Aquaculture and fish stocking licences
How to get a licence to culture, collect or stock fish in Ontario.
You need an aquaculture licence to culture fish in Ontario for:
- cage-based aquaculture
- land-based aquaculture
- community hatcheries
- fee-for-fishing operations
You may also need a:
- licence to collect fish for aquaculture
- licence to stock fish
The province regulates the culture of fish to minimize the risk of ecological damage resulting from aquaculture activities, such as fish escapes, which can alter aquatic ecosystems and native fish populations. These regulations protect Ontario fisheries by preventing:
- the unauthorized introduction of fish into new waters
- the spread of invasive fish species, fish parasites and fish diseases
Licence to culture fish
To get an aquaculture licence to culture fish, you need to:
- read and meet the aquaculture policies that apply to you:
- submit your application online using the Natural Resources Information Portal
- download the licence application form and submit the form and your supporting documents to the ministry work centre closest to you
- download and complete: application form for cage aquaculture facilities in Ontario
- download and complete: application to licence a commercial aquaculture operation
- download and complete: application to licence a community hatchery
Licence to collect fish for aquaculture purposes
Aquaculturists may apply for this licence to collect fish or eggs from the wild to help develop broodstock.
Licence to collect fish:
- eliminates the need to import fish
- lowers the risk of genetic contamination
- reduces the introduction and transfer of infectious fish disease
- protects fish species during collection and vulnerable stages of their life cycle
To get a licence to collect fish for aquaculture purposes, you need to:
- read and meet the aquaculture policies to collect fish:
- submit your application online using the Natural Resources Information Portal, or download and complete: application for a licence to collect fish for aquaculture and submit your application to your local ministry work centre for review
- you may also need other permits, approvals or authorizations under:
- the Public Lands Act
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
- the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
- the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
- your municipality and local conservation authority
Licence to stock fish
You need a licence to put live fish into Ontario waters, which:
- includes all public water stocking activities
- excludes “artificial waters”
Artificially created waters generally are:
- not on a regional flood plain
- lie wholly within the boundaries of privately owned land
- have no connection or outflow to natural waters
- contain water from surface run-off, natural springs, ground water or water pumped from a stream or lake
You should contact your local ministry work centre to confirm waters as “artificial.”
To get a licence to stock fish, you need to:
- read and meet the policy to stock fish
- submit your application online using the Natural Resources Information Portal, or download and complete: application for a licence to stock fish for aquaculture and submit your application to your local ministry work centre for review