Environmental land use planning guides
Environmental considerations and requirements for industrial land use, sensitive lands, sewage and water services, and private wells.
Guides and resources
- D-1 Land Use and Compatibility
- D-1-1 Land Use Compatibility: Procedure for Implementation
- D-1-2 Land Use Compatibility: Specific Applications
- D-1-3 Land Use Compatibility: Definitions
- D-2 Compatibility between Sewage Treatment and Sensitive Land Use
- D-3 Environmental Considerations for Gas or Oil Pipelines and Facilities
- D-4 Land Use On or Near Landfills and Dumps
- D-4-1 Assessing Methane Hazards from Landfill Sites
- D-4-2 Environmental Warnings/Restrictions
- D-4-3 Registration of Certificates and Provisional Certificates
- D-5 Planning for Sewage and Water Services
- D-5-1 Calculating and Reporting Uncommitted Reserve Capacity at Sewage and Water Treatment Plants
- D-5-2 Application of Municipal Responsibility for Communal Water and Sewage Services
- D-5-3 Servicing Options Statement
- D-5-4 Individual On-Site Sewage Systems: Water Quality Impact Risk Assessment
- D-5-5 Private Wells: Water Supply Assessment
- D-6 Compatibility between Industrial Facilities
- D-6-1 Industrial Categorization Criteria
- D-6-3 Separation Distances
- D-6-4 MCCR Bulletin No. 91003
- 2009-04 Environmental Warnings and Restrictions
Updated: August 31, 2021
Published: February 09, 2016