Available funding opportunities from the Ontario Government
Find out what funding is currently available from the Government of Ontario, if you’re eligible and what you need to apply.
You can apply for funding from the Government of Ontario through Transfer Payment Ontario.
Read about the funding opportunities that are currently available and what you'll need to know to apply.
Learn how to register for Transfer Payment Ontario and start applying.
Aboriginal Participation Fund
The Aboriginal Participation Fund was developed to help support Indigenous communities and organizations participate in:
- regulatory processes under the Mining Act
- economic development activities associated with mineral exploration and development
There are Six streams available:
- advanced exploration and development support
- early exploration support
- education and relationship-building
- mineral development advisor stream
- mining Conferences funding sub-stream
- values mapping and related projects
For questions about the Aboriginal Participation Fund, please contact:
Transfer Payment Coordinator
Mines and Minerals Division
Ministry of Mines
Email: aboriginalparticipationfund@ontario.ca
Advanced exploration and development support
Status: Open
Ministry of Mines
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
The advanced exploration and development support sub-stream assists communities in areas of high mineral development activity to respond to advanced exploration and mine development projects.
Funding through this stream is:
- project-based
- limited to the costs associated with coordinating the review of advanced exploration and development projects
- not intended to replace support received from project proponents
Funding is available to Indigenous communities in Ontario in areas of high mineral development activity.
While priority will be given to communities that do not have an existing Mineral Development Advisor (MDA), communities with MDAs are encouraged to apply if their workload requires additional support to respond to advanced exploration and development project requests.
Indigenous communities should discuss this sub-stream with one of the ministry’s Mineral Exploration and Development Consultants (MEDC) before applying.
Program Guidelines
Early exploration support
Status: Open
Ministry of Mines
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
The early exploration support sub-stream assists communities in areas of high mineral development activities to respond to early exploration projects.
Funding through this stream is:
- project-based
- limited to the costs associated with coordinating the review of early exploration projects
Funding is available to Indigenous communities or organizations in Ontario that:
- are experiencing high mineral exploration or development activity
- have received two to 10 exploration permit applications in the previous fiscal year (April 1 to March 31)
Eligible applicants may be:
- single applicants – Indigenous communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity
- joint applicants – two or more Indigenous communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity, or Indigenous organizations (for example, Tribal Councils, economic development organizations) representing communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity
Joint applicants must provide a Band Council Resolution in support of the application from each community represented on the application.
Applicants are encouraged, wherever possible, to work together to maximize the benefits of available funding.
Program Guidelines
Application guide for the Aboriginal Participation Fund – early exploration support sub-stream
Education and relationship-building
Status: Open
Ministry of Mines
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
The education and relationship building sub-stream helps Indigenous communities and organizations:
- enhance their understanding of mineral exploration and development processes
- develop relationships between Indigenous communities, industry and government
Project funding is open to Indigenous communities or organizations in Ontario.
Eligible applicants may be:
- single applicants – Indigenous communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity
- joint applicants – two or more Indigenous communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity, or Indigenous organizations (for example, Tribal Councils, economic development organizations) representing communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity
Joint applicants must provide a Band Council Resolution in support of the application from each community represented on the application.
Program Guidelines
Mineral development advisor stream
Status: Open
Ministry of Mines
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
The mineral development advisor (MDA) stream provides funding for a MDA for eligible Aboriginal communities and organizations to participate effectively in the regulatory consultation processes, including the review of:
- exploration plan and permit applications
- closure plans and closure plan amendments
- environmental assessments
This funding helps to increase a community’s knowledge and understanding of the mineral development sequence, mineral exploration, mineral development and mining activities, and the range of economic benefits.
Funding amount
Funding up to a maximum of $130,000 per year, for up to a three-year term.
Applicants are encouraged, wherever possible, to work together to maximize the benefits of available funding.
The ministry may consider funding additional positions, in part or in full, based on the mineral development activity and the community’s or tribal council’s need.
Funding is available to Ontario Aboriginal communities or organizations experiencing high mineral exploration or development activity, having received 10 or more exploration plans or permit applications in the previous fiscal year (April 1 to March 31).
Communities that receive fewer than 10 exploration plans or permit applications may be eligible for this stream if they are engaged in reviewing two or more closure plans, closure plan amendments, or mineral development-related environmental assessments.
Eligible applicants may be either:
- single applicants – Aboriginal communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity, or
- joint applicants – Aboriginal communities and organizations (for example, tribal councils) in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity. Joint applicants must have the support of the communities they represent and a substantiated record of representing member communities on local lands and resources issues. Eligible joint applicants include either:
- Two or more eligible communities, applying jointly with combined exploration activities, or
- In specific circumstances, and at the discretion of the ministry, other Aboriginal organizations, such as a Provincial-Territorial Organization (PTO), if they have the support of the communities they represent.
Program guidelines
2020-2021 Mineral Development Advisor Program Guide
For questions about program guidelines, contact:
Transfer Payment Coordinator
Strategic Services Branch
Mines and Minerals Division
Ministry of Mines
Level 2B2, 933 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON, P3E 6B5
Email: aboriginalparticipationfund@ontario.ca
Mining conferences funding Sub-Stream
Status: Open
Ministry of Mines
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
The mining conferences funding sub-stream provides financial assistance for communities and member communities to attend mining conferences in Ontario. Indigenous communities and organizations attend these conferences to improve their relationships between Indigenous communities/organizations, with government and industry proponents, and to increase their knowledge and understanding of the regulatory and economic activities associated with Ontario’s mineral sector.
Project funding is open to Indigenous communities or organizations in Ontario.
Eligible applicants may be:
- single applicants – Indigenous communities in areas of mineral exploration or development activity
- joint applicants – two or more Indigenous communities in areas of mineral exploration or development activity, or Indigenous organizations (for example, Tribal Councils, economic development organizations) representing communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity
Program guidelines
Guidelines are available by logging in to the Transfer Payment Ontario (TPON) system.
Values mapping and related projects
Status: Open
Ministry of Mines
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
The values mapping and related projects sub-stream supports projects that focus on values identification or related projects between Indigenous communities, which will support communities’ capacity to effectively participate in and respond to information requests in regulatory processes under the Mining Act.
Project funding is open to Aboriginal Indigenous communities or organizations in Ontario.
Eligible applicants may be:
- single applicants – Indigenous communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity
- joint applicants – two or more Indigenous communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity, or Indigenous organizations (for example, Tribal Councils, economic development organizations) representing communities in areas of high mineral exploration or development activity
Joint applicants must provide a Band Council Resolution in support of the application from each community represented on the application.
Program guidelines
Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) program
Status: Open
Ministry of Health
Deadline dates can vary.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) - Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH) program works with discrete service providers to deliver mental health support to children, youth and their families. The budget submissions for this program will be managed within Transfer Payment Ontario through the MOH CYMH Budget Form. This includes all subsequent activities related to the transfer payment contracting cycle along with all reporting.
This program is restricted and only available to existing approved/discrete service providers. Access to the MOH CYMH Budget Form is available through Transfer Payment Ontario to these eligible service providers.
Program guidelines
MOH CYMH Service Description Schedules
Video: How to submit your budget and interim report for 2021-2022
For program specific inquiries, please contact your Program Supervisor.
Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund
Status: Open
Ministry of Sport
Stream 2 New Builds/Signature New Builds: application intake is ongoing until all funding has been allocated.
The Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund (CSRIF) is a $200 million capital funding program designed to revitalize existing community sport and recreation infrastructure and support the construction of new facilities across the province.
The CSRIF is a two-stream, application-based funding program.
Stream 2: New Builds/Signature New Builds – funding up to $10 million to invest in new, transformative community sport and recreation infrastructure, including assets that do not currently exist in a community or the replacement of existing assets that have reached the end of their lifespan
Eligible applicants include:
- municipalities
- local services boards
- not-for-profit organizations
- Indigenous communities and organizations
- for-profit organizations (stream 2 only)
Program guidelines
Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund program guidelines.
Email CSRIF@ontario.ca for general inquiries or consult with a Regional Development Advisor to discuss the details of your project.
Emissions Performance Program
Status: Restricted
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
There are no funding deadlines for this program.
The Emissions Performance Program (EPP) is a non-competitive program funded by compliance payments collected through the Emissions Performance Standards (EPS) regulation. The program supports projects to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at eligible industrial facilities.
The EPP will fund 2 types of projects:
- capital projects
- study-based projects
Eligible facilities for the program:
- are registered in the Emissions Performance Standards Program
- have purchased Excess Emissions Units
- do not generate electricity as their primary industrial activity
Examples of project activities that are eligible for funding include (but are not limited to):
- stationary equipment retrofits for energy efficiency and fuel switching
- mobile equipment retrofits for energy efficiency and fuel switching
- building envelope upgrades (insulation, windows, doors)
- heat recovery
- industrial process changes
- carbon capture and storage
- clean electricity and low-carbon fuel production for own use
For general questions, contact EPPInfo@ontario.ca.
Fire Protection Services Reimbursement: Unincorporated Ontario
Status: Open
Ministry of Solicitor General
You must submit your application by March 23rd, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. EST.
This program is designed to provide municipalities with reimbursement opportunities related to the provision of emergency services in unincorporated areas of Ontario that occurred between March 16th, 2024 - March 18th, 2024. Reimbursement rates will be based on service rates utilized by the Ministry of Transportation for fire departments responses on provincial highways.
The following call types may be eligible for payment:
- motor vehicle collisions occurring on roads that are not considered provincial highways by Ministry of Transportation
- hazmat calls occurring on roads that are not considered provincial highways by Ministry of Transportation
- structure fires
- vehicle fires occurring on roads that are not considered provincial highways by the Ministry of Transportation
- false alarms
- rescue (defined as an emergency incident primarily involving activities directed at locating and rescuing endangered persons and removing those persons to a safe location. This could also include but is not limited to the provisions of emergency medical care)
- public hazard assistance calls (Incidents such as carbon monoxide, public utility, electrical and natural gas or propane gas utility incidents)
- provision of any emergency services listed above, within a provincial park in Unincorporated Ontario
For all municipalities submitting applications for reimbursement please contact your local fire protection adviser to obtain the associated operational guideline with the eligible reimbursement rates and required Transfer Payment Agreement.
For any program queries:
Email: PDA@Ontario.ca
Forest Sector Investment and Innovation Program
Status: Open
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Funding will follow an open, competitive rounds-based application process. Learn more about current and upcoming rounds of evaluations.
The Forest Sector Investment and Innovation Program provides funding for strategic investments in the forest sector that:
- enhance competitiveness
- support new market access
- provide benefits to Ontario’s broader forest sector
- strengthen regional economies
Support is available under two project categories:
- business projects
- collaboration projects
Learn more about the funding amounts and selection process.
Business projects
Support is available for Ontario-based projects with at least $3 million in eligible costs undertaken by for-profit manufacturers and processors of wood and forest biomass across Ontario, including:
- saw mills
- pulp and paper mills
- secondary wood manufacturers
- bio-economy projects
Harvesting and resource extraction projects are not eligible for funding.
Collaboration projects
Support is available for Ontario-based projects with at least $3 million in eligible costs undertaken through a collaboration of:
- forest sector for-profit businesses
- not-for-profit research organizations
- forest industry associations
- academia
Eligible collaborations should develop, diversify and transform Ontario’s forest sector through innovation in technology, process or products.
A minimum of three partners are required (including at least one Ontario-based for-profit forestry/wood products company).
Program guidelines
Forest Sector Investment and Innovation Program (FSIIP) – program guidelines
For information please contact the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s Business Development Branch by:
Email: FSIIP@ontario.ca
Investment Ready: Certified Site designation
Status: Open
Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Applications can be received at any time.
An Investment Ready: Certified Site designation is issued to properties that have successfully completed a set of program requirements to demonstrate that the property is primed for development and ready for investment.
Learn more about the Investment Ready: Certified Site Program.
The eligibility requirements can be found in the Certification Instructions and Requirements Guide.
You can also request the Certification Instructions and Requirements Guide:
- by email: investmentready@ontario.ca
- by phone:
How to apply
- Contact the Investment Ready team for your pre-application consultation.
- Submit your application package through Transfer Payment Ontario.
- We will notify you if your site has been approved and email you with your notification of acceptance.
- Complete the additional requirements within 2 years (the list is available in the Certification Instructions and Requirements Guide).
- Receive a certification designation after all your assessments and documents have been completed, submitted and approved.
For program questions and advice on developing your application, please contact our office:
- by email: investmentready@ontario.ca
- by phone:
Life Sciences Scale-Up Fund
Status: Open
Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
You must submit your application by March 3, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. (EST).
The Life Sciences Scale-up Fund (LSSUF) provides financial support to help small to medium sized enterprises scale up in the life sciences sector. LSSUF will help build a pipeline of strong innovative life science companies based in Ontario (or intending to relocate to Ontario) that are ready to respond to procurement opportunities.
Applicants to this funding will:
- drive growth and increase competitiveness in the life sciences sector
- foster innovation and commercialize new products for healthcare adoption
- build domestic manufacturing capacity
- strengthen Ontario’s healthcare supply chain and help companies be procurement ready
Applicants to this funding will:
- be a for-profit company with a business number designated by the Canadian Revenue Agency
- have at least 2 years of operations and financial statements (audited or accountant reviewed)
- be a small-to-medium sized company with at least 5, to a maximum of 500 full time equivalent employees in Ontario by the project start date
- located in, or plan to locate in a community in Ontario by the project start date
- be in compliance with all applicable laws, including the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and not be delinquent in connection with any fees, levies, or taxes owing to the Government of Ontario
Life science companies in the food and agriculture sector are not eligible.
Please refer to the program guidelines for full details about eligibility.
Program guidelines
Learn more about the Life Sciences Scale-Up Fund Program Guidelines
For general inquiries and questions please contact lssuf@ontario.ca
For advice on developing applications, companies are encouraged to contact a Ministry Business Advisor based in the following regions:
Central region
Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Niagara Region and Simcoe County
Email: centralregionbas@ontario.ca
Western region
All counties west of Hamilton Region including Niagara Region
Email: westernregionbas@ontario.ca
Eastern region
All counties east of Durham Region
Email: easternregionbas@ontario.ca
Northern region
Municipal Energy Plan Program
Status: Open
Ministry of Energy
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis
Through the Municipal Energy Plan Program, you can get funding to develop a plan that will help your community:
- improve energy efficiency
- reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
- study the impact of future growth on energy needs
- foster renewable energy production and economic development
Learn more about the Municipal Energy Plan Program
All Ontario municipalities (including regional municipalities) can apply.
For any program-related questions, you can email MEP@ontario.ca
Ontario Transit Investment Fund
Status: Open
Ministry of Transportation
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
The Ontario Transit Investment Fund (OTIF) provides annual funding of $5 million to deliver local and intercommunity transportation projects in unserved and underserved areas in Ontario, particularly in rural areas.
OTIF provides time-limited, application-based funding for up to 5 years to support the start-up and growth of transit services across the province. Through OTIF, the province is providing eligible communities with the support they need to build safe and reliable transit services.
Eligible applicants are municipalities, non-profit organizations and Indigenous communities.
Program guidelines
Please contact MTO-SIO@ontario.ca for all program inquiries including on how to apply for OTIF.
Ontario Wet Labs Program
Status: Open
Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
You must submit your application by March 3, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. (EST).
The Ontario Wet Labs Program (OWLP) is a time-limited, application-based grant program that supports the rapid construction and fit-out of new wet lab space by providing funding to wet-lab developers, operators or not-for-profits.
A wet lab is a specialized laboratory space designed to meet the unique needs for conducting, testing and refining pre-clinical research while meeting applicable safety and environmental regulations.
The OWLP will provide successful applicants conditional grants of up to 33% of total eligible project costs to a maximum of $5 million per applicant.
Applicants must:
- be a registered business or not-for-profit (such as a hospital or post-secondary institution) with a business number designated by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
- have been in active business for at least the last 2 fiscal years and provide financial statements (audited or accountant-reviewed) for that period
- be in compliance with all applicable laws, including the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and not be delinquent in connection with any fees, levies, or taxes owing to the Government of Ontario
Projects must:
- be located in Ontario and have an occupant-ready completion date on or before March 31, 2027
- provide wet-lab space for multiple tenants in the life sciences sector
- upon completion, meet the applicable safety standards and regulatory requirements for the proposed facility and use (for example Containment Level 2 (CL2) for biological facilities)
Program guidelines
Ontario Wet Labs Program Guidelines
For general inquiries and questions please contact us at owlp@ontario.ca.
Regional Development Program: Eastern Ontario Development Fund and Southwestern Ontario Development Fund
The Regional Development Program provides support for projects and investments to businesses, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations for economic development in Ontario, by region.
The types of support available include:
- funding support
- complementary services and support
The program supports projects that:
- create jobs and build talent
- attract and encourage private sector investment
- lead to business growth and broad positive economic impacts
- encourage innovation, collaboration and cluster development
Funding opportunities are currently available for:
Eastern Ontario Development Fund
Status: Open
Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Applications are ongoing.
There are four application intake periods each year. Applicants will be notified of decisions within 60 business days of the application deadline.
Learn more about the intake period timelines.
The Eastern Ontario Development Fund provides support for projects and investments to businesses, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations for economic development in eastern Ontario.
The fund supports business and community economic development projects.
Learn about the eligibility requirements for different businesses and projects.
For questions and advice on developing and strengthening your application, contact our regional offices at:
- easternregionbas@ontario.ca
- Tel:
416-314-8880 - Toll-free
1-800-361-3223 - TTY
416-325-3408 - Toll-free TTY
Southwestern Ontario Development Fund
Status: Open
Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Applications are ongoing.
There are four application intake periods per year for full applications. Applicants will be notified of decisions within 60 business days of the application deadline.
Learn more about the intake period timelines here.
The Southwestern Ontario Development Fund provides support for projects and investments to businesses, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations for economic development in southwestern Ontario.
The fund supports business and community economic development projects.
Learn about the eligibility requirements for different businesses and projects.
How to apply
For questions or advice on developing and strengthening your application, contact our regional offices at:
Business Advisory Services - Western Region Main Office
- Email: westernregionbas@ontario.ca
- Tel:
416-314-8880 - Toll-free
1-800-361-3223 - TTY
416-325-3408 - Toll-free TTY
Business Advisory Services - Central Region Main Office
(Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Niagara Region and Simcoe County)
- Email: centralregionbas@ontario.ca
- Tel:
416-314-8880 - Toll-free
1-800-361-3223 - TTY
416-325-3408 - Toll-free TTY
Regional Development Program: Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC) Stream
Status: Open
Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
This Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC) Stream of the Regional Development Program will provide financial support to advanced manufacturing companies with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) across Ontario by way of investments in capital equipment, technology adoption and skills development that will accelerate recovery in Ontario and place our companies in competitive global positions.
The types of support available include:
- funding support
- complementary services and support
The fund supports projects that:
- create jobs and build talent
- attract and encourage private sector investment
- help companies to adopt technologies to improve their competitiveness
- lead to business growth and broad positive economic impacts
- encourage innovation, collaboration and cluster development
There are two application intake periods each year.
Learn more about the intake period timelines.
Provides support for projects and investments to advanced manufacturing businesses.
Learn about the eligibility requirements for AMIC.
For advice on developing and strengthening your application, you are encouraged to contact your provincial government advisor or our Business Advisory Services at:
Central Region
(Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Niagara Region and Simcoe County)
- Email: centralregionbas@ontario.ca
- Tel:
416-314-8880 - Toll-free
1-800-361-3223 - TTY
416-325-3408 - Toll-free TTY
Eastern Region
- Email: easternregionbas@ontario.ca
- Tel:
416-314-8880 - Toll-free
1-800-361-3223 - TTY
416-325-3408 - Toll-free TTY
Western Region
- Email: westernregionbas@ontario.ca
- Tel:
416-314-8880 - Toll-free
1-800-361-3223 - TTY
416-325-3408 - Toll-free TTY
Northern Region
Contact a northern development advisor
Site Readiness Program
Status: Open
Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Applications can be received at any time.
The Site Readiness Program supports investment attraction and business expansion opportunities in Ontario. The program provides funding assistance to successful Applicants to help prepare their eligible industrial properties for potential investment opportunities.
Learn more about the Site Readiness Program.
The eligibility requirements can be found in the Site Readiness Program Guide.
You can also request the Program Guide:
- by email: investmentready@ontario.ca
- by phone:
How to Apply
- contact the Investment Ready Team for your pre-application consultation
- submit your application package through Tranfer Payment Ontario
- we will notify you if your site has been approved and email you with your notification of acceptance
- complete the additional requirements within 1 year
For program questions and advice on developing your application, please contact our office:
- by email: investmentready@ontario.ca
- by phone:
Skills Development Fund: Capital Stream
Status: Open
Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Continuous intake, applications will be assessed on a rolling basis until funding is fully allocated.
The Skills Development Fund (SDF) Capital Stream offers funding to eligible organizations to:
- build new training centres
- upgrade existing training centres
- convert an existing building into a training centre
Learn about our SEED and GROW funding pathways under this stream.
The following organizations are eligible to apply to the SDF Capital Stream as a primary applicant:
- employers in Ontario (other than the educational organizations listed as being eligible to apply as partners)
- minister-approved, non-college apprenticeship program training delivery agents
- non-profit organizations including Indigenous band offices and Indigenous Skills and Employment Training agreement holders
- professional, industry or employer associations
- trade unions or union-affiliated organizations
- municipalities
- hospitals
- District Social Services Administration Boards
- Consolidated Municipal Service Managers
The following educational organizations are eligible to apply to the SDF Capital Stream as a partner with one or more of the eligible primary applicant organizations:
- district school boards
- publicly assisted colleges, universities or Indigenous Institutes in Ontario
- career colleges
- private universities with consent from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to offer degrees
Program guidelines
Read SDF Capital Stream program guidelines for the SEED and GROW Pathway.
Email sdfcapitalprogram@ontario.ca
Winter Roads Program: Bridges and Culverts Stream
Status: Open
Winter Roads Program: Bridges and Culverts Stream
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Applications will be evaluated during assessment periods outlined in the program guidelines.
The Winter Roads Program – Bridges and Culverts Stream provides funding to Northern Ontario remote communities for new water crossing infrastructure (pre-engineered bridges and culverts) and repairs to existing water crossing structures.
Projects are located on the Ontario winter roads network, which provides vital seasonal connections between the Far North and the provincial highway network.
Project funding is open to remote communities in Northern Ontario that are not connected to a provincial highway network by an all-season road. Eligible applicants include Indigenous communities, Indigenous organizations such as Tribal Councils, corporations or partnerships formed by eligible applicants to build or maintain winter roads, and the Town of Moosonee.
Applications may be submitted by:
Single applicants – one eligible applicant.
Joint applicants – two or more eligible applicants.
Applicants are encouraged, wherever possible, to submit applications with multiple projects that cover the same road network. Applicants are also encouraged to work together to maximize the benefits of available funding through joint applications.
Joint applications must be accompanied by a resolution in support of the application from each applicant represented on the application. The applicant responsible for maintaining the corridor where the project is located should be identified as the project lead and submit the application.
Program guidelines
For questions about the Winter Roads Program – Bridges and Culverts Stream, please email winter.roads@ontario.ca.
Closed funding opportunities
Learn about past funding opportunities from the Government of Ontario.
Contact us
For questions about applying to specific funding opportunities, please contact the funding program directly.
For all other questions, please contact Transfer Payment Ontario Client Care from Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except for government and statutory holidays, at:
Please include the following details for quicker service via email:
- the name of the program you are interested in
- your case or file number
- the name of your organization
For 24/7 assistance:
- Ask GOBot
- Refer to the resources in the Get help section