Turning the strategy into action and anticipated timeline
Prevention Works provides a framework for OHS system partners to ensure that Ontario remains one of the healthiest and safest jurisdictions in Canada to work. Following the release of Prevention Works and over the period 2021-2026, Ontario’s OHS system partners will work together to operationalize the strategy by planning, coordinating and implementing mutually reinforcing activities under each of the strategy’s objectives, which will include engagement with various advisory bodies like the Prevention Council
During the first initial phases of Prevention Works’ implementation, the OHS system will engage in enterprise operational planning and target-setting in support of a common, system-wide strategy for data sharing and to track and publicly report performance measures that demonstrate the impact of efforts and strategies. We will continue building data collection tools for system partners to measure outcomes under each objective. In the mid-phases of Prevention Works, we will set targets to achieve by the end of this strategy, and track progress throughout the duration of the strategy. We will evaluate the strategy’s mid-term successes and identify areas for improvement. The OHS system will report back on the final results of the strategy in 2026, which will be used to inform our system’s work into the future.