Enhanced 18-Month Well-Baby Visit
Find out what to expect at your baby’s Enhanced 18-Month Well-Baby Visit, including the 18-month immunization.
About your child's Enhanced 18-Month Well-Baby Visit
Eighteen months is a milestone in your child's development, and the last regular check-up before your child starts school.
It is important to plan a visit to a family doctor or other health care provider and take the time you need to:
- ask questions about your child's physical, emotional and social development
- learn about specialized community supports and services
- get a regular checkup
- get caught up on your child's immunizations
Learn about vaccines for babies and toddlers.
Get a fact sheet about your child's Enhanced 18-Month Well-Baby Visit.
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What you can expect
You and your health care provider will discuss your child's development.
At the Enhanced 18-Month Well-Baby Visit you can expect to complete a checklist which provides a snapshot of your child's development and a starting point for your discussion. You'll also get information about typical child development and activities to support your developing child.
Your health care provider may also share information on community resources that promote healthy learning and reading and age-appropriate play such as EarlyON child and family centres.
Important 18-month milestones
By 18 months, these milestones mark the progress of young children as they grow and learn. Children should be able to:
- identify pictures in a book (for example, "Show me the baby")
- use a variety of familiar gestures (such as waving, pushing, giving, reaching up)
- make at least four different consonant sounds (such as b, n, d, h, g, w)
- say 20 or more words (words do not have to be clear)
- pick up and eat finger food
- walk up a few stairs or steps holding your hand
- show affection towards people, pets or toys
- look at you when you are talking or playing together
- follow directions using "on" and "under" (for example, "Put the cup on the table")
- point to at least three different body parts when asked (for example, "Where is your nose?")
- hold a cup to drink
- help with dressing by putting out arms and legs
- walk alone
- squat to pick up a toy and stand back up without falling
- push and pull toys or other objects while walking forward
- stack three or more blocks
- point to show you something
For more information review the Early Years Check-In.
Source: Looksee Checklist ®
Use the Early Years Check-In (EYCI) to identify concerns you may have about how your child is developing. This tool helps to identify social, emotional, language, movement, thinking and learning skills for children between 18 months and six years old. You can learn what steps you can take to encourage your child’s development.
Support for new parents
Having the right support in place during pregnancy and as a new parent can make the transition to parenting easier. Here are some helpful links to help during this time in your life:
Parenting information
Contact the Canadian Paediatric Society for useful parenting information:
Early years check-in
Complete the questionnaire to identify concerns about how your child is developing.
Play and Learn
Try activities to help your child learn, grow and thrive
Vaccines and immunizations
Find out how and when your child should get vaccinated against preventable diseases.
Find child care
Search online for child care that best meets your needs.
Get breastfeeding advice
You can get confidential breastfeeding advice by visiting Health811 or calling 811 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Find a doctor
Sign up with Health Care Connect and have nurse help you find a doctor in your area.