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Looking forward: The future of health and safety in Ontario
The OHS system has clear direction moving forward. Released in July 2021, the Prevention Works strategy provides a framework to help ensure that Ontario remains one of the safest and healthiest jurisdictions to work in Canada. Initiatives delivered under Prevention Works will be evidence-informed and risk-based. We will focus on measuring outcomes and making changes to help ensure continuous improvement.
As part of Ontario’s evolving workplace climate, the OHS system will also consider other factors as they relate to OHS. Activities under Prevention Works will continue to be responsive to key Minister priorities including:
- Strengthening system oversight
- Promoting secure workplaces and labour mobility
- Supporting small businesses and customer service excellence.
Collaboration between OHS system partners and integration of the system’s work will continue to remain front and centre in the implementation and measurement of Prevention Works. At the same time, improving system oversight will help ensure investments made are effective in keeping Ontario workers healthy and safe. We will also work beyond the OHS system, creating new partnerships and tackling problems in new and innovative ways. This will remain especially important as we continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stakeholder engagement and consultation will continue to be a priority for the OHS system, so we can build solutions that are customer-focused and responsive to the changing needs of businesses. For example, as the ministry continues to explore the recognition of working at heights training in other jurisdictions if a worker has successfully completed a comprehensive training program in their province of origin.
Workplace health and safety plays a key role in supporting a strong, resilient and productive workforce that drives our economy. Through Prevention Works and the integration of key minister priorities, the system will continue working towards a future where workers and workplaces are free from occupational injuries, illnesses and fatalities.