
Research and innovation are a cornerstone of the agricultural sector’s success in:

  • managing and mitigating emerging challenges (such as climate change, animal disease and the spread of pests)
  • strengthening Ontario’s competitive edge and fostering economic growth and sustainability in the agri-food sector
  • effectively responding to consumer demand for food that is produced in a safe manner

Research program funding

We invest in several research programs that support the agri-food and rural sectors in Ontario.

Funding programs are separated into two different streams:

Learn more about the funding programs.

Knowledge translation and transfer

Knowledge translation and transfer (KTT) is a key part of our research programs. It helps accelerate the transformation of knowledge from research into uses, such as new programs, policies and products.

This means that Ontario’s agriculture and food sectors and rural communities have timely access to demand-driven, research-based knowledge to help them make informed decisions.

Learn more about how we implement knowledge translation and transfer.

Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario

Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario (ARIO) is a corporate body that reports directly to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

ARIO owns 14 research centres across Ontario. These facilities provide the capacity for research on a wide variety of agri-food issues.

Learn more about these Ontario-owned research centres.

Research opportunities

Our Research Management System (RMS) is home to more than 25 years of research. It features calls for proposals that are open to:

  • all researchers
  • researchers supported through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance

Ontario Agri-Food Research and Innovation Portal

Interested in what research has been funded by the Ontario government? Visit the Ontario Agri-Food Research and Innovation Portal (OAFRIP) for information about projects funded since 1996.

Connect with us

For more information, email research.omafra@ontario.ca.

Follow @OMAFRAinnovates on Twitter for information on agriculture, food and rural research and innovations.

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