Working groups
Eight working groups supported the Expert Advisory Panel and the Project Secretariat. Listed below are the members of each group, their positions and the organizations they represented. The following acronyms are used.
- Infrastructure Health and Safety Association
- Institute for Work and Health
- Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration
- Ministry of Government Services
- Ministry of Labour
- Ministry of Revenue
- Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities
- Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers
- Public Services Health and Safety Association
- Workers Health and Safety Centre
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
- Workplace Safety North
- Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
- Roles of the System Partners
- Candys Ballanger-Michaud, CEO, WSN
- Tom Beegan, Chief Prevention Officer, WSIB
- Tony Dean, Chair, Expert Advisory Panel
- Michael Delisle, CEO, IHSA
- Sophie Dennis, Assistant Deputy Minister, Operations Division, MOL
- Alec Farquhar, Managing Director, OHCOW
- Dave Killham, Executive Director, WHSC
- Louise Logan, President and CEO, PSHSA
- Elizabeth Mills, President and CEO, WSPS
- Kevin Wilson, Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy, Program Development and Dispute Resolution Services Division, MOL
- Tony Dean, Chair, Expert Advisory Panel
- Data / Performance Measurement
- Lella Conte, Manager, Business Analytics-Workplace Injuries, WSIB
- Doug McVittie, Vice President, Technical Services, IHSA
- Carolyn Murphy, Director, Business Analytics-Workplace Injuries, WSIB
- Dawna Nighbor, Evaluation Specialist, WSN
- John Oudyk, Occupational Hygienist, OHCOW
- Michael Ray, Project Manager, Occupational Health and Safety Branch, MOL
- Nick Robins, Manager, Health and Safety Policy and Program Development Branch, MOL
- Mel Simon, Director, Information Technology, WSPS
- Peter Smith, Scientist, IWH
- Paul Bonfigli, Policy Advisor, Project Secretariat
- Joint Health and Safety Committees / Internal Responsibility System
- Murray Baker, Regional Program Co-ordinator, MOL
- Cristina Campanelli, Senior Prevention Program Specialist, WSIB
- John Levesque, Program Development Coordinator, WSN
- Kathryn Nichol, Program Specialist, PSHSA
- Anukta Phillips, Regional Manager, Toronto East, WSPS
- Ross Riddell, Training Services Representative, WHSC
- Sandra Miller, Policy Advisor, Project Secretariat
- Training
- Al Beattie, Interim President and CEO, IHSA
- Alain Chenard, Director, Prevention Services East, PSHSA
- John Kreppner, Senior Policy Advisor, MTCU
- Doug McBride, Regional Program Co-ordinator, MOL
- Kathryn Nichol, Program Specialist, PSHSA
- Patti Redmond, Director, Programs Branch, MTCU
- Diane Scott, Program/Training Specialist, WSN
- Ellen Simmons, Information Officer, WHSC
- Jeremy Smith, Senior Program Design & Development Analyst, MTCU
- Sandra Miller, Policy Advisor, Project Secretariat
- Underground Economy
- John Andersen, Assistant Deputy Minister, Compliance Programs Division, MOR
- Enzo Garritano, Manager, Technical Services and Program Development, IHSA
- Mike Johnston, Executive Director, Regulatory Services Division, WSIB
- Linda Jones, Manager, Standards and Assessment, MTCU
- Bob Onyschuk, Director, Jobs Protection Office, MOL
- Bonnie Suhr, Associate Director, Operations Division, MOL
- Jody Young, Associate Director, Occupational Health and Safety Branch, MOL
- Yvonne Slupinski, Policy Advisor, Project Secretariat
- Incentives /Supply Chain
- Michael Burke, Vice President, Client Services, IHSA
- Paul Casey, Director, Standards and Incentives, WSIB
- Tricia Clausen, Area Manager, Municipal Team, PSHSA
- Bob Onyschuk, Director, Jobs Protection Office, MOL
- Carol Sackville-Duyvelshoff, Program Manager, Operations Division, MOL
- Bill Sisler, Area Manager, Municipal Team, PSHSA
- Robyn Wilson, Senior Procurement Consultant, MGS
- Paul Bonfigli, Policy Advisor, Project Secretariat
- Innovation / Technology
- Rhonda Bridger, Assistant Director, Intelligence and Innovation Branch, WSIB
- Renzo Dalla Via, Senior Strategy Advisor, Technology, WSPS
- Enzo Garritano, Manager, Technical Services and Program Development, IHSA
- Gaston Lafleur, Manager, Business Solutions and Infrastructure Management, MOL
- Kathleen Therriault, Manager, Health and Safety Policy and Program Development Branch, MOL
- Suzanne Campbell, Policy Advisor, Project Secretariat
- Vulnerable Workers
- Dean Anderson, Regional Director, WSPS
- Sheila Bello, Policy Advisor, MCI
- Gerry Culina, Director, Education Prevention Services, PSHSA
- Ahsan Khan, Assistant Director, Employer Service Centre, WSIB
- Kathryn Nichol, Program Specialist, PSHSA
- Laura Pascoe, Program Development Officer, WHSC
- Leslie Piekarz, Executive Director, OHCOW
- Bonnie Suhr, Associate Director, Operations Division, MOL
- Benita Swarbrick, Senior Policy Advisor, MOL
- Yvonne Slupinski, Policy Advisor, Project Secretariat
Small business subcommittee
A subcommittee of the Panel, supported by staff of the Project Secretariat and the IWH, examined issues of particular importance to small businesses.
- Joan Eakin, Academic Representative, Expert Advisory Panel
- Vernon Edwards, Labour Representative, Expert Advisory Panel
- Dominic Mattina, Employer Representative, Expert Advisory Panel
- Ron Saunders, Senior Scientist, IWH
- John Vander Doelen, Director, Project Secretariat
- Sandra Miller, Policy Advisor, Project Secretariat
Updated: May 26, 2022
Published: February 22, 2018