We manage Ontario’s deer population so it remains healthy and in balance with other wildlife populations. Each year we set these deer quotas in relation to local population status and management objectives.

In offering these deer tags for sale, limits will apply on both:

  • the total number of tags a hunter may purchase
  • the number of tags a hunter may purchase for any one hunt code

Hunters will be limited to a provincial maximum of 6 additional deer tags, allowing a potential harvest of 7 deer when used with the deer tag accompanying the deer licence. The maximum number of additional deer tags a hunter may purchase for each individual hunt code will be provided prior to the sale of additional deer tags.

Applying for an additional deer tag

In 2024 a total of 9,035 additional deer tags were available in participating Wildlife Management Units (WMUs).

You must purchase your 2025 deer licence before purchasing an additional deer tag. If you don’t have your deer licence already purchased or in your online shopping cart you will not be able to obtain an additional deer tag.

These additional tags will start being offered for sale through the telephone and online Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service starting at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time on July 9 to August 18, 2025, on a first come, first served basis. Both the telephone system and the online service will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

There will be two sales periods for hunters wishing to purchase additional deer tags by telephone or online.

First sales period

During the first sales period, from July 9 to July 16, 2025, hunters may purchase only 1 additional deer tag.

Once all hunters have had this opportunity to buy one additional tag, the online and telephone service will remain open for a second period, July 17 to August 18, 2025, for hunters wishing to purchase multiple additional deer tags, where available.

Second sales period

During the second sales period, hunters may purchase additional tags in any combination of hunt codes that have tags available (not exceeding the limit for any one hunt code), up to the provincial maximum of 6. A separate online or telephone transaction is required for each additional deer tag purchased.

Remaining additional deer tags

Any additional deer tags remaining unsold when the telephone sales period closes on August 18, 2025, will be offered online, at licence issuers and at participating ServiceOntario locations starting on August 19, 2025. During this sales period, limits will apply on both:

  • the total number of tags a hunter may purchase
  • the number of tags a hunter may purchase for any one hunt code

Additional deer tags for controlled hunts

Additional deer tags for the controlled hunts will be sold online, at licence issuers and at participating ServiceOntario locations starting on September 8, 2025.

Payment methods and conditions of use

An additional deer tag is only available for purchase after you have purchased a deer licence.

The cost of each additional deer tag for a resident hunter is $43.86 + HST. Payment by Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit and Debit Mastercard are accepted for additional deer tag purchases by telephone and online.

The cost of each additional deer tag for a non-resident hunter, if offered, is $240.81 + HST. Non-residents may purchase additional deer tags only online during the July 9 to August 18, 2025 sales period, or at licence issuers and at participating ServiceOntario locations starting August 19, 2025.

The use of an additional deer tag is subject to certain harvest conditions including:

  • WMU (or part of a WMU) and season
  • type of firearm (e.g., bow, shotgun, muzzle-loading gun)
  • type of deer that can be harvested (antlered or antlerless)
  • in some cases, possession of a controlled deer hunt validation tag

Apply by phone

Review the steps below before purchasing an additional deer tag through the automated telephone service.

Before you start, make sure you have paper and a pencil in front of you during the call, so you can write down your authorization number. You must stay on the line to hear this number to ensure a tag is reserved for you.

When using the automated telephone service, you must respond to the questions by using the keypad of a touch-tone telephone. Do not say your answers out loud.

This telephone line will be open at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time on July 9, 2025 and continue 24 hours a day, seven days a week until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on August 18, 2025.

Step 1

If the WMU in which you wish to apply is shown in the table 2024 additional deer tag hunt codes, call 1-800-288-1155 and choose the additional deer tag purchase option.

Step 2

When the system prompts you, enter your 15-digit Outdoors Card number.

Step 3

After the prompt, enter your hunt code. If there are no tags remaining for that choice, you will be told there are no tags remaining for that hunt code and asked if you wish to enter a different hunt code.

Step 4

Enter your payment card number.

Step 5

Enter the 4 digit expiry date from your payment card, and the 3 digit Card Verification Value from the back.

Step 6

Stay on the line while the system authorizes your payment. Record the authorization number.

Step 7

Stay on the line to confirm your postal code to ensure that your address is up to date. If your postal code is incorrect, you may change your address online or call the Natural Resources Information and Support Centre as soon as possible during regular business hours (1-800-387-7011) to update your address.

Your transaction is now complete, and your tag will be available for printing as of August 19 until the end of season.

Apply online

Review the steps below before purchasing an additional deer tag online. Additional deer tags will only be available once you have purchased your deer licence.

Additional deer tags will be available online starting at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time on July 9, 2025 and continue until the end of the year while supplies last.

Visit the Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service to purchase an additional deer tag online.

Step 1

To log into the online service, select the Buy licence and enter draws button. If you have not logged into the new online service, you will be required to create an online account using your existing Outdoors Card number and unique email address.

Step 2

After you have read and acknowledged the privacy notification you may login to your previously created account using your email or Outdoors Card number and password or if you haven’t created an online account, select the don’t have an account? Create one button and follow the prompts to create your new online account. Once logged in confirm that your personal information is correct.

Step 3

Click on the hunting button and then choose the additional deer tag product by clicking the select button beside the product name. This will prompt you with a reminder about mandatory reporting requirements. Once you’ve read this click Close.

Step 4

You will now have 4 drop-down boxes available for you. If you know the hunt code of the additional deer tag that you are looking for, click on select one hunt code and either type the hunt code or select it from the drop-down options provided. If you do not know your hunt code, you can find it in the table below.

You can also select your additional deer tag by choosing a combination of WMU, Animal Type, Firearm Type and then the hunt code.

Once your choice is showing in the drop-down boxes click confirm and add to cart. You may only purchase 1 additional deer tag per transaction.

If there is no quota remaining for the hunt code you’re applying for, you will get a message indicating that once you click confirm and add to cart and you will be prompted to select a different hunt choice.

Step 5

Click on the shopping cart or the checkout button and review your Hunt Choice for your additional deer tag to ensure it is correct. If it’s incorrect, click on the garbage pail beside the additional deer tag product and go back to sales and draws to select a different hunt code. If it is correct, fill out the billing address information and the payment card Information, check the box saying you certify the above information is accurate and complete and then click the complete transaction button.

If your transaction is successful, you will be able to review your purchase and use the print option on the sales receipt page to print an updated licence summary. Your receipt and licence summary will be emailed to you automatically.

Your additional deer tag will be available for printing beginning August 19, 2025, which you may print yourself online, through a licence issuer or at a participating ServiceOntario location at no cost for your first print.

Apply in person

Starting August 19, 2025, additional deer tags for all WMUs with remaining quota will be available at licence issuers or participating ServiceOntario locations.

A client service representative will assist you with the purchase of an additional deer tag. You will need the following:

  • Outdoors Card number
  • date of birth
  • postal code
  • hunt choice

2024 additional deer tag hunt codes

Additional deer tags may have a geographic restriction and be valid in only the part of the WMU specified in the following table and on the tag. Hunters are responsible to ensure they are hunting in the correct WMU or part of a WMU.

This chart is organized by Wildlife Management Unit, showing the quota, type of deer and hunt code for units in which additional deer tags were available on July 10, 2024.
WMUQuotaType of deerValid duringHunt codeTags available per hunter
01C10Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8002
0210Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8012
0350Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8022
0425Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8032
07B - Restricted to
the City of
Kenora south of
the Hwy 17A Bypass. Refer to the City of Kenora bow hunt map
75Antlerless onlyAny open season8042
08200Antlerless onlyAny open season8051
11B25Antlerless onlyAny open season8062
12A25Antlerless onlyAny open season8072
12B200Antlerless onlyAny open season8082
13500Antlerless onlyAny open season8091
1425Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8102
15A25Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8112
15B25Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8122
16A10Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8132
16B10Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8142
16C10Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8152
1710Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8162
18A10Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8172
18B10Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8182
1925Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8192
21A25Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8202
21B20Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8212
2220Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8222
2320Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8232
2420Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8242
2510Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8252
2620Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8262
2720Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8272
3020Antlered or AntlerlessAny open season8282
64A250Antlerless onlyAny open season8291
66B30Antlered or AntlerlessBows only season8301
69A3 - Restricted to Wolfe, Simcoe and Horseshoe Islands only.400Antlerless onlyBows only season8313
69A3 - Restricted to Wolfe, Simcoe and Horseshoe Islands only. Tags for this hunt code available to both residents and non-residents.100Antlerless onlyBows only season8323
69B200Antlerless onlyAny open season8332
72B50Antlered or AntlerlessBows only season8342
78C, D and E500Antlered or AntlerlessBows only season8351
78C, D and E500Antlered onlyBows only season8361
79300Antlered or AntlerlessBows only season8372
851,100Antlered or AntlerlessBows only season8381
86500Antlered or AntlerlessBows only season8391
88400Antlerless onlyBows only season8402
921000Antlered or AntlerlessBows only season8411
93A and B1000Antlered or AntlerlessBows only season8421
94A and B1000Antlered or AntlerlessBows only season8431

2024 additional tags for controlled deer hunt only

This table shows the number of additional deer tags available on September 9, 2024 for use during specific controlled hunts in two Wildlife Management Units.
WMUQuotaType of deerSeason dates for 2024Tags available per hunter
79C150Antlered or AntlerlessNov. 4 to Nov. 82
79D100Antlered or AntlerlessNov. 4 to Nov. 82