Small businesses represent 95% of Ontario’s employers. They are a key driver of Ontario’s economy. Over the past year, the OHS system has focused on keeping workers of small business safe during the COVID‑19 pandemic. We are providing educational tools, resources and supports to help improve health and safety.

Developing affordable and tailored resources

Keeping Ontario safe and open

The ministry delivered more than 90 webinars to small business from March 31, 2020 to April 1, 2021. The goal was to raise awareness of the province’s latest COVID‑19 rules.footnote 17

These sessions were at the invitation of small business associations, Ontario Chambers of Commerce and other local associations. More than 4,600 small business employers and vulnerable workers attended. Participants were asked to complete a follow-up survey which showed that:

  • 90% of participants would attend future webinars
  • 81% agreed that the webinar has increased their understanding of the Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • 83% agreed that the OHS information was useful

Health and Safety Representative (HSR) training

The goals of this free training program are twofold:

  • help small businesses improve health and safety in workplaces that require an HSR
  • prevent injury/illness by having a competent and knowledgeable HSR

As part of the 2021 Ontario Budget announcement on March 24, 2021, the ministry committed to provide this free training in up to 60,000 small businesses with 6-19 workers. This equals an investment of up to $3.5 million a year over the next three years.

Health and Safety Excellence program for small business

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) created a “Guide to Joining for Small Businesses” in January 2021. The guide is to help small businesses understand the importance of investing in health and safety. It is also to encourage small businesses to join the Health and Safety Excellence program.

In January 2021, the WSIB partnered with the ministry and Health and Safety Associations to design the Health and Safety Excellence program Small Business Study. Over the course of the three-year study, the WSIB will focus on how to best support and encourage small businesses to engage in health and safety activities to prevent injury and illness.

Leveraging digital channels


Small businesses now have more choices on how they access health and safety information. Over the past year, the Workplace Safety and Prevention Service’s (WSIB) small business program has extended the use of digital channels. For 2020-2021, WSPS engaged with over 4,000 small businesses in a range of products and services. For example, WSIB:

Safe Workplace Ontario and Small Company Health and Safety Program

Workplace Safety North (WSN) Health and Safety Specialists oversee the:

These programs are offered in partnership with Forestry Licensees and contractors that provide services to the forest industry. These programs provide the essentials for setting up and implementing an effective OHS program. Companies can then voluntarily undertake an audit or self-evaluation process to continuously monitor and improve their OHS programs and procedures.

270 Forestry Firms actively engaged in the SWO and SCHSP. As of March 31, 2021, 164 companies delivered 742 hours of training and held 342 consulting meetings.

Recognizing small business leaders

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board 2020 Small Business Health and Safety Leadership Awards

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Small Business Health and Safety Leadership Awards serve two purposes:

  • They recognize the excellent efforts of small businesses in health and safety.
  • They encourage more small businesses to engage in health and safety.

Business owners faced many challenges in 2020 as they adapted to keep up with COVID‑19. The WSIB shifted the submission deadline for the 2020 awards from late spring to early fall 2020 to give small businesses more time to prepare their submissions. The awards ceremony took place in November 2020. The award winners included:

  • Gold level – Brick & Co. Restoration Ltd, Kitchener $5,000
  • Silver level – Albany Retirement Village, Petrolia, $3,000
  • Bronze level – Ron H. Williams Drainage Inc., Listowel, $2,000

In addition to monetary prizes, WSIB also mentioned the award winners on social media channels.
