Approval of the Terms of Reference for the Capital Region Resource Recovery Centre Environmental Assessment
The ministry’s approval of environmental assessment terms of reference for a new integrated waste management facility in the Ottawa area.
Notice of approval – terms of reference
Proponent: Taggart Miller Environmental Services
Environmental assessment (EA) file number: EA-03-08-02
As provided for by subsection 6(4) of the Environmental Assessment Act, Terms of Reference, as submitted for approval to the Ministry of the Environment on September 14, 2012 and revised through the submission of Terms of Reference dated November 2012, to govern the preparation of an environmental assessment for the above-noted undertaking, is hereby approved with the following amendments:
- Under Section 9.3, after "The proposed consultation activities for the environmental assessment are as follows:" insert the following bullet:
- All public consultation sessions undertaken will be hosted in both English and French, and additional workshops on technical issues, where an interest from the public is expressed, will be conducted in English and French.
- Under Section 9.3, "The proposed consultation activities for the environmental assessment are as follows:" amend Open House #3 to read as follows:
- Open House #3 will present, to both communities where the two sites being considered are located, a more detailed description of the proposed CRRRC diversion and landfill components, the results of the comparative evaluation of the alternative sites and the rationale for identification of the preferred Site for the CRRRC project.
- Under Section 9.3, "The proposed consultation activities for the environmental assessment are as follows:" amend Special Workshops or Technical Sessions to read as follows:
- Special workshops and technical sessions will be held to discuss specific topics for an invited group in more detail. These sessions will include workshops on technical matters such as groundwater, noise, atmosphere, etc. At this point it is contemplated that one or more workshops will be held on groundwater. The need for additional workshops on other technical matters will based on interest expressed by the public.
Pursuant to subsection 6.1(1) of the Environmental Assessment Act, any environmental assessment for the above-noted undertaking, submitted to the Ministry of the Environment pursuant to subsection 6.2(1) of the Environmental Assessment Act, must be prepared in accordance with the Terms of Reference as hereby approved.
I am satisfied that an environmental assessment prepared in accordance with the Terms of Reference, as amended, will be consistent with the purpose of the Environmental Assessment Act and the public interest for the following reasons:
- The proposed amended Terms of Reference ensures that the environmental assessment will be completed using a comprehensive public, Aboriginal and government agency consultation process that is open and transparent.
- The proposed amended Terms of Reference provides a sufficient level of detail to confirm that the completed environmental assessment should contain a sufficient level of detail to accurately assess the environmental effects of all alternatives and the proposed undertaking.
- The proposed amended Terms of Reference sets out a planning process that will ensure the completed environmental assessment will be consistent with the purpose of the Environmental Assessment Act and the public interest.
- There are no outstanding issues that have not been incorporated into the proposed amended Terms of Reference or that cannot be addressed during the preparation of the environmental assessment.
Dated the 17th day of December 2012 at Toronto.
Original signed by
Minister of the Environment
77 Wellesley Street West, 11th floor, Ferguson Block
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2T5