Cap and trade market information
Information regarding current registered participants in Ontario’s cap and trade program and other reports that provide the market with data.
We have developed a plan to wind down the program.
Contact us if you have any questions.
Registered participants in Ontario’s cap and trade program
On a quarterly basis, a list of all the capped and market participants that are registered in Ontario’s Cap and Trade Program and have accounts in the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS) is published.
Please note: this list includes all Ontario cap and trade program participants. The list of participants in any given auction is confidential until the release of auction results following each auction.
Read the February 21, 2018 List of Registered Participants in Ontario’s Cap and Trade Program.
Compliance Instrument Report
The Compliance Instrument Report is a quarterly report that provides details on cap and trade allowance holdings.
The report summarizes the number of allowances held in the linked California, Ontario, and Québec cap and trade programs. The data is presented by instrument type (emission units and allowances by vintages and offset credits by project type), and is aggregated for each type of account.
The aim of these reports is to support government transparency on the overall state of the market and provide sufficient market data to support business planning.
Read the April 5, 2018 Compliance Instrument Report.
Read previous versions: