Building the economy

We are building the economy of the future to benefit you today. We’re making local investments in electric vehicles, tech, life sciences, food and manufacturing to create jobs and help build the economy in communities across Ontario. Over 800,000 more people are working today than in 2018.

These investments will help companies expand operations and place Ontario â€” and companies throughout the province â€” in a competitive global position.

Unlocking critical minerals and the Ring of Fire

We’re unlocking the economic potential of the Ring of Fire and Ontario’s abundant supply of the critical minerals in the North to produce batteries for electric vehicles.

Training Ontario’s skilled workforce

We’re investing more than $1.5 billion to train the skilled workforce needed to build Ontario’s economy. Training for the skilled trades gives you access to thousands of well-paying jobs and an in-demand career for life.

Made-in-Ontario electric vehicles and batteries

We’re connecting mines and minerals from the North with automotive and electric vehicle battery manufacturing in Southern Ontario so that communities across the province benefit. Ontario has attracted $44 billion in new investments from global automakers, parts suppliers, and manufacturers of EV batteries and battery materials.

Find investments near you

Explore investments across the province and in your community by searching for a location, filtering by sector or funding amount, or clicking and zooming on the map.

The map includes investments announced between June 2018 and April 2024 and will be updated regularly. You can find out which businesses we have invested in, how much money we’ve invested, which programs we’ve invested through and the number of jobs that will be created.

Download an accessible version of the data (CSV; 222 KB).

Ontario’s competitive advantage

With a talented workforce, state-of-the-art research and development facilities and award-winning manufacturing, Ontario continues to be one of the most competitive places for businesses to invest and grow.

Investing in clean, green steel

We’re investing in clean steel to enhance our competitive advantage and help meet the demand for low-emissions manufacturing.

Securing Ontario’s clean-energy advantage

The future of our economy will be powered by clean, affordable, made-in-Ontario energy.

Learn more

Ontario is securing investments that are creating and keeping good jobs in communities across the province. Find more information about our latest announced projects and investments.

Women’s economic opportunities

Learn about skills development programs and employment readiness training for women.

Invest in Ontario

Learn how to join a growing number of businesses choosing Ontario .

Get funding

Your small- or medium-sized business may be eligible for financial support and other complementary services to support expansion through the Regional Development Program or the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation .

Start and run a business in Ontario

Learn how to register your business, apply for funding and tax credits, and get free help to start your business.