said Algoma Central Railway, to 47 degrees, 45 minutes north latitude, thence due west to that point in Lake Superior where this line intersects the line drawn due south from the eastern boundary line of the District of Thunder Bay and thence north to the starting point.
This amendment is effective as of January 30, 2020.
Dated at Toronto this 28 day of November, 2019.
Original signed by:
The Honourable Todd Smith
Minister of Children, Community and Social Services
Pursuant to subsection 34 (3) of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, R.S.O. 2017, c. 14, I hereby amend the designation of:
The children's aid society of the district of Thunder Bay
so that it has all of the functions of a children’s aid society for the following areas:
The City and District of Thunder Bay, with the exception of:
1) Part of the District of Thunder Bay described as:
from the Albany River south at 90 degrees longitude to 50 degrees latitude; west on 50 degrees latitude to the boundary of the District of Kenora; north on the Kenora District boundary to 51 degrees latitude.
2) Lands set aside as reserves for the following First Nations: Animbigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek; Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River); Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (Rocky Bay); Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (Sandpoint); Fort William; Ginoogaming; Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek (Gull Bay); Long Lake #58; Michipicoten; Pawgwasheeng (Pays Plat); Pic Mobert; Red Rock (Lake Helen); and, Whitesand.
This amendment is effective as of January 30, 2020.
Dated at Toronto this 28 day of November, 2019.
Original signed by:
The Honourable Todd Smith
Minister of Children, Community and Social Services
Pursuant to subsection 34(3) of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, R.S.O. 2017, c. 14 (the “Act”), I hereby amend the designation of:
so that it has all of the functions of a children’s aid society for the following areas:
1) The areas of land described as:
- South from Hudson Bay (85° 30 min. longitude) to Albany River (not to include Peawanuck)
- Westward on the Albany River to the boundary of the District of Kenora at 91° longitude
- West on 51° latitude to 92° longitude
- North on 92° longitude to 51° 30 min. latitude
- West on 51° 30 min. latitude to Manitoba Border
- North and north east along the Manitoba/Ontario border to the shore of Hudson Bay
- East along the shore of Hudson Bay to the point of commencement
2) The City and District of Thunder Bay, with the exception of the areas of land set aside as reserves for the following First Nations: Animbigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek; Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River); Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (Rocky Bay); Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (Sandpoint); Fort William; Ginoogaming; Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek (Gull Bay); Long Lake #58; Michipicoten; Pawgwasheeng (Pays Plat); Pic Mobert; Red Rock (Lake Helen); and, Whitesand.
For illustrative purposes, a map of Tikinagan’s designation area is attached as Schedule A.
This amendment is effective as of January 30, 2020.
Dated at Toronto this 28 day of November, 2019.
Original signed by:
The Honourable Todd Smith
Minister of Children, Community and Social Services
Schedule A
Designation Area for Tikinagan Child and Family Services
Disclaimer/Information Note
This map is provided for illustrative purposes only. In the case of inconsistency between this map and the metes and bounds description in the designation, the metes and bounds description prevails. This map was created with data obtained from Land Information Ontario (LIO) and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).
City of Thunder Bay
Tikinagan Child and Family Services Designation Area *
North Region District Boundary
*The designation area does not include the lands set aside as reserves for: Animbigoo Zaagi’igan Anishinaabek; Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River); Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (Rocky Bay); Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek (Sandpoint); Fort William; Ginoogaming; Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek (Gull Bay); Long Lake #58; Michipicoten; Pawgwasheeng (Pays Plat); Pic Mobert; Red Rock (Lake Helen); and, Whitesand.
Appendix A
North-West Area of the District of Thunder Bay
Disclaimer/information note
This map is provided for illustrative purposes only. In the case of inconsistency between this map and the metes and bounds description in Policy directive CW 002-19, the metes and bounds description prevails. This map was created with data obtained
from Land Information Ontario (LIO) and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).
City of Thunder Bay
Tikinagan Child and Family Services designation area *
First Nations
North Region District Boundary